At this time, a guy said this to Wang Yu with his teeth and claws. After Wang Wei heard the guy's words, he sneered. The next moment, he quickly dodged the attack of a guy and spoke. road:

"Oh heh, that's fine, then let me see it and see what's going on. If you can show me the real strength, maybe I'll spare you. If I can walk down nearly ten knives in front of me, I will let you go, but do you think this is possible?"

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence with a sneer. Those guys looked at each other CD at this time, and the guy who spoke before became more cautious at this time, but He looked at each other with a few people, and then he said:

"Hmph, kid, you brought it all on yourself, you can't blame us"

"That's right, boy, don't think that you are arrogant in this place, and you have the capital to speak. Tell you, if you are so arrogant again, be careful that we will beat you into a pig's head"...

One of those guys said such a sentence at this time. To be honest, these guys are also very angry. They didn't expect this Wang Wei to be so difficult, but they also It can be considered that Wang Wei has been figured out, and Wang Wei is also a person with strength in the middle of no respect. If you are to fight against all of them, then they will definitely be strong, is it not, even if No matter how arrogant Wang Wei was at this time, no matter how terrific his life was, they would be able to cope with it easily, so at this time in their hearts, they completely believed that Wang Wei was a real mid-Wu emperor strength guy. .

"Wang Wei child, you are so shameless, and today this uncle will let you know the price of being shameless."

The guy who spoke first snorted again at this time and said such a sentence, but at this time Wang Yu was watching the guy sneer constantly at this time, he knew that this guy, even if It is very powerful. Even if this guy can reach a certain level, he absolutely believes that the guy in front of him is definitely not that powerful.

"Hehe, don't waste your time, let's go together, even if you go together, it's not necessarily my opponent."

Wang Wei sneered at this time, and looked at the group of people in front of him with contempt, and said such a sentence, and the people below looked at each other at this time, and then a guy said something. It was at this time that he said with some resentment:

"Okay, Wang Wei, do you really think we dare? Let me tell you, we are just afraid that if we go together as a group, we will lose face for all of us. Since you are so ignorant, then No wonder we are"

The guy said such a sentence at this time, and then glanced at the group of people behind him, and after the group of people behind her glanced at her at this time, they were all gearing up to start looking towards her. Wang Wei's direction began to attack, and Wang Wei frowned slightly at this time, and then he also continued, the continuous shuttle among these people began, among these people, you yourself His fists began to bombard these guys continuously, and these guys couldn't get into Wang Wei's body.

Only at this time did they understand a little, because the Wang Wei in front of them, even if they were fighting alone, was not an opponent, and these people actually swarmed up, there is really no way to take it, Wang Wei, who is in the middle stage of Wuhuang, this shows that What?It shows that Wang Wei's real combat power is definitely not in the middle stage of Emperor Wu, and he may even have a higher realm after Emperor Wu. When Wang Wei displayed the prototype of the space domain before, they thought of Wang Wei. Wei, it is very likely that he is Venerable, but Wang Wei himself denied it.

However, now a group of them are going to besiege Wang Wei, but Wang Wei is still applicable. The strength of the peak in the middle stage of Emperor Wu is direct to them, making them annihilate the entire army in this place. All the people on the record took a deep breath at this time, they didn't expect such a result.

Of course, they were even more angry at this time. They thought in their hearts that Wang Wei was playing tricks on them, but if they say it now, then they will only have one word to die, because it is very simple, in this strong In a society where people are respected, Wang Wei's strength is stronger than them, and Wang Wei actually suppresses his own strength, fighting with them in such a scene, these words definitely make them even more speechless at this time, but Of course, this also further increased their recognition of the fact that Wang Wei was a Venerable.

The guys in front of them glanced at each other at this time, and then they all gave up their attacking abilities one by one. They knew that no matter how powerful they were at this time, no matter how powerful, It's not a big problem to directly go to Wang Wei's troubles, and it is even possible that they are asking for trouble.

Chapter [-]: Senior?

"Hey, I'm talking about singing, why don't you fight?"

At this time, Wang Wei said such a sentence with an innocent face, while the other few people all looked at each other at this time, they all saw it in each other's eyes, how to fight a joke?With such a strong gap in strength, even if they all swarmed up, they have already proved that they are not Wang Wei's opponents. What else can they do?Could it be that even if all of them use their unique skills, they can destroy Wang Wei?Even if they made a complete move, Wang Wei couldn't be eliminated like this.

"That money, senior, I'm sorry, we didn't mean it, let's go now"

The guy who spoke first was speechless when he looked at Wang Wei's face at this time, but at this time, he stammered out such a sentence, and Wang Wei was hearing it. After his words, he frowned slightly, and then he said:

"Let's go, hehe, do I agree to let you go?"

At this time, Wang Wei snorted coldly and said such a sentence, while the faces of the other people all changed at this time, but even so, they did not dare to rush up, what to do with Wang Wei?I didn't dare to call Lan Yingmei with Wang Wei. After all, people's cultivation base is in that place, and there is also the elusive realm. If Wang Wei will fully bloom in the realm, then all of them will have to hang up. Although Wang Wei is only able to use the power of the night shift domain of that wall, this is enough, because the power of the domain of that wall has already reached a range beyond their cognition, Who knows how powerful this wall is?If such a big wall suddenly appeared in front of them, and it was still the strength of the space, what would it be after the big space?Or what is in this space?Facing such a wall, none of them dared to be able to penetrate with confidence. Of course, such penetration refers to all their strength, even if they can really penetrate through this wall, but They didn't dare to guarantee that they would be able to live. They came out from behind the wall. After all, their cultivation had not yet reached that level, and the power in this field displayed by Wang Wei in front of him was already that of the venerable level. Now, the venerable level is simply impossible to appear on the earth, even in this heart, it is the highest level in this star field, that is, the strength of the Queen Wu period , Of course, the people of the Qin family are not excluded, but the people of the Qin family have been hidden from the world many years ago, and up to now, they have only sent a series of minions to harass each planet in each star field. of.

These guys are old monsters who have lived for countless years. Their knowledge of some secrets on this star field planet and some things on this star field planet is not what Wang Wei can understand in front of him, because at present In other words, Wang Wei's strength has not really reached such a powerful level, and even if he did reach that level, he would not be able to search the souls of these guys.

"Haha, sister, I have to remind you at this time, although you are very conceited and think you are powerful, or that there are many secrets in this world, you do not know, but this does not mean this There are many secrets in the world that do not exist"

At this time, in Wang Wei's mind, Xiaokui said something mockingly to comfort her. After hearing Xiaofei's teasing words, she also felt a bit of bitterness. To be honest, He didn't expect that Xiaokui would actually make fun of himself like this. He said that he was strong. Isn't this sarcasm for himself?

"Then do you have any good ideas? I used to know a little about this Qin family, but I still don't know much about the real background of this Qin family. I just heard about it. I don't know the two dances in front of me, E. Guys in the middle stage of the emperor should not have so many abilities to know, so there are more secrets."

At this time, Wang Wei comforted himself and said such a sentence, and when the kid in front of him heard Wang Wei's words at this time, he also smiled slightly, and then he slapped his eyes, and Wang Wei At this time, a large amount of data did appear in front of him, and this pile of data formed a natural image after the rapid combination.

"This is……"

Wang Wei involuntarily shocked him at this time. He didn't expect that the scene in front of him was actually restored by Xiaokui, and he had never seen the scene that Xiaogui dreamed about at this time. , and only heard the most about the guardian on the earth.

"Wang Wei, this is a series of data they know, and these data will be collected directly after the signal collection of human brain cells is completed after continuous analysis at this time, or after the creation of images of our era. sexually transmitted into your mind, which means you can now see any image in any of their minds."

At this time, Xiaokui said such a sentence to comfort him. When he heard the invitation to come back for dinner, he was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect such a situation, let alone that Xiaokui would be so powerful Ability, why didn't he discover it before?If the little turtle could form such a situation in his mind in the past.

Then he can grasp the dynamics of the enemy at any time, and even know what the enemy wants to do at any time. If this is the case, then she will completely study all these things thoroughly, and even he can It's getting auspicious, if every time Xiaokui sees a person, he can use his brain electricity, I am completely honest with myself, then I don't have to bother to observe and understand, know who is his own enemy.

"Wang Wei, don't think about it, this matter is definitely not as simple as you. This is outer space, and in this outer space, you can continue to condense energy to replenish yourself. If you are in outer space If it is above the earth, you don't need to use this thing to detect these people with high cultivation. It is enough to use this kind of functional image to receive the imagination in the human brain through the signals of human computer cells. This is enough for the earth to bear. In other words, if you completely grasp what is in the mind of an ordinary person, then the earth will also directly explode because of your consumption.

Chapter [-] Memory Helmet

Don't think that it is how powerful you are, and how great your own abilities are. Even if you have very strong and high abilities, and a very powerful background, your strength is still too weak. And if the energy stored in your body is now, there is simply not enough to consume on the earth.”

When Wang Wei heard Xiaokui's words, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Xiaogui to say such a sentence at this time, but it was precisely because of Xiaokui's words. In a word, he woke her up. He didn't expect this kind of function used by Xiaokui, or this kind of way of thinking of people, converted in the form of data, and then converted into clear data one by one. If the video of this method is placed in front of him, if it is used on the earth, then he is likely to directly consume all the energy on the earth.

"Are there any accessories that can be replaced?"

Wang Wei didn't want to get entangled on this issue, but ah, there are many things that have to be entangled, so at this time he was asking Xiaokui such a question, and Xiaokui smiled slightly after hearing his words. .

"The substitute, that is, only the memory helmet. Only the memory helmet can really replace this function. Of course, the memory helmet can only be used for some ordinary people, if it is beyond the scope of ordinary people. , or if these people have reached the level of comprehension, then I advise you not to use memory helmets. If you use memory helmets, then it is very likely that these people will be recorded. The consequence is that these people will continue to chase and kill you. Of course, although you are not afraid of being chased by these people with your strength, don’t forget that with all the energy on the earth now, it is fundamental It is impossible to insist that so many strong people fight on the earth.

And if you want to open up new worlds on the earth, or if you want to travel unimpeded on the earth, then you can only shoot at ordinary people. Of course, with our current strength, if you want to If we want to place some energy blocks and crystal alloys on the earth, then it is very possible to restore some of them. Of course, if we can make these energy blocks on the map of the entire world of fire, all places will converge into a cute thing. , that would be the best."

At this time, Xiao Kui said such a sentence again, and the comfort was heard. Xiao Kui was also slightly stunned when he planned. He did not expect such a situation, and Xiao Kui actually told him that It is this place, if these people and his energy are released, all the creatures in the Kaicheng above the earth will be tortured at this time, and they can completely destroy the earth. , and what he wants to do for the earth now is to build some energy blocks on the earth, and these energy blocks must also wake up some dragon veins on the earth.

Wang Wei doesn't know how powerful it is to awaken a dragon vein, but he knows that if he wants to completely awaken a dragon vein, it is absolutely no less than a battle between himself and a Venerable, of course, Only with the cooperation of these guys can these gold stones be completely put into the dragon veins on the earth.

But this matter will never be so simple, even if he wants to put these things into the dragon veins on the earth, then he must make perfect preparations at this time. , if he is not fully prepared, even if she puts everything on the earth, it will not have much effect, because there are such a group of cultivators on the earth, they are in At this time, they are also looking for the way to longevity, and there are even some preparations to look for it. It is the way to the upper realm. They are now aware of it. If there is no way to find these ways, then they will look for other ways, and Wang Wei As far as I know, there are many such people in the ancient martial arts world. They are looking for dragon veins everywhere. They want to improve their cultivation after finding the dragon veins, so these people don't care about the world at all. Feelings, even for the mortal world, they don't have much affection, and for the whole earth, they won't go, and they don't have any feelings.

These guys have died, and they are crazy to a certain extent, and this level has exceeded the tolerance of all people. These guys flip around to buy, as long as these guys find the dragon vein, they will directly remove the entire dragon vein. Take away, or cut off this dragon vein, and then soak in the dragon vein, absorb the power of the dragon vein, and strengthen your body.

Wang Wei knew that if he was on the earth, if he were to rebuild such a dragon vein, he would have to go through a lot of twists and turns, and the damage that these guys can create on the earth is not that simple. , even if one fails, Wang Wei has just repaired a dragon vein on the earth, and will be coveted by many, many people, and these guys will give this place, then they will think of more ways, Wang Wei It is impossible to stay on the earth anytime, anywhere. Of course, although he is a very strong powerhouse, who knows if there are other film and television powerhouses on the earth, and these powerhouses are naturally Wang Wei's goal .

When Wang Wei watched the clips one by one, his eyes became even more angry at this time, because in those clips, they all recorded the former overlords in this star field, and they all recorded the Qin family. The map of this huge family, the new family will definitely not be what it appears on the surface, but there are still many powerful existences behind the real Qin family.

These powerful beings, I don’t know what the purpose is, during this period of time, they did not appear in this side of the death star field, and even those guardians rarely appeared. There was only one guardian of the earth, from time to time. Appeared at this time, of course, this earth guardian is also going to talk to them at any time.

Chapter [-] Peacemaker

When Wang Wei saw this earth guardian, she couldn't help frowning. She suddenly thought of her relationship with this earth guardian. Even in this area, this earth guardian is not considered to be a guardian of the earth. What kind of enemy, and there is still a trace of friendship, and the origin of this guardian of the earth has always been very mysterious. In the minds of the guys in front of them, at this time, I have not thought of the true strength of this guardian of the earth. Yes, but in their subconscious, they have blind confidence and respect for this earth guardian.

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