"Well, your study level is still good, um, your Huigen is not bad, right?"

At this time, Xiaokui comforted Professor Li in front of him and said such a sentence. When Professor Li heard what the kid said, he was ashamed for a while, but he really didn't say much at this time. In the field of scientific research, the best person comes first, no matter who you are, as long as you can achieve the kind of long-sightedness or even the kind of fact that humans have been unable to achieve, or as long as you can be the first to eat crabs people, then you will be respected by all people in the scientific community.

Wang Wei's madness shocked Professor Li. For three days, Professor Li, under the constant guidance of Xiaokui, finally restored the animal. Of course, this restored Animals are controlled by its chips. Professor Li is a little happy that he can create animals like this, but he still knows that if there is no such little girl, if he wants to develop such a chip, In other words, it is possible to develop such a robot, then I don't know if it is in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

When Wang Wei woke up, he glanced at Professor Li, then laughed and said:

"Haha, I was able to escape this time, thanks to you, thank you"

"Hey, your kid is too crazy. If it wasn't for the master this time, it is estimated that your life might be over."

At this time, Professor Li looked like a respectful disciple. At this time, he humbly said such words in front of Wang Wei, and when Wang Wei heard Professor Li's words, he couldn't help but feel Frowning his brows, he immediately asked:


"Hehe, it's like this, this little girl gave me all those things before, if it wasn't for today, I saw all this with my own eyes in this place, then I really can't believe it, There is such a magical power in this world. What I don't believe is that there are people in this world who can completely transform themselves into robots. Wang Weiwei, you really opened me up this time. vision"

At this time, Professor Li respectfully said such a sentence, but at this time Xiaokui smiled and said:

"Hey, how about Wang Wei? I'm a qualified teacher, right?"

Wang Wei also felt a little helpless when he heard Xiaokui's hehe smile, but at this time he still felt that he should get used to his new body. After all, his meridians, and his own His bones have also undergone a series of improvements, and he can be said to be no longer a human now, and he has even completely separated from the category of human beings. He does not want to be regarded as a monster by others.

After trying to move his whole body up and down, and then using all his abilities, Wang Wei felt a burst of joy at this time, but he also knew the source of all this. It came from Xiaokui. This guy Xiaokui can really surprise himself. What he didn't expect was that the power of his black and white holes could actually run such a thing in his meridians, making him At this time, he was stunned.

"Hehe, Wang Wei, congratulations, you have been reborn again."

The student who went back to the West School said such a thing at this time, and when Wang Wei heard Xiaohui's words, he also frowned slightly. He didn't know what to do at this time. Okay, but he also knows that this time he was a blessing in disguise. If it weren't for this time, his own body would not be able to improve, and the energy storage in his body It will not be so rich. He now feels that his whole body is full of energy, and he feels that he can once again activate the energy in his dantian. At this time, his heart is absolute. happy.

purr purr

At this time, Wang Wei heard a grunting sound, which is a kind of sound that can only be achieved after the stomach is hungry. Wang Wei was stunned at this moment, and then he looked at the Professor Li in front of him. At this time, he smiled awkwardly at him, and he knew what was going on.

"Hehe, Professor Li, thanks to your help this time, or else, I'll treat you to dinner later."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and Professor Li in front of him did answer a little embarrassedly at this time:

"Hehe, those who don't love don't love, there shouldn't be much of a problem, I should be able to carry it for a while"

Chapter [-] My treat

"Okay, please be polite to me. You have become my servant's secret apprentice, so will we also become a family?"

At this time, Wang Wei laughed and said such a sentence. The three of them walked out of the cave side by side at this time. Of course, Xiaokui collected these things again at the fastest speed at this time. Alright, then send it out.

Outside, those students did not go far, they were all quietly waiting for them, waiting for Professor Li and the others to appear, but they waited for a long time, but they did not wait for Professor Li, which made them feel a little disappointed at this time. Now, a lot of people have retreated at this time, but at this time, they suddenly found themselves in front of them. At this time, there were some more machines, and those machines were sent by them before. Yes, this scene made them all stunned at this time. They didn't expect that there would be such a powerful machine in this place, and that such a machine would appear in their place in such a strange way. before.

"Is this a TV show??"

A disciple who looked like a female college student asked such a sentence at this time, and the other people next to the woman were all slightly stunned at this time, and they didn't know how to explain it. , a guy laughed at this time and said:

"But this should be a legendary fantasy novel, right?"


All the people at this time, you said this word by word, after half an hour again, three people walked out of the jungle, when they saw the three people's At that time, all of them could not help but be surprised for a while. They had met their master in front of them, their mentor, that Professor Li, and the little girl beside them. Next, when talking to Professor Li, the guy with a commanding tone, the last one, they are even more familiar, because in this world, in their circle, no one knows Wang Wei. That's a super scientist and a super mad scientist.

"Oh, you are all here"

At this time, Professor Li said such a sentence with a smile. Wang Wei and Xiao Kui, who were following behind him, looked at each other and pulled back on purpose.

"Wang Wei, you asked me to find this old guy, and let me teach them these things, this is a bit unreliable."

"Haha, it's nothing. Actually, I really want to change humanity, but I've never been able to do that. Besides, it's been delayed for so many days now. I really don't know when the Earth's eruption will take place. I'm afraid By the time we go to the center of the earth and bury all those energy blocks in the center of the earth, it will be too late, so I must arrange everything properly before entering the center of the earth, and Everything has to come to an end"

"You mean to let me teach them this thing is to let them transform more human beings, do you know that such transformation has violated the natural laws of this planet to some extent, so it is very likely that Invite God's Retribution"

"There is no way. If I don't do this, then it is very likely that we will not be able to rescue more human beings at all before the death of the earth. Is this also for insurance?"

At this moment, Wang Wei spread his hands helplessly, but the next moment, he was surrounded by these students again.

"Master Wang, I'm your fan."

"That's right, Wang Weiwei, this time I heard that you became a vegetative person. All of us are very worried about you at this time."

At this time, the guys started to go forward to greet Wang Wei constantly, and they kept talking to Wang Wei at this time, um class, and Wang Wei saw these guys at this time, with that kind of face But he showed an indifferent smile. He also knew that these guys were his fans, and he knew even more that his current reputation was on the earth, how loud it was.

"Hehe, it's nothing, I've made everyone miss it. It's my fault. Otherwise, I'll invite everyone to dinner today."

"Okay, okay..."

Wang Wei's words immediately resonated with everyone. At this time, Wang Wei was also a little bitter. He didn't expect that he was just saying this casually. He really didn't expect you to come to such a big oolong, watching himself treat guests. The team is getting bigger and bigger at this time, and Wang Wei is also a little emotional at this time, but at this time he is touching his pocket, only to find that his wallet and other things are not with him at all.

"Hehe Wang Wei, it's alright, have you forgotten that you never took money with you when you went out, you always transfer money electronically?"

Xiaokui said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind very intimately. When Wang Wei heard this, his eyes lit up. She didn't expect Xiaokui to remind herself that in the current situation In society, shopping in supermarkets, eating, etc., human necessities are basically out of the scope of ancient human beings. Who still brings money when people go out today?Few people even bring their mobile phones now. When they go out, they are super smart and invincible. It's all a joke. The directness is to brush your face, brush your fingerprints, or just casually in the air. , all the data in this world can be released in one breath.

At this time, Wang Wei also felt a burst of emotion in his heart. He recalled his past, and recalled the feeling when he just stepped out of the school gate. At that time, he was holding a mobile phone in his hand and felt very awesome, but Now that it's been less than 30 years, he feels that he is out, and even a little outdated, unable to keep up with the times.

When Wang Wei invited guests, he would naturally get a lot of responses, and when Professor Li's students heard the news at this time, they all posted on Moments, etc., all kinds of posts.

Chapter [-] The Gathering

Wang Wei originally thought it was just Professor Li and his students, but who knows, when they came to the restaurant that Wang Wei had reserved, he really felt what it meant that there were too many people in this place. That was true. It's crowded, and the restaurant has been surrounded by water. Of course, there are also some police superintendents, the army and others who are riding the skateboards around here to maintain order.

This time, Wang Wei was even more shocked. He did not expect that his current appeal and influence would be so great:

"Well, Professor Li, are these all your students?"

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