Wang Wei said such a sentence to himself at this time, because he knew that Xiaokui was from that legendary prefecture-level civilization. Of course, he also yearned for Xiaokui's heart words. .

Therefore, Wang Wei's thoughts on this matter are absolute at this time, and he is not very relieved, but since that is the case?He didn't say anything more. At this time, he was running around quickly in this area.

At this time, Wang Wei was constantly looking at these guys, and at this time, he was constantly attacking in his direction, and when he came over, busy Mei's brows were wrinkled unnaturally at this time.

Because he felt some breath of the legendary robot at this time, of course, the breath of these robots naturally came from the robots around them, and these robots are definitely not that simple, and the breath left on these robots, It was made by Duma, and the breath of those robots was exactly the same.

"These guys actually have the breath of those robots that Duma uses?"

Wang Wei's brows furrowed unnaturally at this time. He didn't expect that these guys would have the smell of robots. He didn't know much about robots, but he knew that after many battles with Duma , The powerful robots used by Duma had already stunned him, but Wang Wei smiled coldly at this time.

"Haha, I forgot to tell you, on the planet Wang Wei, there seems to be a person named Duma, and the Duma we are encountering now is probably from someone on this planet. an organization"

Xiaokui asked such a question at this time. After Wang Wei heard his words, he was slightly gone. He never thought that he would meet such a group of people at this time. Duma used to be a person on this planet, no wonder, no wonder Duma would have such powerful high-tech means at this time, and would have so many robots, it turned out to be like this.

"Yes, Duma is from this planet"

When Wang Wei was here, he was also stunned for a while. He never thought that Duma would actually be this planet. He always thought that Duma came from above the earth and was a figure of the same era as them. It is not a thing of the earth. No wonder the Duma meeting said that he wants to wipe out all living things on earth. This is not his own home. He naturally wiped out all the people in this place, and there is nothing.

At this time in Wang Wei's heart, he was absolutely angry, and he was also very angry when he said this.

"What about Wang Wei? Do you want to make a fuss about him on this planet? Or do you want to be like Duma, to start a slaughter on this planet, although it is said that this is a planet There is the existence of the Venerable, but Wenger is also a human being and has great strength. At this time, if you can meet the Venerable, and if you follow the war between your followers, then your winning and losing ratio is absolutely It's one in ten thousand"

At this time, Wang Wei heard the words in his mind and wanted to reply, but he was a little speechless, but he knew that if at this time, if he really did something with these guys, then these guys would definitely You don't even have scum left in your own destruction. In terms of your current strength, on this planet, if you want to challenge, he is still not enough to watch.

However, Wang Wei has completely remembered this planet in his mind. He decided that if he waited for his strength in the future, he would come to this planet and ruthlessly destroy the planet's impact on the earth. The damage caused by the above must be repaid in double.

"So you don't need to be impulsive now, but the troubles of these guys in front of you have already arrived. It's better for you to solve these things in front of you."

Xiaokui's words came to Wang Wei's mind at this time. After Wang Wei heard Xiao Pei's words, he also frowned slightly. He knew that these guys were not good people, so he also started at this time. Be prepared for these guys.

Chapter [-]: Is that him?

"Is that him?"

The guy known as the third young master, when he saw Wang Wei at this time, said such a sentence angrily. At this time, Wang Wei smiled indifferently, and he looked at it like this quietly. to the group of people in front of him.

"That's right, it's him, he killed those demon wolves before." The old man directly corrected at this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence, but Wang Wei's brows were slightly wrinkled at this time, he He didn't expect that these guys would be so speechless at this time, and what he didn't even think about was that the guy in front of him was really so ungrateful, and he tried to help her before, it seems that this is really A white-eyed wolf, he is really depressed.

At this time, the third young master carefully looked at Wang Wei in front of him, and then he spoke again. :

"Boy, I advise you to hand over the demon wolf, or hand over the demon core of the demon wolf, I promise not to kill you."

At this time, Wang Lei smiled slightly, and then he said:

"Haha, do you think you can kill me with your current strength, or do you think you have that powerful strength to kill me?"

"It's petty bourgeoisie, don't be ashamed of your face." The guy named Third Young Master said such a sentence at this time.

The next moment, the guy took out the remote control in his hand at this time, the guy on the remote control pressed it twice, and then in front of Wang Wei, a huge similar unnatural appeared. Something like a diamond object.

At this moment, Wang Lei was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what the guy who appeared in front of him was, and he didn't even know where this guy came from, as if he was in this place before. The child appeared, but Wang Wei didn't even notice where this thing came from.

"It's a robot"

Xiaokui did say such a sentence at this time, Wang Wei was indeed a little speechless at this time, he said helplessly. :

"I also know this thing is a robot, but where did this thing come from?"

"Haha, in the first-level civilization, it is much higher than the civilization on the earth. You don't know where this thing came out. I will tell your dad, it's actually very simple, as long as you are careful in this If you research the place, you can find out where this thing came from, and the place where this thing came out is absolutely unexpected."

"I can't think of it, how can I say it?"

"There are many types of robots, some are computers, some are bracelets, rings, etc. Just like me, when I was on the new civilization of the empire, my Chunsheng was a bracelet,"

At this time, Wang Wei finally understood that this guy's feelings are used in his hands, this robot is a ring, or something else, which also made his heart a little novel at this time. He really has no research on this robot, and he really wants to know what the situation of this robot is.

"You have to be careful, if the robots are arranged on their planet in modern times, they should be thorn robots. This kind of robot is one level higher than the robots developed by Duma in your hand, and these robots are The fighting strength of the Emperor is absolutely terrifying. The strongest fighting strength between them can reach the peak level of Emperor Wu, and you are only the peak level of the intermediate peak of Emperor Wu, so you need to pay attention to this thing now. If If you don't get it right, this guy will come to you for a big hunt or something. At that time, you really want to run away. The combat power of his robot has definitely surpassed the combat of all your robots. Power, and the strength of these robots is extremely powerful. Although the thorny robots on their planet are already the pinnacle of robots, in fact, they have not shown the kind of real human beings similar to your human society. A robot, so this robot is not so powerful in our era."

At this time, Xiaokui made a new popularization for Wang Wei in Wang Wei's mind, but Wang Wei frowned at this time, and then he asked in his heart:

"So for this robot, can you control the data in the robot's body? Is there even a way for you to copy all the chips of this robot? If you can copy the chips of these robots. , then let's go back to the earth to develop and manufacture such a robot. At that time, no matter where I go, my life and life will be guaranteed, don't you think?"

"Yes, I can control this robot, but with the energy in your body, it is still a bit difficult to control this robot. If you want to urge me to control the robot in this place, then you must have Use your black and white holes to quickly devour those around you at this time. Specifically, of course, if you are above this super-level literary star, then I think you'd better not use your black and white in this place. Movement skills, although there are many people who can swing skills, but if you can completely swallow this robot with black and white movement, then the energy block it converts is absolutely powerful, but you can create energy. Come on, if this matter spreads, you will definitely be in a lot of trouble."

Xiaokui kept warning Wang Lei in his mind when he was here. Wang Lei was indeed slightly taken aback at this time, and then he said:

"Then can I directly subdue this robot completely and completely after the robot of Recover Bay, I will use the black and white hole to destroy everything in this hole, then they will be here, then they will be counted as If you can find me, I guess I have already left this place by then.”

"Well, if that's the case, then I hope you will try your best to kill all the guys in this area."

Wang Wei nodded slightly at this time, and the next moment, he stopped staying behind and ordered Xiaokui to control the robot.

Chapter [-]: Gold and Robots

Xiaokui directly released at this time, the huge light, at this time, his huge help, at this time, kept rushing towards the robot, and at this time, the robot kept starting to move towards him. This side attacked, and at this time, the third young master also showed a slight smile on his face at this time, and the next moment, the robot directly failed at this time, the one in the car The third young master was also a little melancholy at this time.

Wang Wei smiled indifferently. Of course, at this moment, he knew that the energy in his body had almost been exhausted.

"Your robot is useless in this place"

At this time, Wang Wei sneered and said such a sentence, and the third young master of the other party and the people behind him were all startled at this time. The third young master was very impatient at this time. At this time, he began to quickly take the robot in his hand towards this side.

But Wang Wei had a sneer on his face at this time, because at this time, the robot was constantly changing. The robot was in control at this time and began to spin around in place.

"What the hell is going on with this tnd?"

At this time, the third young master didn't say such a question angrily, and the people around him had no choice at this time. They wanted to say something, but they really didn't know what to say, but Wang Wei was here. I smiled and quietly watched the performances of these robots in front of me at this time.

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