Of course, giving up the cultivation of that thing is only because they gave up, but to be honest, no one has practiced that thing, but some of them did see me in the images, and when they wrote these images, they went through It has been developed for countless generations, and now it has almost developed. In their entire sect, all people can have a piece of it. As long as they can rest, and a little bit of wind law, then this piece of things can be in their hands. There are images in front of you.

When the people from the Fengdong faction saw that there was someone in the legend who was able to practice such a terrifying exercise, they immediately thought that they wanted to get such a exercise, but they didn't. Knowing where to start, the person in front of him can actually make users of the lost exercises in their sect, so he no longer cares whether the person in front of him is a robot or what?He just fell to the ground with a thud.

My lord, it's all my fault for this matter. It's my fault. Well, please don't care about the villain. The old man threw himself on his knees at this time. The robot in front of him still looked at him so coldly, but he didn't utter a word. At this time, Wang Wei only cared about his own cultivation, and he no longer cared about these guys at all. The guy was there, he was about to smash his forehead, and he didn't find any movement of the robot. Immediately, his heart was a little shocked and a little nervous.

Chapter [-] The Escape of the Old Guys

At this time, a guy quickly started to escape from these guys. Of course, the old guy died at this time with a keyboard and sword shadows all over the sky. At this time, they quickly gathered and moved towards On top of Wang Wei's head, he bombarded the past.

However, in the next moment, a point appeared opposite him, and that point was a sword. Seeing the light, it quickly passed through the shadow of the sword that filled the sky, and at this moment, it was directly fixed. On the forehead of the person who used the sword.

A faint jet of cyan blood was sprayed out from the guy's mind, like a bowl of fountain. The gushing, such a scene, made all people see it at this time.

This is loneliness swordsmanship

A guy quickly saw this scene at this time, but at this time, they really didn't have anyone who could stop it. This old guy, worthy of being a member of the ancient martial arts sect, could actually recognize it. This is the lonely sword that has been lost. It's just for fun, and it's still in the hands of a human being. This is something absolute, beyond their imagination.

What is Lonely Swordsmanship?All of them knew that it was a sword technique created by the lonely senior in this world, and it was said that if this sword technique was perfected, even the entire planet could be split open by his sword, but I didn’t expect it. The person in front of him actually knows the sword of loneliness.

This senior, what other unique skills do you have?Please use it all at this time, maybe there are things that have been lost in our sect

At this moment, a guy trembled and said such a sentence, and the next moment, the guy thumped and fell to the ground directly, hurting the head of the robot in front of him. At this time, the robot has a serious face. At this time, she didn't say anything more. She just stood there quietly, but he stood there to give people a majesty that surpassed modernity. At this time, all people can't make a big breakthrough. They are afraid that this guy is using the unique skills of his own sect to deal with them, and it is very likely that he will be able to kill him with a direct move. Really not worth it.

Of course, there are still some old stubborn people who are desperately trying to get something out of the robot's hands at this time, and even get some advice from the robot. They moved at this time, of course, they are also holding knives , their weapons, etc., attacked the robot in front of them, and the robot just stood there quietly, all their attacks were all in vain at this time, and it was real, if the robot's On the body, I didn't find any cracks or the like on the body of the robot.

Damn it, isn't this the legendary copper skin and iron bones?

A guy said such a sentence in surprise at this time, but at this time the robot was still like that, blocking Wang Wei, the attacks of these guys were completely ineffective for him, and At this time, an old man started to use his whole body strength, and at this time, he slapped Wang Wei in front of him with hatred.

The next old man vomited blood directly and flew out. All the people around were horrified at this time. They didn't see how Wang Wei did it, but he was blinded by such an easy and direct nature. After bombarding such an old man, they couldn't tell how powerful Wang Wei was at this time.

Naturally, these guys once again thought of the previous Wang Wei, the power of that field, and when they felt the power of that field, the seniors of the ancient martial arts world were all shocked at this time. But at this time, they all believed that Wang Wei was definitely that venerable-level existence, and this venerable-level existence would never just talk about it like that, it must be, what else they don't know s story.

All the powerhouses dare not act rashly at this time. They are afraid that Wang Wei will go crazy again at this time, or that the robot beside Wang Wei will attack them again. At that time, they will be considered I don't know how to die.

In fact, all this is in Wang Wei's consciousness. The reason why he made such a look at this time is because these guys are a bit hateful, but he wants to create in the minds of these guys. A powerful character can even create an invincible existence in the hearts of these guys.

Previously, Wang Wei also had a discussion with Xiaokui and the two of them. He felt that on the earth, instead of destroying all these old guys, it would be better to comrade these old guys and let these old guys live on earth. With the participation of these old guys, he also absolutely believes that the earth will definitely prosper.

Therefore, under the guidance of Xiaohui's arrangement, he directed such a play at this time. Of course, these old guys are not so easy. I believe that Wang Wei has gone through many arguments and tests. , At this time in the hearts of these old guys, all of them are convinced of Wang Wei's strength. These guys and even many people think that Wang Wei is pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, or that Wang Wei is suffering at this time. For some serious injuries, he sealed some live videos of his body, which means that he sealed most of his strength and transported it to heal his injuries, so at this time, he was able to play the role of Emperor Wu. If the mid-term strength is calculated according to their realm, then Wang Wei in front of him should be at least the mid-term strength of the Venerable, because in their impression, if one person is injured, then he must use all his strength. Strength comes to heal wounds, and the energy that can be displayed outside is naturally half of his cultivation base. That is to say, if his cultivation base is in the middle stage of Emperor Wu, and his mother falls to a big realm, he should be the strength in the middle stage of Emperor Wu. .

Chapter [-] shock

In front of him, although Wang Wei only has the strength of King Wu and Huang Zongxi, Wang Wei can indeed call these fields in front of him at this time.

What does it mean to be able to invoke the power of space?It means that Wang Wei will never be that simple. They don't know how powerful Wang Wei was when he was in his prime.

Unknown things are always full of mystery and terrifying. It is precisely because of these things that Wang Wei displayed in front of them that they felt the unknown, so they felt fear in their hearts at this time. Because of such fear, they began to have policies in their hearts at this time. They did not expect to meet a guy like Wang Wei at this time in front of them, and they did not even think that Wang Wei would actually be a respected person. The existence of mid-term strength, what kind of powerful strength is this?At this time, their hearts began to shake.

Wang Wei naturally took all their expressions into his eyes. Of course, his heart was sneering at this time. This is the difference in strength. He deliberately directed such a play, so he just let it go. There is a shadow in the hearts of these old guys. If they are on the earth in the future, if they meet them, these guys will greet them politely, and they will never come up to trouble themselves again.

After a long time, Wang Wei slowly stood up at this time. Of course, within this time, Xiaokui forced out the energy in Wang Lin's body again through virtual means. The strength of Emperor Wu's peak, at this time, he directly released the strength of the late Five Yellow.

Those old guys present, when they saw Wang Wei displaying the strength of the Empress Wu period at this time, they all sweated in their hearts. They didn't expect that Wang Wei would be in such a short time. There is only one explanation for this, and that is that Wang Wei's previous realm is definitely not what they guessed. It is very likely that Wang Wei's real strength before is in the middle and late stages.

What a powerful existence the Venerable is, they have all experienced it at this time. Of course, their hearts are completely shocked at this time. If they don't have a good relationship with Wang Wei now, then It is very likely that in the future, if Wang Wei directly restores all his strength one day, then it will be their doomsday. Even if Wang Wei does not restore his strength, Wang Wei's strength in the later stage of Wu Zun will be the first, plus the people around him. If that elusive robot appeared, they would have no chance of winning at this time. When they encountered such a huge and powerful character as Wang Wei, they had no choice but to die.

These guys are looking at each other in dismay at this time. At this time, they dare not underestimate Wang Wei in front of them, and they dare not underestimate Wang Wei's strength. They know that Wang Wei is definitely not that simple. When they knew all this, their admiration for Wang Wei came from the bottom of their hearts. Even if they didn't come from the bottom of their hearts, at this time they didn't dare to do anything to Wang Wei in front of them, and they didn't even dare to do anything to Wang Wei. Wei made irresponsible remarks?If Wang Weijiang and the others are really deleted in this alien domain, then they will be torn apart physically and mentally.

Wang Wei naturally knew the thoughts in their hearts. Regarding the divine consciousness, the soul, and the reasons for their laughing, Wang Wei wanted to study all of them at this time, and even his curiosity did not control them. Guy, he really wants to know, these guys, who obviously have the strength to walk freely in this alien domain, really use their ethereal primordial spirit to walk in this space, isn't this a joke?

Or among these guys, what is the reason?Wang Wei couldn't understand at this time, but he didn't say anything more, just sneered at the guys in front of him and said:

I know that your hearts are very unconvinced, but I can tell you that this matter is definitely not that simple, and you can't say anything about my cultivation base so high, if you say it, then I don't mind Move your fingers to make you corrupt

When all the guys heard Wang Wei's call at this time, they were all shocked. They didn't expect Wang Wei to say such a sentence at this time, and they didn't expect Wang Wei to be so terrifying. Of course, when they heard Wang Wei say this at this time, they also breathed a long sigh of relief. Wang Wei didn't kill them, which is also a lucky thing, so at this time, they can only respectfully Standing here, quietly waiting for Wang Wei to speak at this time.

Of course, they didn't dare to act rashly at this time, for fear that they would provoke Wang Wei's words in front of them, and their lives would be really over.

Well, you don't have to guess what realm I am in. Of course, it will never be as simple as you think. If you let me know who among you has betrayed me, then you have to be careful.

At this time, Wang Wei can look at these guys in front of him coldly. At this time, the plane went to the beach and said such a sentence. When everyone heard Wang Wei's call, they all looked at each other. , then they turned into a wry smile, and then an old man said:

Uh, don't dare

Then go away, do you really want to stay all at this time?

Wang Wei's face was cold, and he said such a sentence at this time. When several old people heard Wang Wei's words at this time, they all broke out in cold sweat. Where are they at this time? Dare to say nothing, they all left the area as if they were escaping quickly at this time. Wang Wei was silent at this time after they left. He did not expect that this time he would be able to bring himself Such troubles, of course, did not think of the greed of these powerhouses on this earth, but fortunately, their own strength made them mistakenly believe that they were above the level of the Venerable.

Chapter [-] Don't expose me

Of course, this is also the most important point in getting the income of these guys one by one to his own door. Wang Wei believes that after this incident, these guys will never go to the outside world again, unless they encounter some people who think they can talk to him. Those who compete, or at that time, they will be able to betray themselves. If they betray themselves like this casually, then these guys will really suffer some backlash.

This kind of backlash is because of the way of speaking that they signed the contract. This way is also what Xiaokui told him at this time, and Wang Wei used it at this time, and those guys stayed in the ancient martial arts world. After so long, it is natural to know the true strength of these things, and also to know that there is a detailed list of laws in this world, which binds people like them. Even in this world, they never dare to swear casually. , and don't dare to promise anything to people casually. As long as they make a promise, then they must fulfill it. If they dare to break their promise at this time, then they will really suffer backlash one day. .

There is even a possibility that it will kill them directly. These guys are not fools. They naturally know it in this world, so they dare not relax their vigilance at this moment. After the body was automatically entered by that powerful force, they were also disheartened and understood that Wang Wei, who was in front of them, was still worried about them. It was because of this that they did not dare to say more at this time. What, of course, at this time, one by one, they also lowered their heads very low.

Wang Wei looked at these guys, at this time he didn't say much, he just waited quietly, waiting for these guys to disappear directly in front of him.

Haha Wang Wei is good, if you are on the earth in the future, it will be unimpeded.

Well, but if these guys meet someone stronger than me, they will definitely expose me, and if they expose me, then things will be bad

Wang Wei was a little worried and said such a sentence at this time, but when he heard Wang Wei's words, Xiaokui smiled, and the spaceship and battleship approached the earth again at this time.

I don't know if it was because he was about to approach the earth, but at this moment, Wang Wei suddenly felt a ferocious force again.

Wang Wei, those guys from the Robot Empire did find you at this time. They are very likely to go to the teleportation gate of the space teleportation array you built, the town gate, you have to be careful

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