"Did you feel the shaking in that place?"

At this time, an old man with a white beard looked like an immortal. At this time, he stood up slowly, pointed in a direction, and said such a sentence, while the person playing chess on the opposite side, in this At that time, he was slightly stunned, and then he opened the mouth and said:

"A strange movement, I really haven't felt this..."

The next moment the guy who was playing chess quickly left his wife and ran in that direction.


At this time, many people felt the quiet and dark aura emanating from the vacuum zone, and at this time, all of them felt panic in their hearts at this time. Of course, there were also many people who were quick at this time. rushed towards that place.

Under the guidance of Xiaohui, Wang Wei quickly entered the underground passage and went up to the ground. The next moment he ran directly in one direction.

"Run, wow, the mine has collapsed"

All the miners in this pit are all crazy at this time, the general symbol of speed, other places ran over, all the people fell into panic at this time, of course there must be a lot of people here From time to time, he ran out of the mine, and then quickly ran in one direction.

The collapse of the mine is not a small matter. If this matter has to be resolved, it is likely to cause chaos in this place, and it may even attract the attention of all people on the planet.

"Wang Wei, where are we going now?"

"It's not safe to go anywhere, let's find a place to stay for a night, and leave in the teleportation array tomorrow morning."

At this time, Wang Lei lightly weighed the ores in his hand, and then said indifferently to Xiaokui in his mind, and when Xiaokui saw Wang Lei's ores at this time, he also smiled slightly, no Say more.

The two of them quickly came to a hotel at this time, made a simple registration at this place, and received a piece of spiritual stone at this place, their identity documents for this place.

When Wang Wei entered the hotel, he did find that there were extremely strict probes all around the hotel, and there were many technological products in this place. At this time, the hotel was constantly placed. , There is no one at all, and all the waiters at the front desk are all touch-screen computers.

"What's the situation? Why are all the fast hotels like this?"

"Haha Wang Wei, you don't know, there is such a saying in this world, it is called where there is a network, there are miracles, and where there is a network, there are robots."

When Wang Wei heard this, the whole person was slightly stunned, but he didn't say much at this time. He gently used his hand on the front desk, and the ID card he just got, lightly. He swiped lightly, and then the next front desk quickly popped up some numbers at this time, and these numbers simply floated in front of Wang Wei, and Wang Wei didn't say much at this time. , click on those numbers.

Immediately, he saw a golden card, which appeared in front of Wang Wei at this time, and at this moment, Wang Wei gently took the card.

At this moment, Xiaokui's voice came from his mind:

"Then you are lucky, you are still the first guest in this place today, so your room is at 203. Of course, before that, I can tell you that you have to go through countless security checks, all of which are It's invisible."

After hearing Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei was also a little speechless at this time, but he didn't think much about it. In front of him, there were indeed countless thorn boards at this time. Of course, Wang Wei was also clear at this time. Chu saw the numbers displayed on the crystal plates, as well as the marks on the crystal plates. At this time, Wang Wei was constantly moving upwards. Of course, at this time, the detection equipment in the countless dark places was in. At this time, everything was scanned on his body. Of course, the scanned image could not be presented in front of Wang Wei, but Xiaokui directly moved his hands and feet in front of Wang Wei at this time. The directness is shown, such a scene.

Wang Wei was also a little stunned at this time. He did not expect that there would be so many modern and advanced equipment in this place, and these advanced equipment were constantly scanning at this time. Wang Wei was at this time. He was also a little speechless. He didn't expect that in this hotel, this one is indeed fully automated. This is really a technology that surpasses the earth.

Wang Wei quickly entered the room of 203. He swiped the ID card on it at this time, and a row of handwriting did appear on it. At this time, Wang Wei was also a little frightened. He didn't expect it. It would be such a comprehensive registration, but when they registered their news, they didn't know it.

"Wang Wei comes from the planet of Hengyuan, the earth, um, is a passing merchant who wants to go to other places..."

At this time, Wang Wei's heart was also embarrassed. He didn't expect that such a scene would appear in front of him at this time, and all his information could be displayed in this place. This is really enough. It's strange, Wang Wei didn't say much at this time, he was direct, he opened the door and walked in.

Chapter [-]: The father of the three young masters

At this time, the lights in the room flashed and the TV automatically turned on, and then all the electrical appliances in the next room, as well as all the robots, all started at this time.

At this moment, Wang Wei's feet automatically raised a pair of slippers, and the next moment there was a slight shoe rack. He took his shoes away directly, put them aside, and put the pair of slippers on directly. On her feet, Wang Wei didn't move, but saw that the shoes had been polished and placed beside the carpet by the door.

At this time, Wang Wei was also shocked for a while. He did not expect that there would be such an advanced hotel with such advanced equipment. He walked into the child quickly at this time. Of course, at this time, he Walking and looking at all the facilities in this room, this room seems to be an empty room.

However, at this time, a Huang Er appeared. Where did that bed come from?Wang Wei really didn't see the bed quickly placed in front of him, followed by the sheets and quilts on the next bed, and a series of those things were quickly and automatically laid out, and at this time of Wang Wei, it was also for a while. The shock, he did not expect that in this empty room, except for the lights, everything else would be digitally formed.

Such facilities have surpassed modernity. Wang Wei was a little helpless at this time, but he walked quickly in one direction at this time, and that direction was unnatural, and the clothes on her body were taken off. After that, they were stacked neatly and put aside, and then the next Wang Wei hadn't turned on the water heater, when he suddenly felt that the hot water above his head was rushing down, and The temperature of the hot water has been adjusted according to the temperature of his body. Wang Wei was about to stretch out his hand to take a bath, but he did find that at this time, she was indeed being gently stroked. Of course, at this time, someone kept coming. She was massaging her body, but he really couldn't see anyone, and there was a natural rubbing mode in this place.

There was a burst of shame in Wang Wei's heart. He really didn't know when such technology would appear on earth?Wang Wei was direct after taking a bath. Someone put me on his body, and his hair was gently blowing at this time. Of course, she didn't look at it at all. to other things in this house.

Wang Wei's heart was even more curious. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a strange space in this place, and there were numbers everywhere in this space. He walked into the room again. , The bed, as he had seen before, the TV appeared in front of him, Wang Wei lay down, and an LCD screen appeared in front of him, and the LCD screen seemed to be transparent, Wang Wei felt the novelty at this time, but he still carefully looked at the LCD screen with LCD splicing, and it started slowly. On the LCD screen, the TV began to display some pictures.

This is actually a TV. Wang Wei was also a little shocked at this time. He did not expect that in this purely digital world, there is such a service, such a powerful TV.

Before Wang Wei woke up from the shock, there was an extra glass of water and a snack in front of her. At this time, Wang Lei gently grabbed the glass of water and took a sip, then quickly The fast food in the bowl of slaw.

After eating, he didn't even clean up. The next moment, the things in front of him disappeared directly, and what appeared in front of him again was a glass of water. It was a little horrified.

"From this station, in a mine pit located 50 miles south, a collapse occurred today, with dozens of casualties and 26 dead..."

Looking at the anchor on the TV, he kept dialing out such a message at this time, but at this time, Wang Wei's mouth showed a slight arc.

He slept soundly that night. At dawn, he was woken up by a rush of bells, and the next moment, Wang Wei saw that someone had already placed breakfast in the room.

"Xiao Kui, did you do all this?"

Wang Wei was very surprised at this time. At this time, he began to quickly ask Xiaohui'er in his mind, but Xiaohui smiled slightly at this time, and then he said:

"No, this hotel was originally a purely intelligent digital hotel. The political hotel does not take up much space, and your breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, and even what you want to eat, in this hotel. It can be achieved in China, of course, the hotel will automatically get you breakfast.”

"What, this electric car will automatically come up with these things?"

Wang Wei was surprised at this time, but at this time, a teacup and teapot appeared in front of her, and at this time, there was a toothbrush, and it was already floating. Perfect just opened his mouth slightly and tightened his grip. Then the toothbrush started to brush its teeth in an orderly manner, and then a glass of water appeared next to it. This glass of water was rinsed by Wang Wei and then disappeared directly. .

It was the first time for Wang Wei to see such a novel object. At this time, it was absolutely shocking in his heart. He did not expect that this level of civilization planet was indeed stronger than the earth to such an extent that even everything in this place was May be replaced by artificial intelligence.

Thinking of what he had seen before, when he came to this planet, and the scene he saw, Wang Wei was also a little shocked at this time. He didn't expect it to be like this in this place, but since it was In this way, he didn't say anything more. After everything was sorted out, he started to walk outside.

"Little bastard, how dare you go back to my frame, you wait for me, I will definitely kill you all over the place."

At this time, there was a guy in a place. At this time, he shouted such a sentence angrily. The next moment, the figure of the guy disappeared directly. When the figure appeared again, it was true Already appeared in Wang Wei's room.

Chapter [-]: Are you a robot?

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