That guy's voice came over again at this time. After Wang Wei heard this guy's voice, he smiled slightly, and the next moment, his whole person disappeared again.

Of course, Wang Wei's disappearance was not caused by him, but the wireless data that Xiaokui in his mind transformed into at this time.

"What? You disappeared. I didn't expect you to be a robot, so we can't blame you."

The guy was also slightly taken aback at this time, and then he said such a sentence, but Wang Wei had already come to the vicinity of the teleportation array at this time.

"Transmission needs to hand in a high-grade spar"

The handle at the door of the teleportation array, the official asked such a question again at this time, but when Wang Wei heard this, he smiled slightly, and then took out the bag from his pocket. , and then took out two spar stones and threw them directly to the guy. The guy glanced at this time, and then handed a jade card in his hand to Wang Wei.

After Wang Wei took over the jade token, he smiled slightly, and directly entered it.

Not long after walking north, all the powerhouses on this planet held a meeting at this time, because their police system had been attacked by hackers at this time, and this The hacker's attack speed is still so fast, and they have also stolen a lot of confidential information in this place.

Wang Wei was discovered through their last video recording of this place.

In an instant, on the entire planet, a long-term wanted order was issued, and when the wanted order was issued, Wang Wei had already left the planet and had reached the other end of the teleportation array.

"Xiao Kui tell me the information this time"

"This time we entered the planet, and I have used my high-tech means to copy all the confidential information on that planet at this time. Of course, the copying of these messages It doesn't just mean that I can use this information, I can tell you this information, we are only temporarily able to get on the earth, and if we want to make the earth become a first-level scientific and technological civilization, the new use of these things is just One, the other is the resources on the earth, if the resources on the earth are poor, then it is still impossible to reach the new first-level civilization.”

Chapter [-]: Escape

At this time, Wang Wei also frowned tightly. He was thinking about how to change these energy resources on the earth, and how to generate resources on the originally punished earth?

"From the perspective of all our current technological means, at present, the level of resources on your earth is absolutely barren, and the level of barrenness has exceeded our cognition. If you want to In the age of civilization on the earth, if all these things of the earth are in operation, then you have to ensure the resources on the earth, and now the resources that can be constructed are the one in the outer space that you use. Energy ball, if you can bury a large number of energy blocks around the center of the earth, then maybe you can change the earth you are on on this earth in the future, or you can make your earth more resourceful. "

"How long will it take to improve the resources?"

"Of course, the improvement of resources requires a very long process. This process is likely to be around ten o'clock, or it may be around a hundred years. The resources on the earth are currently quite poor. These first-hand Data, although it is said to have a good direction for the development of the earth, but if you want to build such resources, then you have to buy enough energy blocks at the center of the earth, and these energy will soon be enough. Powerful, if these energy blocks are not powerful, then you are likely to fail"

Wang Wei frowned at this time. He didn't expect that such a thing would be so complicated.

However, this also pointed out a direction for Wang Wei. If the resources of the earth can be recovered, then more energy blocks must be needed. If the earth wants to enter the heart of a first-level civilization, then the energy resources above the earth , this must be obtained, so the responsibility he shoulders at this time is still quite heavy. After he decides to return to Earth, he must start to study the things in these materials. After thoroughly researching the things in these materials, you can also do your bit on the earth.

"Of course, the level of the earth is not yet at that level, if you want the earth to be at that level, then you have to start adding crazy things in this place, of course you have to do a lot of crazy things, if If you don't have the ability to completely bury these energy blocks on the earth before the destruction of the earth, then what you are doing is useless, and you are on this earth, not only to build energy fast, but also super-class. The level of science and technology, as well as the super-first-class level of human research, even if you have to study yourself completely, only in this way can you win this war, and you can transform your Earth into a first-level energy"

After hearing Xiaokui's series of explanations, Wang Wei also frowned slightly. If he wanted the energy on Zhang Earth to volatilize again, he really didn't know how many years he would have to wait. Of course, If you have enough energy blocks, then the earth will undergo a major transformation within a hundred years, and you need to be on the earth to maintain the energy on the earth for a hundred years.

At this time, Wang Wei also had some emotions in his heart. He knew that the lack of energy on the earth is due to environmental damage caused by environmental damage, because the advanced level of human science and technology is constantly improving, and if a person's scientific and technological level is constantly improving When progress is made, the degree of prosperity on the earth and the degree of formation on the earth are also a huge consumption.

Although it is said that environmental protection has been advocated on the earth, the real environmental protection has not yet met their requirements, and even the environmental protection on the earth has not reached that level. Wang Wei needs to continue to maintain it on the earth. Certain, firm, let the degree of operation on the earth reach an eternal law.

At this time, Wang Wei's heart also began to contemplate, but at this time, a roaring voice came from behind him.

"Where did the daring thief run?"

When he heard this voice, Wang Wei was slightly startled, and then he turned around and saw a few big men behind him, but at this time they kept running towards him. , of course, Wang Wei has passed the most advanced science and technology, and passed Xiaokui. At this time, he already knows that this guy is definitely not human, and he knows that there are several robots among these robots. It is close to the Venerable, but if it is to break through the peace of the Venerable, it is impossible.

"The numbers of these robots are not easy to control. If you want to control these robots, then you need all the data in the minds of these robots, and all the data in these minds is a huge Database, if you can completely destroy this database, then you will take all these robots for your own use.”

Xiaokui said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind at this time, but Wang Wei couldn't help frowning at this time. He didn't expect these robots to be so cruel. How could these guys be so cruel? At this time, he will quickly chase towards his side, which is really beyond his expectations.

"Is there any way for Xiaokui to get rid of these guys first?"

"Yes, but it requires a lot of energy"

"Energy is not a problem, as long as you can completely solve these guys, or you can completely change the data in these guys' minds, so that he can take my orders easily, that's fine. "

Wang Wei made such a decision at this time, and the next moment, the energy of his whole body started to run at this moment, and the black and white around him started to spin continuously at this moment. At that time, the black and white movements that were constantly passed over in my hands began to devour the nodes in the surrounding starry sky, as well as those rocky star fields flying in the starry sky, as well as those tiny planetary particles.

Huge energy, at this time, a completely pig came into Wang Wei's mind, and at this time, Wang Wei's whole body trembled a little, and the next moment he did hear the familiar voice in his mind. sound.

"Alarm alert, low energy, low energy..."

Chapter [-]: The robot is chasing

Wang Wei felt ashamed in his heart, but the robots behind him kept advancing towards him. Of course, after these robots, there were more robots rushing towards him. Wang Wei At this time, he was also anxious. He kept urging Xiaokui to hurry up. At this time, Xiaokui also used all his energy violently. At this time, all the constructions became data one by one. At this time, the data quickly disappeared into the minds of those robots, and the next moment, those robots appeared, and they were instantly sluggish. Xiaokui directly transferred the robot to Wang Wei's in the same way. In the data space of Yi Qiyi.

At this time, Wang Wei was still in his heart for a while. He didn't expect these robots to have such powerful strength, and he didn't expect to consume so much energy. At this time, he was constantly absorbing the energy around him, and that energy was in this At that time, it poured into his body crazily, and finally gathered the past into his brain. With the support of such a huge amount of energy, Xiaokui began to keep putting his data completely towards the other party's mind. Of course, his data is completely changing the imprint in the opponent's mind, as well as the data of the remote control.

At this time, countless data quickly flew out of Xiaokui's hands, and those data continued to converge towards the front at this time, and even at this time, the other party was already a little confused.

"Pay attention to the other party, there are masters who will come over and be careful"

Xiaokui said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind at this time, and Wang Wei was helpless at this time. At this time, he could only start to manipulate the black and white holes with all his heart. It devoured those most distressed in this star field. When those crimes continued to enter Wang Wei's body, on Wang Wei's battleship, the energy that had begun to accumulate into mountains at this time, Happy, and these energy blocks have various attributes. At this time, Wang Wei is constantly absorbing these energy in his mind, and those energy blocks are constantly being stored in his battleships at this time. up.

"Xiao Kui, how long is it?"

"Happy, you hold on for another five minutes or so"

"Hurry up and take a small loss"

"As long as the amount of your energy blocks can be used for shopping, then there is absolutely no problem now." Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and at this time of Wang Wei, those black and white holes in his whole body, in At this time, he was completely motivated to the extreme, and the extreme energy block, at this time, started to devour the surrounding, and within the range of his body, it had reached more than [-] meters at this moment. Distance, there is a vacuum zone, of course, more and more meteorite flows and more and more space fluctuations, at this time, rapidly and constantly pouring in this direction.

At this time, Wang Wei was like a bottomless pit. The general, crazy beginning, swallowed up the energy that came from the surrounding, and these energies began to gather in Wang Wei's body at this time. Wang Wei, in the At this time, it was also extremely painful, but at this time, he was clenching his teeth tightly, and at this time he didn't care about other things at all.

"Xiao Kui, how long is it?"

Wang Wei said this in the bottom of his heart, but Xiaokui didn't answer her at this time. Wang Wei knew that these were the robots that Xiaokui started to control at this time, and at this moment, Wang Wei suddenly felt a sense of urgency. A huge coercion started pouring in from behind the robot.

"Where's the kid? You dare to steal the secrets on my planet, don't you want to get involved, kid?"

A huge roar kept coming out at this time. When Wang Wei heard this voice, his mind was a little confused. Suddenly, the sound of the alarm sounded again in his mind. Wang Wei could only start bitterly. He sank his mind into his dantian, and began to continuously activate the phagocytic function of the black and white hole. At this time, the black and white hole began to devour the surrounding starry sky continuously. In this vacuum area, in this Time was once again cleaned up more thoroughly,

This time in the space seems to be unbearable. Wang Wei's squeeze usually starts continuously at this time, and cracks appear. The space cracks flashed shockingly at this time, followed by countless latest leftovers. , at this time, it was directly revealed by the space cracks, and Wang Lei did not care at this time, and he was constantly controlling all the black and white around him. At this time, he continued to swallow those The surrounding energy, of course, those who are the latest and those who are obsessed at this time, was completely swallowed by Wang Wei.

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