Somewhere in San Francisco, there is a guy who is drinking tea constantly, but at this time he is looking at the direction of the Diaoyu Island above the sky. The flame was burning wildly at this time.

"Damn it, is this really going to destroy the world? Who made such a big noise when he had nothing to do?"

The guy said such a sentence at this time, and in the next moment, he quickly flew towards the sky and drifted towards the place where the heat emerged.

Chapter [-]: High temperature training

At this time, Wang Wei was also speechless for a while. Originally, he was in this place for this high-temperature training, but he didn't expect that it would cause such a big disturbance. The burning movement has completely surpassed the most powerful thermal melting point in this area. At this time, it emerged frantically. Wang Wei did not expect it to reach such a level at this time, and he At this time, there is absolutely no way to solve it.

At this time, the major live broadcast rooms are also crazy, and the topics they are discussing at this time have once again returned to the storm of the apocalypse, and this time the apocalypse has definitely exceeded It's within the reach of today's people.

At this time, the major forums in Kyushu Kingdom began to report on this matter, but at this time, it made everyone a little horrified, because at this time, half of the sky was already burning. Even the surrounding temperature has exceeded the temperature above the flame mountain of Kyushu, and even at this time, it has completely reached an ultra-high temperature, and this ultra-high temperature is still breeding in coastal areas, in the coastal areas. At this time, the sea water is also falling rapidly. If it continues at this speed, then this part of the coastal area is likely to have been completely swallowed by this sea of ​​fire.

"Xiao Kui, let's see if there is any way to solve it. Now this method is soaring in temperature. If there is one, use it immediately. Otherwise, at this time, it is very likely that our entire area will be completely It has become a place of destruction."

"Ding's mad scientist system is activated again, mad scientist, the physical cooling system is activated, 1/3 of the energy consumed is not enough, you need to fill the ordinary with energy blocks"

The system issued such a warning at this time, and Wang Wei frowned slightly at this time, and then he didn't say any more, and quickly activated the physical cooling system, and put all the energy blocks. All are translated from space battleships, and then all the energy blocks on these space battleships are used to import them into their own black and white holes, and their own black and white holes, at this time, once again quickly At this time, all the surrounding energy was filled in crazily and continuously.

Time passed by one minute and one second, when all the people on the island were about to be unable to hold on, when the clothes on their bodies were about to burn, finally pouring rain fell from the sky, and it kept cooling down. The speed is the rapid impact down.

Many people saw the sky at this time, and at this time, their hearts were all shocked. They didn't expect such a big movement this time, and what they didn't expect was that this time The temperature in the sky was so hot that they were suffocating. Fortunately, at this moment, the postal service was pouring rain, and all the people exhaled a long breath at this time.

"What are they doing?"

At this time, only those dark things in the sky said such a sentence, and other people also looked towards this place at this time. Of course, at this moment, There are also a lot of people who started to ask such a question at this time. These subordinates of Wang Wei and all of Wang Wei's cronies, as well as Wang Wei, these people in this place, at this moment, all grow up. He exhaled a long breath, it was a refreshing feeling.

Those cultivators who were about to run in Wang Wei's direction, as well as those scientific researchers from all over the world, were also a little stunned at this time. What they didn't expect was that Wang Wei would actually be in this area. , once again, such a situation, such a situation, makes them a little uncertain at this time, what they don't understand is this crazy rain, and what they can hurry at this time, in this area. This scene of rain really makes them a little strange at this time.

"Hey, it's God's will, God's will Wang Wei, you didn't expect it, you spent a lot of effort to build such a scene on the earth that is similar to the night shift of flames, at this time, it has been completely was wiped out by this rainy road.”

On a planet that does not know how many stars from the earth, how many, but at the moment he is looking at the scene on the screen. At this time, he is dancing with joy. He did not expect Wang Wei to study at this time. This flame thing will actually be extinguished by these big fish at this time, he is really very happy at this time.

Immediately, he sent exploration robots again, and let those exploration robots rush towards the earth at this time. Of course, their purpose was naturally the area where Wang Lin was located. They had to see where Wang Wei was. What is going on in this area?Even their mission this time is to completely kill Wang Wei on the earth.

After a long time, Wang Wei let out a long sigh. He was a complete failure in this high temperature experiment.

"Are you really interesting creatures on this earth? There are still many people who want to see your jokes, Wang Wei, don't let me down."

In Wang Wei's mind, there was a sarcastic voice at this time, and when Wang Wei heard this sarcastic voice, he frowned slightly, she didn't understand who this guy was. What do you mean?Although this guy is said to have come from that alien domain, he can't ridicule himself in every possible way at this time. This is too embarrassing.

"Xiao Kui, is there any way to make this guy shut up first?"

Chapter [-]: Ignite the base

Wang Wei felt helpless when he felt this guy's crazy slap in the face, and then he started asking Xiaokui in his mind to see if Xiaohui had any better way to deal with this. The guy's mouth was blocked, and after Xiaokui received his order at this time, he replied to him with data for a long time:

"The other party's technological means are too strong, I can't control the other party's system when it approaches the other party, there will be a series of data confusion"

At this time, Wang Wei felt helpless for a while, but at this time, he suddenly thought that since the system can have its own physical cooling system, it shouldn't be a big deal if he enters the center of the earth. The question is, besides, if there is such a system to assist, coupled with the guy in outer space, I think it will not be so painful to travel this time to the center of the earth.

Wang Wei said such a question in his mind at this time, and then he stopped saying more, and said to the guy in his mind:

"Okay, let's not say anything more. If you want me to enter that place, then you can open it directly. Of course, when you open the center of the earth, remember to cut off contact with people outside. , and even build a super powerful defensive formation in this area for me, as long as those guys in outer space cannot break this defensive formation.”

Wang Wei was speechless, and he said such a sentence at this time, but at this time, in his mind, the guy from the outer universe laughed at this time, and then he opened his mouth and said. :

"Hey, not bad, you guys on Earth are still a little capable. If that's the case, then I'll help you. The construction of a teleportation array in this place requires 1/10 of all your energy blocks, so don't be too small. Look at this 1/10, if this 1/10 energy block is built on your star field, even a saint-level guy can't break through, and your place can be regarded as being built into a The existence of an iron barrel”

After hearing this guy's words at this time, Wang Wei agreed directly to him without hesitation, and said at this time:

"Why is it only 1/10 of the energy block? It's okay, as long as my home can be maintained, let alone 1/10, it is 25/10/[-], and act quickly."

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and then he let Xiaokui get 1/10 of the energy blocks in the same system, and when these energy blocks were taken out by Wang Wei, the guy But it was at this time that he smiled, and the next moment, the flying saucer-like guy flew out around Wang Wei at this time, and the energy blocks on his ground seemed to be in flames at this time. The coal usually burns wildly at this time, followed by the fusion of the losing case. Wang Wei looked at these energy blocks, and they melted quickly at this time. His heart was somewhat normal at this time, but even if In this case, he doesn't have any distress. After all, it is worthwhile to be able to use 1/10 of the energy block to ensure the safety of the earth, or to ensure the safety of his Diaoyu Islands base.

Wang Wei just looked at the flying saucer-like guy. At this time, he kept surrounding his bag, and after spinning it for more than ten laps in a row, the guy flew back to Wang directly again. Wei's side, looking at this guy at this time in the north, made this series of actions, and she felt a little strange in her heart. At this time, she opened the mouth and said:

"Is that all right?"

"Otherwise?" The guy in his mind said such a sentence at this time. After Wang Wei heard the guy's words, he also frowned slightly. They thought that this guy was actually perfunctory. I just circled around my island a few times, and built such a defensive formation on my own territory, and also consumed 1/10 of my energy block, this 1/10 of the energy block, It took a lot of time to play, and after a long period of tempering, these things were put together, and this guy circled around his Diaoyu Island, and then he put all his energy blocks into 1/10 is consumed, this guy is simply a master of burning money.

"You just turned around on this island with my back on your back and you're done?"

Wang Wei is already a little distrustful. He said such a sentence at this time, and the guy in his mind was really angry when he heard Wang Wei's words. On the flying saucer at this time, the guy said an angry sentence:

"You can give up your rights now to see if you can completely defeat this area, or you can shake this area."

To be on the safe side, Wang Wei also tried it out at this time. He used 1/3 of his own Peng Liang. He knew that the defensive formation in this area that you had constructed before was 1/3 of your own. The energy will not cause too much damage, so at this time, he is in this own base, and he uses 1/3 of the energy, but when his 1/3 of the energy is facing his own When this island was in the past, I did find that those energies of my own slowly entered a shock similar to water ripples at this time, but there was no more movement.

"How is it? Your energy is too weak in this place, you should go all out once. If you do your best, if you shake one point in this area, the name of anyone on your island, I'll save you all."

That guy said something like this at this time, and after hearing this guy's words, Wang Wei frowned slightly, and then he started to run again, and all the energy in his body was activated. , all its energy is running fast at this time.

Wang Wei felt that his full-strength blow could completely destroy the earth, but at this time, he failed completely. His punch directly hit this area. But once again, it disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea.


Chapter [-]: The defense built by the outer universe guy

Wang Wei was a little shocked at this time, but when he was shocked, he was also a little worried about these things in this area. He was Xiao Hei who started calling in his mind again, Let Xiaokui give orders to all the people in his battleship at this time, and these people in all his action teams, when they hear Wang Wei's orders to them at this time, are all one. A little puzzled, they don't understand what Wang Wei is doing?Isn't it pure nonsense that Wang Wei wants to bombard his base with all of them having documents?If he destroyed his base, would Wang Wei blame himself?All of them are a little confused at this time, but they have to obey Wang Wei's orders. At this time, they are also a little troubled in their hearts. If this is really impossible, then they In this world, it is very likely that Wang Wei will be blamed, so at this time, they can only be the pervert Wang Wei who is praying. Don't use those in this base, let him in I don't blame myself at this time, so they tentatively used the super anti-aircraft guns on their battleships at this time, and started to attack this area crazily. Of course, this kind of attack is not good for this area. From the above, it is not very useful, and in this area at this time, it is activated again, so that he is a somewhat normal picture at this time, and everyone understands at this time. Now, this time the attack is basically Wang Wei doing the experiment. Since you are busy doing the experiment, then they won't say anything more. It's the beginning again, using the strongest on the battleship. A big attack began to attack the Diaoyu Islands.

Wang Wei was also a little nervous at this time. He was afraid that his battleships would directly destroy everything in his area. After all, these battleships were all just developed by himself. , things that have been transformed by Xiaokui, and if these things transformed by Xiaokui cannot be completely resisted at this time, then this piece of his island is likely to be directly blown up and sank. .

"Huh?" An old man who was far away frowned slightly at this time, because in his perception, at this moment, there was such a small thing on the earth, and even this piece was missing. The island, the disappearance of this island made the old man a little shocked at this time. He didn't expect this island to disappear.

"How could this be? Could it be that this island has been completely blown up? That's Wang Wei's home. If this guy's house is to be blown up, use this guy to start a fight. Get angry, but it's really unbelievable."

That guy is the guardian of the earth. At this time, he suddenly felt the disappearance of Wang Wei's place, and he moved quickly in an instant, reaching this area at the fastest speed, passing by himself. The exploration of the spiritual consciousness of Wang Wei, the island of Wang Wei has actually disappeared at this time, which makes him feel a little ashamed at this time in his heart. If this is the case, then he This earth guardian is really about to suffer.

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