When Wang Wei felt the wolf howl, he suddenly felt a little trembling in his mind, but he didn't pay attention to it directly at this time, but quickly mobilized all the energy in his body, of course. , the dragon armor quickly covered her whole body at this time.

Under full armor, Wang Wei quickly shot out countless lasers from the laser sword in his hand, and those lasers quickly shot at the demon wolf at this time.

At this time, the devil's eyes showed a fierce light, and the next moment, two piercing red ultraviolet-like objects burst out from his eyes. This is the price of red. Wei's powerful aurora, the rays of light on the demon wolf that he cast under him, were instantly swallowed up by this function issued by Wang Wei.

"This guy is really tough"

Wang Wei said such a sentence to himself. The next moment, at this time, he started quickly and attacked the devil wolf.

At this moment, the demon wolf dodged again. The next moment, he roared up to the sky again. The next moment, after the wolf howl was completed, Wang Meijuan saw the scene in front of him. It was a lonely wolf. Roaring fast under the moonlit night.

A circle of sound waves quickly moved towards Wang Wei at this time, and began to spread, and Wang Wei was frowning at this time, and he did not dare to be careless. In the face of such a devil wolf, he He really didn't dare to underestimate it, and then he fiercely mobilized the fist of his laser cannon, and attacked the huge wolf head looking at the sky fiercely at this time.


The devil wolf looked up to the sky again and made a loud howl, and then the next one. The she-wolf above the sky seemed to be resurrected. Generally, at this time, he quickly turned his beast-like eyes to face Wang Wei.

I don't know if it was because the eyes of the beast were full of ferocity, or because the wolf was too ferocious. Wang Wei didn't dare to be careless about the feeling of singing and shaking like this. At this time, he was running again, mobilizing all the energy in his body, raising his fist, and angrily attacking the demon wolf in front of him, and the demon wolf was here. At that time, he didn't care at all. Immediately after the demon wolf's claws were radiating purple light, the purple light, at this moment, directly shot at Wang Wei's fist.

Chapter [-]: Rescue

The sound of Quan-Fried Fragrant Chicken came up in this area at this time, and this huge power was clearly manifested at this time. At this time, Wang Wei's whole body trembled and he was tight. The next moment, he was directly blasted out by the wolf's claws.

"Damn it, this beast has such a powerful strength. If I hadn't reached the peak of Martial Emperor's strength now, then this beast would have directly killed himself."

At this time, Wang Wei didn't have any good feelings for scolding him. He already hated this devil wolf deeply. At this moment, his heart arose, and he decided that if he couldn't do it today. If this devil wolf is beheaded in this place, then he is really in danger.

The huge consciousness condensed at this time, and a small thread emerged from Wang Wei's lost way, and the next moment it directly got into the body of the demon wolf. At this time, the huge roar sounded again, but when his roar was halfway through at this time, he really felt the pain in his mind.

The demon wolf fell to the ground at this time and began to roll over and over again, and Wang Wei watched her quietly in this area, wanting to know how the demon wolf could withstand his own attacks, and also wanted to After knowing that the demon wolf was attacked by his own soul, see if there is any new reaction.

"Wang Wei, you have to be careful, at this time, some three or four people are running towards this area"

In his mind, the voice of Xiao Pei came at this time. After Wang Wei heard Xiao Hui's voice, his brows furrowed tightly at this time. He really wanted to know how these guys ran over. What do you want to do?Could it be that these guys also want to come over and get a piece of the pie?If that's the case, then he doesn't mind beheading all these guys.

Wang Wei was thinking about this at this moment, and the next moment, he directly turned over, sat on the back of the demon wolf, and punched the demon wolf fiercely, punch after punch. Head joking, this time?The devil wolf was rolling on the ground more and more, and it was even more powerful. At this time, the wolf foot of the devil started to have some cracks, but at the moment when the crack was formed, the next moment, Wang Wei suddenly Feeling a creepy force, it emerged from the sharp corners.

At this time, Wang Wei was also shocked. He didn't expect this guy to be able to burst into such a powerful light when he was about to die.

"Warning warning signs are confusing, signals are confusing"

At this time, Wang Wei felt the main system in his mind. At this time, he said such a sentence. After Wang Wei heard this, he was also a little bitter. He did not expect to meet in this area. Such a demonic wolf did not expect that after encountering this piece of demonic wolf, he experienced this feeling over and over again, the kind of feeling that made her very uncomfortable.

"Damn beast, you dare to attack me with a wedding, this is simply beyond your own power."

Wang Wei gritted his teeth. At this time, he was thinking about how to solve such a solution. After a long time, Wang Wei flashed away again at this time and disappeared into this darkness. In the space, he appeared at the top of the devil wolf in the next moment, recalling that his fist smashed heavily on the devil wolf's head, and a roaring sound rang out. The devil wolf was at this time. Just like that, it was straight ahead and picked up.

"Hehe, is this brother killing wolves?"

A guy was shaking a broken umbrella at this time, and said such a sentence at this time, but Wang Wei smiled slightly after hearing this guy's words, and then he said. :

"Hehe, yes, Wang Wei said such a sentence very indifferently, you are the next moment, Wang Wei will raise his foot fiercely, towards the place where the demon wolf wants to disappear, a fierce one Foot kicked over.

"oh oh"

A deafening wolf bell rang out in this area after that. When Wang Wei heard the wolf howl, he knew that this demon wolf would definitely not be one, and even he was a little scared. Afraid of the disparity in the strength of each of these wolves, just after Wang Wei killed the box of wolves, the next moment, the hordes of wolves ran towards him quickly. come over.

Wang Wei's face changed suddenly at this time. He didn't expect to encounter so many demon wolves in this place, and these demon wolves were constantly barking at Wang Weihao, and they kept sending out various kinds of wolves. Various sounds, Wang Wei's scalp may explode when he hears these sounds.

"Run, if you are only besieged by such a demonic wolf, then it is very simple, but now you may be in danger with such a group of demonic wolves."

When he heard Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei's whole body trembled for a while. He didn't expect to encounter such a powerful group of demon wolves at this time.

Where does Wang Wei dare to fight?At this time, he rushed forward quickly. During his continuous running, those devil wolves gathered more and more at this time. Wang Wei knew that if this continued, his fate would definitely be in these places. In the mouth of the devil wolf.

"Release one of Duma's robots"

Immediately, Wang Wei suddenly remembered something, and he eagerly shouted such a sentence to Xiaokui in his mind. After Xiaohui heard Wang Wei's instructions, he didn't say anything more. It was at this time that directness began. Beside Wang Wei, a ray of light flashed, and the next moment, a robot appeared.

The robot was shining brightly at this time, but when this guy appeared in this place, there was no signal operation or anything, it was like a pile of scrap metal.

"Is there a way to make these robots mine?"

"Yes, if there is no way to turn these robots into you, then a computer with a high IQ like me is useless."

What Xiaokui said at this time is actually a module in the mind of the robot that was infected with its own data at this time, and quickly tampered with the robot module.

Chapter [-]: Battle of the Robots

Wang Wei saw the rows of data in front of him, and quickly flowed in front of him, and the rows of zero and one made his scalp numb when he looked at him, but so much data was quickly being processed. Xiaokui was transmitted to the robot's mind.

The robot seemed to be still resisting, but the next moment he was completely submerged by the demonic wolves.

Wang Wei also exhaled a long breath at this time. He knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely die in this place, so at this time he didn't care about the TV at all, and quickly went to the place. The place rushed over.

The light in the eyes of the robot continued to shine at this time, and the next robot was the silver glow all over its body, which quickly erupted at this time.

"Xiao Kui, can these robots resist those guys?"

Wang Lei saw so many data streams, and at this time, they constantly and quickly emerged from his mind to the robot's mind, so at this time he asked such a sentence and suffered a loss. After hearing his words, he also frowned slightly, and then he said:

"Don't worry, these technologies from low-level planets are definitely low-end products in our era. The robots made in our era are completely close to human beings, even almost exactly the same as human beings, and they are Robots, in that era, many people had autonomous consciousness.”

At this time, Wang Wei finally exhaled a long breath. If these robots could stop these wolves, then he wouldn't have to run.

Countless robots ran out quickly at this time, and those wolves slapped these robots frantically with their claws at this time. When their claws fell, one robot would be divided into two, and two stores would be divided into four. .

In just a short moment, countless robots began to appear, and at this time, these robots quickly rushed towards the demon wolf in front of them, and these demon wolves in their spirits that were not afraid of death. , At this time for a while, they did not expect that there would be such a powerful iron guy rushing over.

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