"Well, what did you want to do when you brought me to this place??" The old man looked at the little girl in front of him with some puzzlement at this time, and asked such a question, and the little girl in front of him asked such a question. , when he heard the old man's question, his brows were slightly wrinkled, but he couldn't, and then he smiled and said:

"Hehe, Professor Li, this matter is actually very simple to say. I'm in this place, but Wang Wei asked me to come to you. Of course, um, he said that this matter needs to be carried out in secret. And he needs a lot of materials, these materials are important materials for making robots, and now you are the only person she can trust, and the only person who can help him, if you can't help him now , then it is really possible that he will become a vegetative person, and it will be over forever, I don’t think you will just look at Wang Weiwei’s directness and lie down forever.”

When the old man heard what he said, he also frowned slightly. After a long time, he said to the little girl in front of him:

"Yes, I don't want to see a young man like Wang Wei just lying there. I don't know that you asked me to prepare so many things this time, to make a robot, but this robot is related to Wang Wei, right? ?"

At this time, Lao Tzu was very wary, and asked the little girl in front of the king, such a sentence, and the little girl in front of him also stuck out his tongue slightly after hearing the old man's words, and then opened his mouth and said. :

"hehe, not bad"

"What's that? What's the use of him asking me to prepare so many robots? Can you tell me what the robots he needs to make? How can I help him?"

When the old man was here, he asked such a sentence, and when the little girl heard the old man's words, her eyebrows knitted slightly, and then he opened the mouth and said:

"Hey Professor Li, I can't tell you about this for the time being, because now is really not the time. If you want to really know the whole story and what Wang Wei wants to do, I suggest you It's better not to ask too much, and when the time comes, Wang Wei has done all this and stopped the stalls, naturally he will tell you, and I naturally can't say more."

When Professor Yi heard Xiaokui's words at this time, he also frowned slightly. He didn't expect this matter to have such a big influence, and what he didn't expect was that Wang Wei didn't know where he came from. The little girl who was looking for it in the local area actually didn't hide it from herself at all.

"Professor Li, don't ask. You can prepare the materials for these robots. You may need to do a lot of things at that time, but I can't tell you these things for the time being, because I can't tell you right now."

The little girl said such a sentence at this time, and Professor Li had nothing to do after hearing what the little girl said at this time. He immediately thought of something, and then said:

"If you don't talk about it, don't talk about it, but I want to be fully involved in the whole process."

At this time, the little girl made a face at Lao Tzu, and then he nodded slightly and said:

"Don't worry, this matter is absolutely indispensable to you, you are definitely the main force, because this matter really cannot be done without you, I suggest you go and talk about it."

After hearing Xiao Pei's words, Professor Li also knew that any questions asked at this time would be in vain, but at this moment he didn't say much, just directly dialed the phone number of his subordinates, and quickly At this time, there were a lot of student-like guys, driving all kinds of pickup trucks, pulling all kinds of ultra-modern equipment, and heading towards this mountain.

"Let's put these equipment in this place first. We will tell you when we need to use it. If there is no big deal, I suggest you don't leave this place."

At this time, the little girl said such a sentence like a big man, and when those guys heard such a little girl saying such a sentence to them, their faces suddenly changed. They did not dare to ask more questions at this time. After all, their teacher was still here. Even if they asked, their teacher probably wouldn't explain it.

Experiments are a very confidential thing, and no one will tell others the results of their experiments completely. Their teachers are naturally like this. Therefore, as the students of Professor Li, it is naturally impossible for them to ask questions. These things, they have completely understood Professor Li's temperament.

"What will the little girl do next?"

At this time, Professor Li looked nervously at the little girl in front of him. The little girl frowned at this time, and then he said:

"What else can you do? Let your students go back first. After they all go back, we will plan the next step. If they don't go back, then our next thing may be exposed, you know This is scientific research, and I absolutely do not allow the second person to know about it.”

The old man also looked strange at this time, but at this time he didn't say much, just shouted to the students:

"Haha, let's all go."

Those students started again at this time, there was an uproar, they didn't think that they were being controlled by a little girl at this time, and the little girl said before that they should all stay, all of them They had to stay in this place, but now the little girl told them to leave, so they had no choice. The students greeted Professor Li respectfully and left directly.

Chapter [-] Professor Li

"Haha, alright, professor, the two of us are going to transport all these equipment into this mountain. Of course, we can't let anyone disturb, so..."

Professor Li was also a little horrified after hearing the little girl's words. He did not expect that this little girl would make such a request this time to move all these equipments to the mountains. This is not a joke, he is now He is such an old man. If he can completely move these equipments into the mountains, then his old arms and legs will not really be broken. Professor Li is also at this time. After a while of bitterness, she bitterly looked at the little girl in front of her:

"Well, I said little girl, can we have a negotiation? You look at a person my age. You asked me to move all these large-scale equipment into the cave, right?"

At this time, Xiaokui heard Professor Li in front of him say such a sentence, but he giggled when he thought about it, and then he said:

"Hehe, Professor Li, Ningbo is green. In fact, you don't need to move these things yourself, but I have to take you to a place to meet Wang Wei, you and Wang Wei are in that place. Wait, I'll send all these things over in a while."

Xiaokui said such a sentence strangely at this time, and when the old man looked at the little girl in front of him who looked a little watery, had a stubborn personality, and was young, he suddenly thought that For a while, he was helpless. He didn't understand why he listened to this little girl in the first place and ran into this deep mountain and forest to do the experiment. What made him even more doubtful was whether Wang Wei was in this big mountain. of?If Wang Wei is not in this mountain, then his old bones, even if they run into this mountain, it will fall apart. At this time, I frowned slightly, and then he was He opened his mouth and continued to say to the little girl in front of him:

"Well, I said little girl, you're not playing with me, are you? Could it be that Wang Wei is really in this mountain?"

"I really didn't play with you, Wang Wei is really in this mountain, he said to let you come over and watch him do an experiment in person, if there are other people who can use this technology to make them for them in the future If we replace some parts in the body, or if we can achieve a superpower and technology that is stronger than the world, then our technology level can truly reach a new realm.”

The little girl said such a sentence again at this time, but when the old professor heard his words, he was slightly taken aback, and then he thought of something:

"What? Are you saying that Wang Wei is going to replace all the blood vessels in his body, and replace them with the body cell stem cell regeneration technology used by robots and the blood vessels of these robots?"

The old professor was really shocked at this time. He didn't expect this little girl in front of him to have such a purpose, and he didn't expect that Wang Wei would be so crazy, and he actually wanted to use such a method to make such a method. And this kind of scientific research, if this scientific research is really successful, then Wang Wei will become the first person in the world to control the blood vessels of these robots after all the muscles and bones are broken. Things to improve, real mutants.

Of course, Professor Li was even more horrified and angry at this time. He didn't expect Wang Wei to be so crazy, and he was absolutely worried about Wang Wei at this time, but No matter how worried he was, he didn't say much at this time.

In fact, this time, the reason why the old professor was able to come is that Xiaokui used some skills and methods. He said some things about this experiment at this time. Of course, he said to the old professor, if If this time Wang Wei pulls his experiment in this deep mountain and old forest to be successful, all the credit goes to him, and tell him that this will be the greatest of all scientific and all human medical circles. A surprise.

It is precisely because the little girl agreed to this condition of the old man at this time that the old man was directly tempted at this time, so he followed the little girl to this deep mountain, but at this time, he heard the little girl. When the girl said such a paragraph, he was also a little stunned. At this time, he kept cursing Wang Wei in his heart. I thought that Wang Wei was a lunatic, an out-and-out lunatic. Crazy to such a point, it also made him a little unexpected, but in such a situation, he also had nothing to do.

"Hehe, Professor Li, you don't have to be nervous. In fact, this matter is not that difficult. Wang Wei said at this time that he was just a waste. The reason why I called you in this time is because I asked you to follow He will come together to witness this great miracle in the scientific world and do this truly great deed that shocked the world this time in the scientific world."

After the little girl said this at this time, she didn't say anything more, she just started to walk forward quickly and directly, and Dr. Li had no choice at this time. Although he was a professor, But it's not omnipotent, and he definitely attaches great importance to these things of success.

"Damn, is this kid crazy? He actually uses such a method to fight against the world, and the world proves its technological means. This is really crazy."

Professor Li said such a sentence at this time. Of course, in his heart, he was also a little uneasy at this time, but what he wanted to know most was that it was absolutely impossible to drag Wang Wei up. Let Wang Wei do this experiment like this, because it is too risky. If there is an error in the experiment, or if the experiment fails, it will cause consequences, which are beyond their imagination, but seeing this in front of them When the little girl was surprised, Professor Li was also frowning a little at this time. He was not sure if the little girl was real, and he was not sure if the little girl was complete. Completely told him everything.

Chapter [-] Professor Li's guess

If this little girl is hiding something from herself, isn't she really caught in this little girl's trap?But if he doesn't go, if this matter is true, then if it spreads out in the scientific community in the future, it will directly ruin his reputation.

At this time, Professor Lin was also in a dilemma, but at this time, he really did not speak again, the little girl was walking the old man in this area, of course, at this time No one saw what he was doing, and of course no one saw that he would use the digital sensing system to move all these things behind them, as if a huge bodyguard was following a group of children.

Professor Li didn't notice the movement behind her at this time. At this moment, she should be thinking about how to persuade Wang Wei. Don't let Wang Wei do this stupid thing. Before arriving at the cave that Wang Wei arranged for Xiaokui to look for, Xiaokui began to check carefully around the cave again at this time. He found that there was no hiding in this area. Slowly let go of her heart, precisely because it was a slow let down, after her heart came, Xiaokui didn't say anything more at this time.

At this time, Professor Li appeared in Wang Wei's room very quickly. At this time, Wang Wei also wanted to sit up straight to meet the professor here, but he found that he couldn't even move his fingers. , Wang Wei was really speechless at this time.

"I said boy, are you doing this inappropriately? If you do, then it is very likely that you will not come back, and it will bring a lot of disasters to the world. Woolen cloth"

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