No one knows how powerful the Dragon Armor is, but is Wang Wei Zhousheng at this moment?The light that shines out can directly dazzle people's eyes, but at this time it is even more powerful. One sound, and the next moment, the old lunatic flew out directly.

The old madman didn't wake up at this time. He thought that he would attack Wang Wei in this way again, but he didn't expect that Wang Wei's whole body's defense would be so strong. This really surprised him.

"Wang Wei's ranking on Earth is not very high, although his combat power and cultivation are very powerful, especially his killer trick, which is even more shocking, but he These sand pillars and his cultivation in this life will not pose any threat to you at all."

In his mind, Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and after hearing Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei nodded slightly, he knew that there was such a powerful person on the earth. The speed of the earth is beginning to enter the countdown to decay.

Wang Wei didn't dare to be careless. He expanded his consciousness in all directions at this time. He couldn't believe it. Where could this guy appear? Of course, after this old lunatic attacked him, he felt Wang Wei Wei's defense was too strong, so he stopped attacking Wang Wei. The next moment, he came to the back of a robot, and the long sword transformed into a sword shadow in the sky. At this time, the sword shadow of the sword all revealed the real killing intent. It was a robot. He went behind a robot and quickly decomposed the robot in all directions.And Xiaokui in Wang Wei's mind, when he saw this scene, laughed and said:

"Hehe Wang Wei, don't look at how tough this guy is, he just used a move to kill a mouse, and he also used a move like a killer move. Although the name is valid for you, it's actually for these robots. Start the ban, but his moves are really too bad. He doesn't know the habits of these robots at all. The instincts of these robots are integrated into the space business card in the space, and the space famous iron is forged. The robot is already tough to the point of super difficulty, and there is a replica chip in his mind. The replica chip is similar to the kind of replica chip of this guy with fly eyes, covering his whole body. Even if he kills the robot completely, he will never think that if he cuts the robot into many pieces, then these robots will recover autonomously in a very short time, and the speed of recovery is very fast. It's also multiplied."

The robot in front of him quickly turned into dust in the sky, and the dust in the sky started to gather again towards this place at this time. At this time, the old madman raised the corner of his mouth. A smug smile appeared, but her smile froze at this moment before it was fully released.

Because at this time, the robot that appeared in front of him has begun to multiply in a large area. At this time, countless robot fragments are rapidly multiplying, and countless robots have emerged, and the countless robots are at this time. The old lunatic was completely blocked.

"Hmph, I have to see how many times you can break it down"

The old madman said such a sentence at this time, but Xiaokui smiled coldly at this time, rolled his eyes unnaturally and said:


Wang Wei was also a little speechless at this time. He really didn't know what this old lunatic was thinking.The long sword in the old lunatic's hand started again at this time, and transformed into a sword shadow that filled the sky. At this time, the sword shadow that filled the sky quickly bombarded the robots. The next moment, those who saw the video were Immediately, it fell into these robots, and these robots shattered with a bang.

The old lunatic didn't stop, he tried once, and swung more than ten pieces and more than ten knives in a row. All the rays of light penetrated into the bodies of the surrounding robots, and the bodies of those robots that had just been reorganized were in the At this time, they were all reduced to a pool of ashes. When Wang Wei saw that these robots were all reduced to a pool of ashes, he was a little shocked. The strength of these robots was comparable to that of the peak cities in the middle of the emperor, and among these robots. It is strong, and its hardness is definitely not weaker than the long sword in the hands of a really old lunatic.

Coupled with these robots, they can't be killed or dismantled at all, because in their collectives, all kinds of chips have been implanted, and these chips will continue to copy those copied at this time. At this time, the new chips will be condensed again, and the new chips condensed, at this time, are also rapidly spreading the new chips that have spread out to the surrounding area. A robot a month.

Chapter [-]: Human Body Transformation Program

The old madman was constantly attacking among these robots, and kept making these robots congeal quickly at this time, and even at this time, which fragments completely began to reorganize, and these fragments continued to form robots. At this time, all those robots were staring at the old lunatic with dim light in their eyes. At this time, the old lunatic never thought that these guys would be so powerful.

After a long time, he was exhausted.

"Old guy, you'd better save your energy. Just leave these guys to me. You can't shake them even if you spend more effort among these guys, but it will make you more and more difficult."

Wang Wei really can't stand it anymore, he really can't stand it anymore, these robots are completely abusing this person in front of him, known as the old senior in the ancient martial arts world, so he said this at this time. one sentence.

"Hmph, Wang Wei, if you hadn't tricked the old man and others out of this domain, would we have met these guys? Would we be fighting these guys at this time?"

The old lunatic snorted coldly at this time and said such a sentence, and Wang Wei's mouth rose slightly after hearing the old lunatic's words. She didn't say anything more at this time. Since The old madman was eager to find death, and he did not stop him. Although he said that he had brought them into this alien domain, it was indeed a last resort, but after listening to the old madman and the others, he was still blaming himself, and Wang Wei immediately did too. I was furious, but no matter what, I and others came from above the earth. If I just stood by and watched, then the loss would be even greater.

Wang Wei didn't say anything more at this time. He quickly began to shuttle among these robots. Of course, those robots all had a short pause at this time, and this short pause was caused by Xiao Kui. The reason for giving complete control, and in this gap of Wang Wei, is the black and white hole rushing out of all the blood in the whole body, directly swallowing these robots in, of course, these robots are in this At that time, countless energy blocks were also created in his battleship.

Wang Wei thinks this is really boring, but he has an idea, that is to let these robots fend for themselves, and even let these robots give up some things completely at this time, let them keep splitting, and then reorganize , Only in this way can I better help myself in this vacuum that was emptied by Wang Wei himself.

Wang Wei seemed to have thought of something, and generally began to gather all these robots together. At this time, those robots, their resentful eyes and their whole body were constantly emitting the terrifying aurora towards Wang Wei at this time. At this time, Wang Wei simply ignored the protection of the dragon armor, and he was not afraid that these structures could pierce him.

He needs energy blocks very much now, he needs energy blocks that can maintain the balance of the earth, and energy blocks that can build a space elevator. Of course, he naturally won't have a small amount of energy blocks, so at this time, he is constantly using his own energy blocks. The super-powered cannons in the robot began to bombard these robots continuously.

And these robots are really good. After encountering Wang Wei's superpowers, they directly disintegrated, but they were reorganized again soon after, and Wang Wei was using this superpower again at this time. Ability child, long-range bombardment cannon.

At this time, those robots were constantly being smashed into pieces by Wang Weihong, and then again, which fragments began to generate new splits, and reorganized Wang Wei was very curious about the hearts of these guys, and the relationship between these guys' bodies. There are such replica chips installed everywhere, but where do these guys get their energy from?This area has been completely emptied of the city's vacuum area by myself. Even in this vacuum area, there is no energy fluctuation, but this vacuum area is really empty. It's empty. At the point where there is nothing, and the point where there is really nothing, Wang Wei is constantly in this area at this time, this Acer robot, and is constantly observing the energy in their bodies.

"Hehe Wang Wei, have you forgotten? They all have replica chips that surpass modern technology in their bodies, and each of their replica chips at this time is not just a simple copy of their previous appearance, but also direct. It's a replica of their peak existence."

Xiaokui's words entered Wang Wei's mind again at this time. After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, his whole person was a little sluggish. He didn't expect these robots to have such powerful strength, and even These guys can even copy the energy blocks completely, and every time a robot is copied, these robots become the peak existence of those robots. In this case, if they meet ordinary people, they are really helpless. , but Wang Wei is not an ordinary person. He has thoroughly studied the principle of black and white movement, and also knows the construction principle of wormholes. At this time, he began to devour these robots on a large scale, and let these robots provide himself with energy. , to create more energy, come on, of course, Wang Wei's battleship is also a big expense at this time, and he is also constantly beginning to symbolize the energy in Wang Wei's body at this time.

For such consumption, Wang Wei really never cares, because the energy in his body is originally provided for his practice, or for scientific research and those high-tech products in his body, so he is here in this He is running wildly and continuously, every time the super-power gun consumes 80% of the energy, the black and white holes around him are instantly given to those robots that are completely controlled by the black and white holes around him. Sexually devoured by him.

Of course, Wang Wei's colleagues are not only the energy constructed by these robots, but also the pure attacking power contained in the bodies of these robots. Because these attacking powers are constantly greeting Wang Wei, they are greedy. Money's dragon armor to absorb all.

Chapter [-]: The gate of space is absorbing power

The Dragon Armor is worthy of being one of Wang Wei's most powerful weapons right now. How many skills are in this armor?Wang Wei doesn't know at all, but as far as she is concerned, she can exert 15 abilities of the Dragon Armor, and these four or five abilities are still rising, it seems that she is constantly comprehending, and there are signs of continuous integration. , Wang Wei was originally afraid that he would absorb his own ability too much, and the blood in his body would die at this time because he couldn't bear it.

But he did not expect that after these energies entered his body, they were converted and transferred to the places where super energy was used, and those places began to spread out again at this time. Of course, Wang Wei didn't dare to be careless at this time. He quickly absorbed the energy that he had absorbed at this time, and he quickly and completely transformed the energy into the purest energy. At this time, all the energy swarmed towards his dantian and condensed in the past.

The outer space portal in his dantian slowly opened a gap at this time, and the energy that Wang Wei used was all absorbed through that kind of thing at this time.

I really didn't see this guy, and he didn't give half of the energy above his body, so Wang Wei was a little surprised when he kissed him.

"Xiao Kui, what's going on? How come these energies are absorbed by that weird door after being inhaled by me in my dantian? The door I'm going to use to build the teleportation array is actually able to transfer such pure energy. Is the energy completely absorbed?"

"Haha, Wang Wei, you still don't know, the space energy in this outer space, although we say that it can operate at this time, but this space energy energy also has the biggest feature, that is, the storage of energy, of course, Do you think it's just a simple way of storing energy? You're wrong. In outer space, although they are constantly intercepting the energy in outer space, the energy that is formed is not enough for them to consume far away. This requires you to continuously replenish it over time.

And you don’t come often, and these portals are not often replenished in outer space, so the portals are just like elevators on earth. In the case that the electricity cannot help each other, even your powerful electricity , at this time, there will also be depletion when the battery's storage capacity is not saturated, then the elevator will definitely fail in the process of running, so in this outer space, let you build the masked reactor, or even It also allows you to build up that energy and be fully absorbed by the positive energy again.

The ones built outside the elevator you were in before, and those energy supply stations, are actually energy formations, which are equivalent to the spiritual gathering formations constructed by those cultivators above your earth. It's the same, but the spirit gathering array those guys use can only be used after being portrayed, and the energy gathering array you cast is more powerful than their spirit gathering array."

Xiaokui was not a guy who likes to ramble, but at this time, he did start to ramble in Wang Wei's mind, but after hearing Xiaokui's explanation, Wang Wei was also a little stunned at this time.

The construction of the space elevator is not his junior high school, and he is not sure about the construction of this space elevator. He just wants to do his best to build something of his own at this time, and he wants to To remain famous in this world, he must continue to invent, and it is precisely because it is constantly inventing at this time that his fame is constantly being beaten out at this time.

"Wang Wei, don't be complacent, this space elevator is just the first part you built. If you have time in the future, I suggest you build the rest of the space elevator. Of course, this is point-to-point. The teleportation array, as well as the government in this point-to-point, all these things require energy consumption, and in terms of science, they are only constantly updated, just like the mobile phone software you used before, if not updated frequently If you do, then you are likely to be eliminated.”

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei frowned slightly after hearing Xiaohui's words. He didn't think that this space elevator was already difficult enough, and he had to let himself in the future. It's time to build the second and third seasons, and even let himself maintain and update it. Last time, he had to keep the space elevator in this place constantly updated, which was really embarrassing for him.

But even if that's the case, if he doesn't update, he will be eliminated, so Wang Wei put a lot of effort into building the idea of ​​a space elevator, and even he has already decided at this time, Completely build this new space elevator.

But until now, he didn't know how pitted the space elevator was. When he gave himself the blueprint, he just said that he could build such a space elevator, but he didn't expect to build more now. things, and even build the operation and update of the entire space elevator.

Thinking that in the future, I will continue to have a sister space elevator and worry about Wang Wei's heartbreak at this time, it is also a bit of bitterness.

Just when she was talking to Xiao Kui, those robots launched a new round of attacks on Wang Wei again, and this round of attacking horses was simply dense and airtight. Countless aurora, in the At this time, it was quickly sprayed out from the hands of these guys, and the aurora that sprayed out was constantly cutting the space in front of Wang Wei at this time, and even when Wang Wei was completely wiped out, they Even if his laser was powerful at this time, he couldn't shake things on Wang Wei's side.

But after this discovery, Wang Wei felt that he should keep these robots in captivity. After having this idea, Wang Wei didn't say anything more, and directly thought of the least loss of life in his mind. :

"Hurry up and give me all these robots, or let the chips inside their machines completely obey my opinion at this time."

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