"Xiao Kui, we have been in this outside world for a long time, when will we be able to return to the earth?"

At this time, Xiaokui passed his own navigation system and his own interstellar positioning system, and finally determined a direction.

"According to the current progress, if we are about to reach the flowing cloud and reach the earth from the flowing cloud star, then it will take about three to four teleportation arrays, and four interstellar teleportation arrays to reach the Gamma galaxy, After the Malagama galaxy, you still need to fly by yourself"

When Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he was also slightly shocked. He didn't expect this time to end up like this, and he didn't expect that four new teleportation formations at the prefecture level would be needed. It made him very speechless, but even if she was speechless, she stayed quietly at this time.

The route of the battleship's departure at this time is still so clear. Wang Wei's battleship has reached the Liuyun Galaxy. This time, he did not go mining as before, but directly threw it to Liuyun. One of the teleporter of the teleportation array above, the kind of spar made by himself.

The teleportation formation of Liuyun Galaxy didn't say much to him at all, and let him go directly, and after he just walked through the teleportation formation, someone rushed there.

"What kind of spirit did that person give you just now? Let me see it"

A guy with a stern face said such a sentence at this time. When he heard this guy with a stern face, everyone was stunned at this time, and the two guards were here. At that time, I was also a little nervous. Regarding the collection of spar by this teleportation array, they have already accepted all those things to wash. They know the importance of the spar at this time to the teleportation array, but the person in front of them He can't be bothered.

At this time, the guard guarding the teleportation array handed over the spar in front of him tremblingly. Check it out carefully.

Then his face changed slightly at this time.

"What's the matter, eldest young master?"

"This spar is quite similar, you go and take this spar back and show it to Grandpa. If he says there is nothing wrong with this spar, then you can do it. If this spar has If there is any problem, immediately find a way to notify the people on the other side of the teleportation formation, let them pay attention, and must not let that guy run away"

The corner of the man named Young Master raised his mouth slightly at this time.

How dare the subordinates dare to say nothing at this time, and hurriedly took this spar back.

After a new round of identification, it was finally determined that the spar was real, but the guy named Young Master still didn't believe it at this time. He had a skill that was born with a sensitive understanding of various ores. Where was Wang Wei just now? When the ore was taken out, he sensed the extraordinaryness of this stone, and brought people over immediately, but it was still a step too late, which made him a little doubtful. Could it be that he felt wrong?

This guy named Young Master became suspicious in his heart, but he believed that his perception had never been wrong over the years, and he absolutely believed that his perception would never be that simple.In order not to make a mistake, he still decided to take this thing to someone with a higher level of cultivation for identification.

In a luxurious and disrespectful palace, an old man with gray temples was carefully studying the stone in his hand, but in front of him still stood several servants and the young master.

After a long time, the old man spoke at this time:

"Hao'er, you said that this spar was brought by a guy who was sitting in a teleportation formation outside today?"

The guy named Young Master said respectfully at this time:


At this time, the old man nodded slightly and then continued to look at the spar, and then he said once again:

"Have you seen this spar, do you think there is something wrong with this spar?"

After hearing the old man's words, the young master said respectfully again at this time:


"Yeah." The old man nodded slightly at this time, and immediately, the old man waved his hand to the person in front of him, saying:

"Well, okay, you go down first, and everyone else is gone."

"But..." What else did the young master want to say at this time?But at this time, the old man was very impatient, he waved his hand at him, and when he saw the old man's expression, the guy didn't do much at this time, he was disheartened Leaving, of course, he was in a very reluctant mood at this time.

In the middle of the night, the old man was still playing with the spar in his hand. After framing the scene, he opened his mouth and said:

"You're back, come back when you come back"

At this time, in the shadow, a person walked out. When the old man saw this person, he also frowned slightly, but then he continued to speak:

"How about it"

"That person moved towards Lin Fengxin, but after Lin Fengxin's teleportation formation, I don't know where he went. After all, I'm not very familiar with them, we are familiar with Lin Gengxin, but After passing Lin Fengxin, we really can't intervene in other regions."

The figure who came out of the darkness said such a sentence at this time, but the old man frowned slightly after hearing his words, and then he continued to speak:

"Have you found out the identities of these two people?"

"No, because Liu Yunxing has been completely destroyed now, and we have no way to look for clues in that place. After all, their planet has exploded at the moment, and this person is from that galaxy. We don't know where he came from, and we don't know where he came from."

"Well, I see, you go down..."

Chapter [-]: The Powerhouse of the Emperor Star


The man looked at the old man in front of him at this time and seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it.

"Why do you have anything else to do?" The old man frowned slightly at this time, and then he asked such a sentence.

"Reporting to the master, I think this matter is a bit strange, and is there really something wrong with the stone he took out?"

The man respectfully asked such a question at this time, but the face of the old man in front of him turned gloomy at this time. Seeing the gloomy face of the old man, the man knew that he might have said something wrong, so he hurried To shut up.

"Well, this thing does have a miraculous effect. I have looked at that stone for a long time, but I haven't found any secrets in this stone. Is there anything different from the teleportation we use? But Hao'er But it said there was something wrong with it.”

When the old man said this at this time, he directly handed over the spar he was playing with, and the person in the shadow was a little puzzled at this time, but then he still took it over. , took a closer look in his hand, and then said to the old man in front of him with some doubts:

"And the matter of the master..."

"What did you see clearly in this stone?" The king frowned slightly at this time, and then he said such a sentence, but the person in the shadow was puzzled at this time. 's opening said:

"No, I'm afraid the stone seems to be normal. It's no different from the teleportation spar we often use."

"Well, even you can see what's wrong with this stone?"

The old man said such a sentence at this time, and the shadow was slightly taken aback at this time, and then he bowed and saluted:

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