The guy in the outer universe said such a thing again at this time, and Wang Wei was also a bit bitter at this time. He really didn't know it would cause such an appearance, but now it has been When something like this happens, how to solve it?Wang Wei frowned tightly at this time, but his eyes were fixed on the sun at this time, and suddenly he found that the sun seemed to have grown a lot at this moment, and even this sun was still unceasingly. The gradually enlarged body has exceeded the original 3 to 5 times.

Chapter [-]: Will the sun grow up by itself?

"What? Will the sun grow by itself?"

"The sun will grow into a fart, this is the star you just pumped up and hit the sun, and the sun absorbed all the power of the star, and put the fragments of the star's explosion here All of it is converted into heat energy at a moment, which is why the sun keeps growing at this time. If this is the case, then the sun, the Mars you see, has swelled 3 to 5 times. Of course, this is just a The consequences of a planetary collision, if there are more than ten planets colliding one after another, then this planet will swell a lot and if these ten or more planets collide with the sun together, then the sun will be directly created, even It will destroy the sun, and the destroyed sun is likely to split into countless tiny suns, and these tiny suns, after countless years of evolution, will once again appear in this solar system. the fireball, and that's when you humans truly face extinction."

The guy in the outer universe said something like this at this time, and at this time, Wang Wei suddenly thought of a person, that is Hou Yi Hou Yi once used a bow to directly smash the sky into the sky. Nine suns were shot down. If this law is used, then after the dry years, there will be nine or more suns in this world again, and these suns are constantly changing. If it breeds, then what should be done?Does it mean to move Saturn above the sun, and then surround the sun with soil?Can be made?Where do you have to go to find so much Saturn?And how can so many Saturns be able to rotate into the solar system?How much engineering would it take if such a graphic could be moved into the solar system?What kind of powerful characters do you need?Who could de-spot so much Saturn into the entire solar system?If it cannot be relocated, what will be the consequences if the sun splits into countless numbers in the future?

Wang Wei's head is even bigger now. He didn't think that the problems he encountered along the way would actually reach 10. Why?Because these questions are constantly testing him, and even waiting for the results of his experiments, if he can't make the results of so many such powerful experiments, then it is very likely that none of these questions will be obtained. Answer.

Wang Wei is a very persistent person. It is precisely because of his persistence that he is worthy of the title of mad scientist. Based on this, he was able to get more people's approval on this world by doing research on many planets in the Ten Thousand Star Region, as well as many research reports and research papers.

His space elevator construction plan, although it can be considered a success, but if such success lies on the earth, it is still nothing, and it may even be regarded as a trivial one, but now However, he encountered such a problem, and he also encountered such a powerful level, which made him even more unsure of what to do at this time.

"Boy, hurry up and find a way to turn the black hole in your body into a white hole and spit out all the energy you absorbed"

The guy from the outer universe in his mind was urging again at this time, and when Wang Wei heard this guy's score at this time, he was a little helpless, but at this time, he also didn't. Any way, the black hole in his body has begun to devour a large area around him, Wang Wei's eyes suddenly lit up, if he were to reach the sun's periphery, he would destroy the Mercury that just exploded around the sun. If it is completely absorbed into one's body, can the rapid energy transfer in one's body be relieved?Then if the energy operation in one's own body is relieved at this time, can this problem be solved?

At this time, Wang Wei suddenly thought of such a problem, and the next moment, he was quickly on the control of the space battleship, pressing frantically, and the space battleship quickly passed through at this time, directly Sexually reached the edge of the sun, because the battleship is condensed by materials after all, and when it is close to the edge of the solar system, it is also somewhat unbearable, and can only helplessly take all these things back into its own body, and in the When approaching the sun, Wang Wei suddenly discovered that there are countless newest streams of huge planets around the sun.

"Dig so many broken star buildings, this is a good thing"

Wang Wei couldn't help but say such a sentence with emotion, and the next moment, he was like a dragon sucking water now, and it was in this place that he began to devour those broken hearts around him continuously, and those broken hearts At this time, the flow is constantly running in a strange trajectory, and on the only path of their running trajectory, they feel a powerful force of obstruction, and this powerful obstruction The power of the scorpion is attracting them to fly in the direction of Wang Wei. It is the huge black hole in Wang Wei's body. At this time, he carefully devoured all these black experiences.

This area of ​​vacuum has actually become a vacuum world, and after Wang Wei got close to the sun, he really couldn't feel the heat of the sun. Looking at the thing that looked like a fireball in front of him, it was burning brightly at this time, but The heat released by it is so good, Wang Wei felt extremely comfortable at this time, it was like enjoying the coolness under the moon in the summer night sky:

"What is this situation?"

Wang Wei curiously asked such a question in her heart, and then she heard the guy from the outer universe and answered him at this time:

"Hehe, this is not a situation, this is just the reaction of a planet. The reason why this planet is called Mars is because it has produced a series of scorching heat to other planets, and even made all planets at this time. Everyone can feel its hot story. Everyone regards this place as Mars. In fact, this area is not really Mars, because its structure is mainly hydrogen and oxygen, and hydrogen and oxygen meet When some specific things burn, this is a physical phenomenon, and this physical phenomenon is only for the earth. In fact, this is not the case around the real sun. You have to know that in all the sun At this time, it is already a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, and if you want to destroy the entire sun, or you feel cool or even feel refreshed when you are close to the sun, that is because you are close to the sun. At the time of the sun, the sun has completely retracted the energy in his body.

Chapter [-]: The Sun Burns Crazy

The sun was not actually that kind of hot thing. It was because of the addition of some specific factors and other substances in your universe that it became what it is now. In fact, the real sun is not It's not as hot as you think, it's the same as how you feel now."

When Wang Wei heard this guy in the outer universe at this time, he was a little helpless when he said such a thing at this time, but at this time, he really didn't ask any more questions. He knew all this, the guy in his mind was kind, and he was finally able to talk to himself and explain something to himself.

Wang Wei didn't say anything more. At this time, like a whale absorbing water, it quickly devoured the latest models of the smooth flow around, and the latest models of the broken heart flow, and at this time he was devoured by him. The behemoth in his body, that is, the second bit constructed by Wang Wei, is completely swallowed, but it does not necessarily feel how this bit expands or contracts, it seems that this stomach is really a bottomless pit .

Even Wang Wei himself didn't know how much he had swallowed up in the alien realm. Wang Wei, who was obsessed with staying at this moment, was suddenly speechless. He unnaturally sank his consciousness into himself completely. In the unknown in the body, it was in this position that no powerful beings were found, and even a series of scraps were not found in this position. After those stars entered this stomach, they were completely After disappearing, Wang Wei carefully observed his stomach with his own consciousness.

He found that there was darkness in this stomach, so dark that he couldn't see clearly what was in this unknown.

After making this discovery, Wang Wei suddenly became more interested in this new scent that he had created. He once again completely immersed his consciousness into this position, trying to rush through. This flavor, let's understand the real structure of this universe, but he is constantly exploring this area through the exploration of his own consciousness, and he has not found anything in his unknown. This is a black hole. Politics is still a black hole. Wang Wei is speechless here at this moment. He is also a little inexplicable about this black hole of his own. The stars, and these chaotic broken stars in front of the sun in this solar system, did not find that these stars flowed into their own position, and then were transported somewhere, isn't this a very strange thing?

At this time, Wang Wei once again made a new perception of his newly created position, and finally made him feel a little wrong, because at the bottom of this position, there was a gap. , and this gap is absorbed by the countless blood vessels in his body, and what is ejected from this gap is pure energy. Wang Wei is staring at this gap carefully at this time. , Could it be that the things that you have absorbed have all been converted into all the energy in your body by this newly created person?If this is the case, isn't all the energy of oneself endless?At this time, Wang Wei began to feel his own energy, but he still could not perceive the energy in his body, but he felt that the power in his body had increased a lot at this time, which made Wang Wei feel at this time. Once again, I studied it carefully as if I had discovered the New North.

At this time, Wang Wei was constantly researching the crystallization of all his energy, and he suddenly discovered that this position is indeed different from other places. As for which place is different, he is still there. At this time, something can't be said.

"Black holes are the core of the universe. If you have a black hole, can you own the energy of this black hole?"

"Congratulations to the landlord for getting the black hole energy conversion"

Just when Wang Wei was carefully studying all these things, he suddenly heard the main system say, congratulations to the host for getting such a black hole transformation, he was also a little confused, he didn't understand how this happened. What's the matter, what does it mean that you have obtained the conversion of black hole energy?

"Xiao Kui, what's going on? What is black hole energy conversion?"

"Hehe, black hole energy conversion is actually a kind of technology, that is to say, all the energy in your body is delivered to the main system, and then after some calculations and transfers in the main system, it is converted again to become energy Or energy blocks, and energy or energy blocks can indeed help you to a certain extent at this time, and can even convert the energy in your body into energy blocks”

When Wang Wei heard Xiaokui say this, he couldn't help but be a little excited. He didn't expect it to be like this. This black hole energy block is the problem that he is most worried about right now, but he didn't expect it. Yes, now the main system can actually be converted again, and it is a technology that converts all the energy it delivers into the main system, and then converts it into an energy bank, which means that it is equivalent to adding a medium among them.

At this time, Wang Wei couldn't help but get a little excited. She was in Bamboo Branch and began to frantically swallow the surrounding broken stars into her body again. Of course, in the place close to the sun. At that time, the energy of the black holes in these places was beyond his imagination. He did not expect that there would be so many star fragments in this area, and these newly added fragments were constantly and rapidly at this time. It poured into his body. If these star fragments can reach a certain degree of saturation in his body, then it is very likely that he will be able to detach from the present.

Wang Wei's heart was absolutely excited at this time. She drank to Xiaokui while she was excited:

"Xiao Kui, hurry up and start the conversion of positive energy blocks"

"Black hole energy conversion starts..."

Chapter [-]: Black Hole Energy Conversion

Such a sentence from the system at this time could not help but come to my mind again. Was Wang Wei also excited at this time?He looked at the data bar in front of him. At this time, he was advancing rapidly and continuously. His heart was absolutely agitated at this time. However, when he was agitated, suddenly she heard that familiar voice, And the voice he didn't want to hear:

"Alarm security report insufficient energy, insufficient energy, temporarily stop, black hole energy conversion started"

Wang Wei was suddenly angry. At this moment, he did not expect that the system would actually say such a sentence directly, and also said that his energy was insufficient, Wang Wei was simply dizzy. , the most important thing in this alien domain is energy, and the conversion of these energy is of course very easy, Wang Wei does not need to say more at this moment, it is once again, fast crazy The black hole cannot go down in his body, and his swallowing speed at this time is also strengthened again, and this time the strengthening has caused the fragments of stars in this chaotic river basin, in this At that time, it started surging towards her crazily.

On the earth, in a technological war, many people are all around the technology display place in front of the star at this time, watching objectively, because at this moment, they have seen the appearance of the solar system and the surrounding of the sun. Countless stream of broken stars, at this time, rushing towards a place crazily and fast, and the place where the stream of broken stars flows, it changes in an instant, becoming a series of holes, and this hole is an absolute vacuum presented in the form of.

"Dr. Talya, what the hell is going on?"

"According to our analysis, this should be a rare, interstellar stream in interstellar space"

"Then what are we going to do? Are we supposed to sit back and wait now?"

A guy asked anxiously at this time, Dr. Tarr, Dr. R trimmed his silver hair at this time, and he was a little confused at this moment, how could such a trace of heart appear in this outer space? what about?He was also a bit strange at this time, but at this moment, he also had no way to do anything. He quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard, watching the scene in front of him.

"Space and interstellar passages, countless, interstellar and new groups cause changes at this time, a product of autonomous changes, and this product is caused by a lot of strong external pressures in outer space, and these At this time, the external pressure continued to start frantically, squeezing towards the central position, causing the central position to be empty, and the interstellar flow in the outer star field is to fill this empty space, so it can be triggered, and this kind of The attribution of the interstellar flow in the alien domain is to wait until the emptiness in this area is completely filled at this time, and then it will be autonomous and chic.”

Such a sentence appeared on the screen in front of him. All the researchers took a deep breath at this time. This is the first time I have seen and discovered such a dense space economy building. Such a natural phenomenon, and at this time, all the stars in the solar system in this outer space are all launched towards the sun.

At this time, many astronomers have all launched astronomical satellites of various countries into this area. They want to detect what is going on in this area, what is the situation, and why does such a situation appear at this time? What about interstellar streams?All the people were watching nervously at this time, wanting to see what happened?

Wang Wei didn't care at all at this moment. When he was here, he was devouring the latest watersheds around him. The courage of his body, and the black hole in his body, at this time, it was like a bottomless pit that quickly swallowed these things. I don't know how long it took, and at this moment in his new unknown, there was a flash of light, Wang Wei still captured this ray of light, and it quickly probed the past with the ray of light directed by his own divine sense. When she carefully saw the things in the ray of light, she was also a little shocked, because at this moment. At that time, behind the rays of light appeared one after another incomplete cracks, and these incomplete cracks also quickly returned to one at this time, Wang Wei sensitively saw in his body at this time, in this At that time, there was a huge Tai Chi pattern, and this Tai Chi pattern had quickly transformed the gravel and star stream that poured into his body into a black and white power, and this black and white power Around his body began to move continuously, and Wang Wei felt even more terrifying at this time, because at this moment he found that all the acupuncture points in his body were all affected by this kind of Tai Chi light curtain at this time. full of.

"Haha, in this kid's body there really is the primordial power, the primordial Tai Chi power is completely filling his meridians at this time, as long as this kid can have a way to convert these Tai Chi powers. If it becomes another power, then he can also be said to be invincible in this universe, or even in this area. There should be no one in the entire solar system, and he is his opponent. Of course, get rid of those few. A guy from an alien domain"

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