"Oh, by the way, Wang Wei, you can now not eat, drink or sleep, but if you go back to the earth, the gravitational force on the earth will cause you to be in this state, and you will be extremely hungry. At that time, you may not feel full, and it is probably not a problem to eat an elephant.”

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time. When Wang Lei heard Xiaohui's words, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. What is the concept of being able to eat an elephant?

At this moment in Wang Wei's heart, he was speechless for a while, but since he has already decided, he has no other way now. He can only quickly walk towards the earth. Of course, he still has to At this time, to feel the node of the space between the star fields, if he can't feel the node of the space, it proves that he is still farther away from the earth.

"Xiao Kui, lock the target for me, Earth"

"The target of the earth is locked on you. In this direction, you will be able to find the channel you can reach the earth after about 50 billion light-years of direct travel, or you will be able to feel the transmission node in this area. "

"Well, is there a teleportation array or something?"

Wang Wei suddenly asked such a question at this time. Xiaokui searched this place and said:

"There are teleportation arrays and the like, but in the teleportation array in this alien domain, if you want to truly teleport to the earth, there is really no such ultra-long-distance teleportation. The largest teleportation array is in There is also a teleportation array that takes about a day away from where you are now. It was constructed on the first-level literary star field. As for whether the teleportation array can transmit you to the editor's place, yes, I don't know if I can teleport you to that space node"

At this time, Wang Wei was also shocked for a while. If there is such a powerful teleportation formation in this place, then why would he hesitate?Under the guidance of Xiaokui, he quickly walked in the direction of the teleportation array. No matter what, it would be good to be able to teleport to a place with a space teleportation node through the teleportation array. Wang Wei is at this time. He no longer cared about anything, he ran quickly towards the direction of the teleportation array, and he wanted to teleport to the earth within the fastest speed and the shortest time.

The Titan Galaxy was originally the most dazzling galaxy in this starry sky, but for some reason, this galaxy is actually declining. This is above this galaxy. There are indeed many first-class Wen Xingxing. , Wen Xingxing at the r level began to be densely populated in this area.

When Wang Wei came to this heart, he found that there were so many people in this area, and the battleships and spaceships that these guys were riding on, as well as their boundless strength, also made the At this time, Wang Wei kept feeling a little emotional.

The strength of these guys, his casual perception, is mostly around the realm of Martial Emperor, and there are a few more powerful guys who seem to have reached the level of the venerable. This planet that can have the venerable is definitely A new episode of Starfield.

At this time, Wang Wei is also feeling, and even sighing, the star of this episode is different, there is the existence of the venerable, there should be a prefecture-level existence above the venerable, but he does not know the emperor level. What will his strength be like? Of course, he doesn't have the strength at this time to be a good old disciple. It's still a long way for him. Of course, there are saints on the map, martial saints, and more. Wushen, above the Wushen there is the legendary master.

Wang Wei didn't know, the existence of this earth-level existence should be in this mind, whether it belongs to the top-level mind or the super-level mind sinks. If he owns the new city where the ruler is located, then what level does his star field belong to? What about the civilized heart?At this time, Wang Wei also had no way to study it.

"It takes 50 teleportation gems to teleport once"

Just when Wang Wei quickly walked to the teleportation array, he was stopped by a guard. The guard said such a sentence at this time. After hearing this Bin's words, Wang Lei was also stunned for a while. .

The teleportation spar, he doesn't have this thing, he doesn't even know what the teleportation stone is.

"Oh, hehe, this little brother, I'm sorry, I'm from an alien language, and I still don't understand these things in our star field. I don't know what this teleportation stone is and how to get it. Woolen cloth"

The guy looked at Wang Wei carefully at this time, and then he took out a stone from his arms with a look of disdain. It was a diamond-shaped stone. At this time, Wang Lei could feel what was in the diamond shape. The huge energy contained in it, and then he recalled the energy block compressed by himself in the alien domain in his mind, just didn't know that his energy block could be comparable to Jinshi?

"Haha Wang Wei, in fact, let me tell you, you are a very rich person, but you don't know how to use it. Look at how this guy took out this spar, it's just like that, he came from this place. In other words, it is considered a low-grade spar, and if you want to obtain the spar in this place, then you have two ways, one is to rob and the other is that you can mine in this area”

Chapter [-]: The Domain Space of the Heart

In his mind, Xiaokui's voice came at this time. When Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's voice, he was helpless for a while. He didn't know what to do. Well, I didn't expect that in this place. In the alien domain, there is actually such a thing, and in this alien language, I am still a poor man without money, this spar is really speechless, it seems that in which There are places where the rich can travel all over the world.

"Well, Xiaokui, then I want to ask if the energy blocks we can create are comparable to these spar?"

At this time, Wang Wei asked Xiaokui in his mind, and after hearing Wang Wei's words, Xiaokui pouted at him unnaturally:

"Hey, it's a good thing to be cool. If you take out the energy block, I can guarantee that you will never be able to get out of this area now, because there are some venerable people in this place, and the venerable ones are the most All you need is energy, and your energy block is an existence that even a saint would be jealous of."


Wang Wei was unnaturally shocked at this time. She didn't expect that these energy blocks created by her using the energy between black and white could actually make even saints jealous. What is going on?Could it be that the saints in this world do not have this black-and-white theory?Or are these saints simply disdain to do such a thing?

If it were the former, Wang Wei wouldn't believe it if he beat him to death. After all, this way of gathering energy is not only known to him, but also to Duma, and there are even many people. It should not be a saint, and they will pay attention to it.

Moreover, Wang Wei believes that he is definitely not alone in this world to have such abilities and such methods.

"Haha, of course, the black and white holes are not that simple. The realization of a black and white movement is personal. Of course, everyone realizes it. The relationship between black and white holes is different, and saints are also human beings. , they have also paid attention to these black and white holes. Of course, they understand that many people did not understand the energy conversion function of black and white movement like you at this time. That is to say, what you are using now is definitely not that The energy of a simple energy block has been transferred, do you think those saints will snatch it? They will not make these energy blocks at this time, but the pure energy blocks you have made are very suitable for them Cultivation and rest are more suitable for them to use in this place, do you think they will let you go?"

Wang Wei knew that only at this time did he truly understand that feelings were created by himself. How could this space energy have such great power? What he didn't expect was that even the legendary saint would snatch it away. .

Text, what kind of existence is that, I don't know who he is at night, I can say that I feel that a saint is definitely not that simple.

Perfectly knows this virtual world that he carries with him, and this virtual place is indeed the miscellaneous things in his mind that are still evolving at this time, but at this time, he is also starting to gather continuously.

Wang Wei has only begun to believe it until now, but since it is what he believes, he will definitely not create those energy happiness in this place, it is looking for it in this area like an ordinary person.

Originally, he wanted to take out an energy block directly, so he could pass the ancestral Shenzhen, but now it seems that the method of this energy block is completely impossible.

Wang Wei didn't want to expose himself to others like this, so he asked the person from the first journey, and finally decided to go to the mine to take a look. Maybe there is something in the mine. some kind of attack or something.

When Wang Wei made such a decision at the time, Xiaokui was in his mind, and he also felt the police at this moment. He did not expect that Wang Wei would choose the latter to go to the mine because of the transmission fee.

However, since it was Wang Wei's decision, he didn't say anything more.

"Wang Weibiao wants to see mining, it is a kind of power to your body, but if you want to use the energy you have in the mine, it will not be long before that miner will be directly destroyed. Big smash."

At this time, Xiaokui's voice came out in the South China Sea. When Wang Wei heard this voice, he was also a slight Iranian team. Remembering it was another bitter smile. There are many ways to exercise the body. I have also exercised my body many times, and even now I use sulfuric acid gloves, and the time of sulfuric acid gloves has reached that it can be worn on my hands for more than an hour.

The concentration of sulfuric acid is extremely painful for those in the skin, bones and blood meridians to burn and forge, and that kind of pain is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Huawei, if you decide, then let's move towards easing."

At this time, Xiaokui said such a sentence to Wang Wei in his mind. Wang Lei didn't say much at this time, and just followed Xiaokui and the two people to the place where the alley was released.

The power in this area of ​​Wasp is absolutely powerful, and the fat wheat in this area of ​​the mine is also quite pure, and the people who dig in this place are not. Few, on the contrary, there are many of them.

When Wang Wei went to see the scene of the crowd at this time, he couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect to have such a mine on this planet that he didn't know what he was thinking of. The number of people who actually hit so many, this is simply compared to the scene of the people above the scene when only some large-scale performances and certain large-scale events were obtained on the earth.

"I rely on so many people from this place to come to mine. Could it be that this mine will be dug out in a very short time?"

"It's not necessarily that you don't look at the outside of the mine. In fact, the inside of this mine is quite large. You can see a few people in this mine. Of course, the law of survival in this mine. , that's pretty harsh."

Chapter [-]: The Mine

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time. Perfection also smiled slightly after hearing Xiaokui's words. Although he didn't know much about gout, he also knew what was going on in the mine. It definitely won't be that simple.

However, Wang Wei has studied this place carefully. He wants to mix in this area, and if he wants to get ore in this area, then he must study carefully in this mine. a bit.

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