"Hey, your human feelings are really complicated."

"Of course, if you robots or your emotions can be as complex as us humans, then you will become humans directly, and you will no longer be robots or computers."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time. Xiaokui smiled indifferently after hearing Wang Wei's words. He didn't take Wang Wei's words again, and controlled the space battleship. The domain began to run continuously.

The speed of the space battleship was absolutely outrageous, and it didn't take long for him to come to the place where he was more than the space elevator portal before.

However, when Wang Wei saw the place where he had arranged the space elevator at this time, he was dumbfounded, and the anger in his heart was even more crazy at this time.

"Fuck, who did this!"

Wang Wei's eyes were red and he roared loudly in this place, but no one listened to him at this time.

Because at this time, Wang Wei suddenly saw himself. He had worked so hard to arrange many times, many times, and even experimented for nearly a year. The space elevator he developed was actually given to him directly. It was destroyed, and it was destroyed so completely, which made Wang Wei even more angry at this time.

The construction of the space elevator is his half-life effort, but now the space elevator in front of him has been destroyed by someone, and it looks like this, and the two around the space elevator were originally still there. The few ancient martial arts worlds who were constantly fighting in this place disappeared.

"What the hell is going on here? What the hell happened?" Wang Wei was roaring up to the sky at this time. He didn't expect this to happen. He was exiled to a far away star field. When he returned from the new green, he found that the space elevator he had built in this area had been completely destroyed. , how can this not make him angry in this place at this time?

"Wang Wei, don't be sad, this may be a certainty. Besides, the space elevator is gone. We can see you again. If you die and become decadent, then you will really lose this last chance."

After hearing Xiaokui's words, Wang Wei was also slightly stunned at this time. He didn't know what to do. At this time, Xiaokui carefully observed the scene. Wei's face reflected what happened in this field at that time.

It turned out that the old beggars and the others felt exhausted after a long fight at this time, and they were finally swallowed by the black hole at the entrance of the main entrance of the space elevator teleportation array. They entered and just after they were swallowed in. , a huge monster appeared in this area. At this time, the monster roared at the portal of the space elevator, and after the monster roared, it was a direct result. The portal of the space elevator was cracked at this time.

Chapter [-]: Heaven Swallowing Beast

The real construction of the space elevator is a natural construction by Wang Wei. His understanding of the space elevator is more tyrannical than others, but now the space elevator will actually appear at the moment when this monster appears, just a sound of Du Mu. Then came the beginning of directness, and a crack appeared. How terrifying the strength of this monster should be?

Wang Wei didn't dare to imagine it at this time, but at this time, he was staring at everything in front of him. He wanted to see how this monster formed, and he also wanted to know, this How did the monster completely destroy this space elevator of its own?

Just at this moment, Wang Wei was quietly watching all the things in front of him, and the monster walked to the door of the space elevator at this time, and it was a huge roar at the space elevator, and then the next moment, His mouth suddenly opened at this moment, and the next moment the injuries of the space elevator were directly and completely swallowed into his stomach by the guy at this time, and the guy At this time, his stomach was always gurgling twice, and the next moment, the monster was not satisfied. He was the starry sky in the surrounding area of ​​Jiangsu and Zhejiang. He began to take a deep breath like a long whale sucking water, and then the surrounding Countless stars poured into the monster's body at this time. The monster hiccupped at this time, and then left for a farther place.

Wang Wei saw that the monster devoured his own space elevator portal. In an instant, he felt his scalp swell and the hairs all over his body stood upright. He didn't expect to be in this area. Among them, there are still such powerful monsters, and I never thought that such a powerful monster would appear in this place and devour his space elevator.

What the hell is this monster?How can there be such a powerful ability, how can it devour everything around it?

"This is the swallowing beast"

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and Wang Wei was shocked after hearing Xiaokui's words. He never thought that at this time, in this world, he would still be able to meet This kind of legendary beast, I never thought that the legendary beast would have such a fierce figure. Just one breath can swallow all the planets in this starry sky. This is Hitachi's ability is absolutely beyond the scope of current scientific research.

At this time, Wang Wei began to worry about the earth in his heart. If this fellow existed near the earth, wouldn't the earth also become the food in this fellow's belly?If that were the case, wouldn't it be even more appalling?

"The swallowing beast is an ancient alien, and the true strength of the swallowing beast is definitely more than that. If he really wants to completely swallow this area, he only needs a few breaths. If he If he is really willing to start absorbing in this area, then he will definitely bring this area to create a vacuum."

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and when Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he was also slightly taken aback. He immediately thought of his own theory of black and white holes. If the Heavenly Beast is really like this, then does the theory of his own black and white hole have a great relationship with the swallowing Heavenly Beast?If it doesn't matter if your black and white mess follows the swallowing beast, then how does your black and white hole swallow these things?

"Hehe help people, I know what you are worried about. In fact, the source of your black and white hole is also inseparable from the Tongtian beast."

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and when Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he was also slightly taken aback. He did not expect this Xiaokui to say such a sentence at this time. He didn't even think of his own theory of black and white holes, but it really had something to do with swallowing the heavenly beast. After Wang Wei thought of this, he immediately began to panic.

"Oh yes, the black and white holes in your body are actually the product of these swallowing beasts. When some large swallowing beasts are lost, the smell in his body is left in the starry sky, and in the starry sky. In this starry sky, all people can see a black hole that appeared in that place, and it is this black hole that attracts more people in time. This black hole was originally the stomach of the beast, but I don’t know why, but it is After several years, the black hole has become another form, and the appearance of the black hole in this outer space is caused by the instability of the space in this area, and coupled with the There are things that people cannot know in this star field, and these things that people cannot know in this place, in this area, start to condense, form, and change repeatedly. It is also in this star field that a new area is formed, and this new area is the black and white hole you have now.”

When Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words at this time, he couldn't help but be shocked. He didn't expect the black and white holes to be formed like this. If it was really a black and white hole and tried to swallow the stomach of a beast, then What is the situation with these black and white holes that you have developed?But if it really is a natural phenomenon in nature, then what is this swallowing beast?

"Yes, this is indeed the stomach of the swallowing beast, but the black and white hole formed in your body is not the stomach of the swallowing beast, but the conversion of your own energy and your understanding of this black and white hole. , that's why such an area is formed in your whole body. Of course, the black and white hole in your dantian should be after the death of the swallowing beast, her tears stayed in the air at this time, and passed by I don’t know how many billions of light-years later, at this time, you were given the story by the stomach of the swallowing beast that remained in your dantian, and the reason why your dantian can accommodate this thing is that It is because there is a heart-shaped star field in your dantian. If there is no heart-shaped new jade in your dantian, then this thing cannot be completely formed in your dantian."

Chapter [-]: Rebuilding the Space Elevator

Xiaokui said something like this at this time, and Wang Wei finally understood at this time that his feelings were his luck, and he created this black and white hole, but now the black and white hole in his dantian, At this time, it has been affected by certain factors, has mutated, and has even completely detached from the scope of his previous research on black and white holes.

"Yes, in your dantian, there should be such a new law of nature formed at this moment. It is because of this that you can only use it at this time. The power of this black and white hole is in your There is an area like that all over the body.”

Xiaokui explained it to Wang Wei again at this time. After Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's explanation again, the whole person was like petrification at this time. He didn't expect that he would have a relationship with Tongtian Beast. Such a strong connection, if you see the swallowing beast in this outer space one day, then it is very likely that this guy will be swallowed up as a kind, or as a different kind, then your little life is really No guarantee.

"Hehe, Wang Wei, are you worried that this swallowing beast will come back. In the area that destroyed you, the space elevator in outer space was constructed?"

At this time, Wang Wei was also slightly stunned. He just thought of something. At this time, he was also a little helpless. To be honest, he was really worried that this guy was killing a carbine at a time.

"Shouldn't you be building defenses here?"

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and when Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's rhetorical words, he was helpless for a while. To be honest, he didn't care about this swallowing beast at all. Understand, if it is really boring to build this teleportation array in this place, I really don't know what it will be like. Xiaokui asked him to build his own defense in this place. He really doesn't know what to do. All right.

"Then will this swallowing beast come back after leaving? If this swallowing beast comes back, if I build a new space elevator in this space again, will I suffer from this guy again? destruction?"

Wang Wei pondered in this place. After a long time, he said such a sentence, and Xiaokui frowned slightly after hearing Wang Wei's words. It was his heart that was at this time. Starting to keep calculating, after a long time, Xiaokui said:

"According to my cloud computing, based on my knowledge of this area, as well as some stories in myths and legends, I conclude that this swallowing beast will never return to this star field in a short period of time. The reason why the swallowing beast is called the swallowing beast is because the powerful swallowing beast can really swallow everything in the entire star field, even if you build such a teleportation in this area. If I didn't guess wrong, this swallowing beast should be The cub of the swallowing beast, and this thin swallowing beast just wants to absorb all kinds of power in this area to grow up."

"Oh? You're saying that if the Heaven-Swallowing Beast comes back, it will take a certain period of time. How long is this period?"

"According to the energies in my data stream, I think if these energies want to be kept in this place for too long, then they need to use a series of things to provide them with use, but now in this Xingyu But there is nothing for them to eat. Although the young beast of the swallowing beast likes to devour everything around it, his shell is actually an illusion, just like the one you see in this star field. to a bunny-like guy,

But their interior is a real bottomless pit. If you encounter the swallowing beast again, there is not enough to guarantee that he will swallow it, then you will not be able to reach an agreement with him. If you make an agreement, then you are likely to be swallowed directly by the swallowing beast with everything around you. Of course, you can also use some agreements to restrain him. Of course, if the agreement between you does not hold, then you You will not be able to get his approval. Everything in front of him that is not approved by him will be swallowed up by him, and once you are in Youdao, then you will be sent to the same place as those guys. in his stomach. "

Xiaokui said such a sentence at this time, and then he was in front of Wang Wei, showing his display screen again, and Wang Wei saw his display at this time. When he was on the screen, his heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect such a guy to exist in this world. The swallowing beast on the screen was very cute, but he didn't expect it to be so cute. How could a guy have such terrifying abilities.

I don't know why, but at this time, the picture changed for a while. It was something similar to the teleportation array, and the teleportation array was able to directly absorb the swallowing beast, thus transforming it into this star field.

Wang Wei was a little shocked when he saw this picture. He didn't expect that someone could be so crazy, and there were even many people who could build such a powerful array in this place. method, and it can really transfer the swallowing beast directly from one place to another.

"This is....."

At this time, Wang Wei was also staring at the display frequency in front of him. At this time, he asked such a sentence,

"This guy should be a competent guy if I'm not wrong"

"What? Is this person a competent guy?" Wang Wei's eyes widened at this time. His current strength is still the existence of the Martial Emperor Realm, but he did not expect that there would be a competent level in front of him. The existence of the task, and this competent level guy actually came up with such a thing.

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