At this time, Wang Wei's heart was uneasy for a while, but at this time, she really felt that her vitality was constantly flowing at this time. He wanted to find a way to quickly restore his vitality. Find a way to restore everything around here and restore everything you have.

It's a pity that it is a little difficult for him to move his fingers now, but he still insists on gritting his teeth tightly. In this vacuum zone, Wang Wei's body slowly began to fly at this time. .

"Little Kwai, Little Kwai"

At this moment, Wang Wei kept calling Xiaokui in his mind, but Xiaokui disappeared, and the night shift had no way to answer him. At this time, Wang Lei did see a similar thing on his wrist at the moment. Something like a bracelet.

He exhausted the last bit of energy to check the condition of his body. It's fine if he didn't check it. When he checked it, Wang Wei's heart was also shocked. He didn't expect to just peel off a cell on his body. But he constructed himself like this, so that his whole body was paralyzed at this time, there was no trace of strength in his body, and other cells in his body were all old at this time. The signs of going away, Wang Wei knew that he couldn't go on like this, but he didn't have a trace of strength now, and he couldn't mobilize everything around him at all, and even he couldn't completely urge the black and white movement in his dantian to devour the surrounding people. Strength, Wang Wei at this time, it was also a burst of bitterness.

But even so, Wang Wei didn't want to just wander in the air like this, let alone hang in this place directly, because the three old guys were still on the side of this place, constantly staring at him. .

Wang Wei can't guarantee that the three old guys will attack him again at this time, and even he is not sure whether the three old guys will attack him at this moment, because the old guy will attack him again. The madman's assassination technique is indeed very good. If he really wants to kill himself at this time, wouldn't he become a fish on a sticky board?

Chapter [-]: Energy Transfer Array Conversion

Wang Wei didn't want to leave like this, so he forced the black and white movement in his body at this time. He wanted to use the power of the black and white hole to replenish his energy at this time, but the black and white movement was just trembling. After a moment, there was no response at all, which made Wang Wei even more speechless, but he was also using it forcefully at this time. His failure finally blew up the black and white dynamic energy. Hi Swing made a quick circle at this time, and then it went straight to depression.

"Look at that kid is dead"

Among the three people who were still in despair, there was a guy who screamed excitedly at this moment, because at that moment, these robots completely lost control, and they began to keep moving towards him. They attacked. When the three of them were here, they were in a hurry. They didn't want to be injured by these robots, and they didn't want to see these robots completely obliterating themselves.

These three guys were also nervous at this time, but at this time, the old beggar's eyesight was strong. At this time, he saw Wang Wei's appearance this time. At this moment, Wang Wei in their eyes , that is rapidly getting old, and this guy's body is also constantly changing at this time. He sits in that place, like an old withered tree root. withered down.

At this time, the old madman also showed a hint of joy in his eyes. The next moment he disappeared in this area, and then he appeared. Wang Weizhou rose to five meters within a range of five meters. It was enough for him to obliterate Wang Wei, and Wang Wei was nervous for a while in his heart at this moment. He didn't expect this old lunatic to attack him at this time, and he didn't expect this old lunatic to come so quickly. , Although he was constantly sprinting in his body at this time, the black and white movement in his body was about to wither. He wanted to make this black and white movement work, but he couldn't achieve it.

"Am I really going to die like this?"

Wang Wei asked himself this way in his mind, but he really didn't think he should die like this, and his survival instinct made him grit his teeth tightly at this time.

"No, I can't just die, I want to live"

Wang Wei insisted on saying such a sentence. At this time, he no longer cared about the sword qi around him, and started to stimulate his own energy frantically, but there was no half of it in his body. energies, and those energies are all gone at this time.

It seems that these energies are strongly resisting Wang Wei, but he is unwilling to appear on the night shift. When Wang Wei is here, there is no way to do it. There is blood on the corner of his mouth at the moment, and his eyes also start to appear at this time. , drifted away.

The old madman was very happy about the big things in his heart at this moment. When he saw Wang Wei's appearance at this time, his whole person was even more excited.

"Hey, Wang Wei, I can't think of it, I can't think of me like this."

The old madman sarcastically said such a sentence at this time, but the sword in his hand did not let go at this time, but directly and quickly bombarded Wang Wei at this time, the huge and terrifying sword Sword energy filled Wang Wei's mind at this time, and Wang Wei was speechless for a while at this time. Her last trace of strength at this time was also exhausted by her, and the whole person completely fainted.

Darkness is endless darkness. At this time, Wang Wei has entered a kind of endless darkness. In this dark world, he cannot see anything. In this area, he feels that he is so lonely.

"What is this place"

Wang Wei opened his eyes weakly. At this time, he saw the darkness in front of him. In this place, he really reached the point where he can't see his fingers. Wang Wei knew that he was now in the middle stage of the emperor of the gods. But when he was in the middle stage of Martial Emperor, he couldn't feel the darkness of this place. He was a little speechless at this time, but he did not give up, but firmly wanted to support himself to stand up.

But he has tried many times, and it is true that there is no effect. At this time, she is a little overwhelmed. In this dark area, he seems to be a leaf of lentils in the floating dust. , he seems to have no rights or abilities in this place at all, and the power in his body has completely disappeared at this time.

At this moment, Wang Wei's heart was panic, but even if he was afraid that Huang Wei would survive in this area, this was his longing for life, his prayer for life.

The feeling of Wang Wei at the moment made him very uncomfortable. He really wanted to leave this place like this, and he also wanted to return to his own area quickly, but he couldn't do it. , At this time there is only darkness. He wanted to mobilize the power in his dantian, but when he sank his consciousness into his dantian, Wang Wei was completely desperate.

He actually couldn't feel the existence of his dantian. Even at this time, he couldn't feel the operation of the energy in his dantian, and it was even more impossible to feel the power in his dantian and everything in his dantian. .

The current Wang Wei is no different from an ordinary person. At this time, Wang Wei felt bitterness in his heart. He recalled that he entered the cultivation world through the main system, and thought about the series of actions he took to enter here. But now this series of actions has made him lose all the fat at this time.

Wang Wei's heart was also full of bitterness at this time, and he really didn't know what to do at this time, and even now he had a kind of despair, which was manifested to a certain extent.

"Xiaokui, Xiaokui, are you there?"

Under such a level of fear, Wang Wei suddenly thought of Xiaokui, and began to call out the little puppet in his mind, but no matter how he called, Xiaokui disappeared directly at this time. When he was gone, he couldn't call Dao Xiaokui at all, and he couldn't even feel Xiaokui's existence.

Chapter [-]: Endless Fear

Fear, endless fear, shrouded Wang Wei's whole body at this moment, Wang Wei's whole person is now in a situation where he doesn't know what to do, and he is a little helpless at this moment. don't know what to do.

In the outside world, the eyes of the old madman at this moment also revealed a trace of spiritual power. His hatred for Wang Wei at this moment has reached an unprecedented level, but when he After the sword was chopped down, Wang Wei completely disappeared, which made the old madman very unhappy. At this time, the old madman once again had a silver shield in the space, and he was looking for Wang Wei's trace. , but he searched in this area for a long time, but did not find where Wang Wei would appear?This made the old madman have a bad feeling in his heart.

However, when the old madman saw the teleportation formation in front of him, he knew that Wang Wei was probably sitting in the teleportation formation and left his heart. Stopped, and ran directly towards the teleportation formation.

The old madman's idea is actually very simple, that is to directly run to this teleportation array, find Wang Wei in this teleportation array, or use this teleportation array to leave this area, but when he exhausted his energy The solution of the whole body, when trying to get close to the teleportation array, but the old lunatic who was given to Sister Hui by a huge force of repulsion could not get close to the teleportation array at all, and even the main entrance of the teleportation array could not enter.

"Hey, stinky boy, I didn't expect you to leave such a backhand in this place. Since we can't live, then your teleportation formation doesn't need to exist anymore. I'll see if I don't destroy it."

The old madman was gnashing his teeth at this time. He didn't care about anything at all. At this moment, all his powers began to run wildly. The crazy power has reached the limit that the old madman can exert. The violent energy quickly attacked the teleportation array at this time, and at this time, a tiny dot appeared on the teleportation array, and the dot flashed away, followed by The next moment, the old madman felt that he had completely lost contact with the power that he sent out. Even at this time, it was very difficult for him to find the power that was about to be in an area. , at this moment, he felt that his energy would be less used in this area, and he could not get any replenishment in this area, which made the old madman start to panic. up.

He didn't understand what was going on, but people who lived to their age also knew a lot of secrets. Of course, they were also the older generation of powerhouses who had been on the battlefield for a long time. In the martial arts In this world, the strong are always respected. For so many years, although they have not gone through many wars at this time, they also understand in their hearts that when they preserve their abilities at the right time, their physical strength can make If he survived, especially in this place, he can't get any supplements at all, and only consumes the power, so he will never release all the energy at this time.

After such a discovery, the old lunatic no longer used his own power. At this time, he began to calm down quietly and became foreign. He wanted to use his perception ability to feel the outside world. He even thought With your own perception, you must find an energy source in this place that can provide it with energy.

But he was disappointed. After trying a few times, he knew that there was a blank in this area. There was no energy in this area at all, and that energy seemed to really disappear in this area. In this area, the madman in the middle of the night frowned tightly at this time. He knew that under such circumstances, he could not waste his physical energy at this time.And those robots didn't seem to find its existence at this time. Generally, they didn't attack him at all, but directly attacked the other two people. The old lunatic was also rare at this time. Leisurely.

He knew that only by preserving his physical strength could he be able to deal with a series of next events at this time. Not only at this time, the old lunatic didn't do much to stop at all.

At this moment, Wang Wei's heart was absolute, and he was also swiftly moving forward in anger at this moment, constantly bombarding and beating.

He wants to get out of this dark world, to leave this area, to use his own strength to create his own value, to find his own space, but at this time, his There was still darkness in front of him.

Wang Wei went from the panic at the beginning to a trace of unease now, and then to the final intersection, and finally turned into a more negative impact.

"No, I can't go on like this anymore. If it goes on like this, then it is very likely that I will be completely wiped out in this place."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time. The next moment, he was thinking of a way quickly. Of course, the ways that appeared in his mind at this time also made him quickly After practice, he did become more anxious and desperate, but even so, Wang Wei did not give up, he was still running his own energy over and over again at this time.

Finally, Wang Wei found a breakthrough. At this time, he was running fast and activated his own energy. After his own energy was running wildly at this moment, he finally felt a little refreshed. At this moment He finally felt as if he had been reborn.

If you can use your own power to inhale such a meager amount of energy at this time, then it means that your experiment is in the right direction, so you must increase your strength again at this time and start to run your own energy continuously. , began to continuously gather energy, when the surrounding energy was mobilized by him little by little at this time, Wang Wei sighed.

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