I am a girl, but I have to be gentle like water to give people a pleasing feeling. Although Lina is not ugly, his hot temper is also unacceptable to most men.

Originally, Lina thought that Wang Wei just said such scare words because she didn't want to meet excessive contact, but when she heard a big man behind her, she obviously felt that Li Na's face was a little pale, as if something had happened. He just stood there motionless, and even his legs trembled slightly.Seeing Lina like this, Wang Wei frowned for a week. He didn't expect that such a joke would scare the other party into that look.

Just as Wang Wei was pondering what he said in his mind, he was so scared that he immediately wanted to explain, when he heard the tall man you were wearing at that time and said slowly, "Nana, I finally found you, This time I believe you won't run away again, our marriage has been settled by your father and my father, even if you don't like it, I have to accept the fact that our wedding day is coming soon, I hope Don't be unreasonable, waste your time here, and embarrass me."

Then, without waiting for Miss Ding's answer, the big man picked her up by the waist and walked to the sports car behind!

Looking at your motionless, helpless and desperate appearance, my heart trembled. She really didn't expect a person to be like that in despair, as if giving people a meaning of life without love.

If at such a tense moment, he does not do anything or say anything, then he believes it will definitely be a very sad thing.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei rushed to the big man in a hurry, and then said to the big man: "You quickly put down Miss Lina, what if you don't put it down again? I will be rude to you. ."

The big man, who was full of smiles and smug, was startled when he heard Wang Wei's words, and then burst into laughter. She really didn't expect that in the boundary of city a, someone could take the initiative to refute him.

Seeing that the other party didn't pay attention to him at all, Wang Wei's brow was like a husband with a face, as if he had been drinking too much and wanted to fight someone.

The first thousand and forty-three chapters stick people

The big man seemed to have heard a big joke. He laughed at Wang Wei. He didn't expect that in the boundary of city a, there were still people who dared to threaten him, and even said that there were people who were not afraid of death to talk to him like this. Long.

In the eyes of the big man, he thought that Wang Wei was just a small citizen in the market. He just heard some rumors about himself, so he was so unscrupulous.

If he knew about himself, the ruthless look would not be so fearless.

The big man just comforted himself secretly in his heart. At least his bloody side was not seen by Lina. Lina didn't like him at first. If Lina saw his cruel side again, he would probably hide from him. Far.

So what the big man can do now is to show his most gentle side in front of Lina's eyes, so that she is no longer so afraid of herself, at least she can chat and go shopping with herself like an ordinary friend.

As long as the other party is not afraid of himself, whatever he does is worth it.

"Stinky boy, there is nothing to do with you here, you should leave here quickly, you don't need to meddle in your business."

Hearing the other party say this, Wang Wei's face sank. He didn't think about the other party, and he didn't let him take it seriously.

Can you tell me?Terrible words.

If I blindly tolerate it, I'm afraid that the other party will definitely make an inch, and I can do this just for him.But Wang Wei, who was already burning with anger, got a darker color after hearing the big man's words, formatted his tone and actions, and let him

The other party couldn't see it at all and said silently: "Oh, we are not a family, I will gradually become your brother-in-law, and I will see me every day in the future, so I won't."

In fact, it is true to bring children.

After all, you're involved in selling big chunks.

When the big man was serious, the smile on Huawei's face was much more, because he knew that now was the time when she couldn't make trouble without reason. After all, he had to live by the face of the person in front of him.

It's just that the gentleman in front of him will not easily offend the police, but Wang Wei is different. He has always been used to some personalities and even said that he wanted to fix those things. If he said he didn't want to, then I absolutely couldn't control him. But in this case, we can't rely on our own medicine sauce to cover everything and hold back and not tell anyone.

"Okay, okay, since things have gotten to this point, then I can only laugh. Others have apologized. Okay, let's turn the big things into small ones. Don't hurt the peace because of some small things."

At this moment, Wang Wei looked at the big man and strength with a smile on his face. He only hoped that everything could be resolved satisfactorily.

But Lina seemed to have changed, Wenwen lay there quietly, standing motionless, as if she must be his enemy.

When Wang Wei and the big soldier saw this situation, they let the other party tell them that they didn't want to understand, and those who bought meat or went to the vegetable market naturally didn't need to say anything more.

Pausing to push the cart, Ma Wei looked at you in confusion and said what you said? "Your lady, since the matter has been resolved satisfactorily, I don't think I will go to that supermarket with you. You should solve it yourself."

However, Li Na at the moment, as if someone had tapped acupuncture points, they stood there motionless, the sweat on their foreheads did not feel unrealistic, and it was on my head.Looking at the ink, Wang Wei knew that even if he didn't ask, nothing good would happen next.

Sure enough, just before Wang Wei's voice fell, he heard Miss Lin shouting slightly in sleep, "You think Miss Ben told you not to leave first."

Although my mother didn't understand what Miss Lina meant, when Wang Wei raised his head and looked at the sincere look on the young lady's face, Wang Wei was a little moved at that moment.

After all, Wang Wei saw that pleading and helpless expression in his eyes.

He had no choice but to meet someone randomly at the store, and Miss Li received: "No matter what has happened, we still have to find a solution. It's impossible to rely on one person. We'd better just hand it in and let the dead go. Walk and then study the dead man's question carefully.

Instead of staring at us with big eyes and small eyes, we are afraid that others will come into my family and do something wrong.

Hearing Wang Wei's words, Miss Li Na also understood, he nodded randomly and said happily, "Young man, I know you are a good person, I don't think you will mind at all, do me a favor, so I will You are welcome."

After your lady finished speaking, she still smiled happily, Wang Wei's car was directly facing that, and he spoke to the big man again: "Wen Tao, you should go back first, I will handle this matter, deal with it. I'll be back early when it's over.

Chapter [-] Noble Status

But some were unwilling, and Wen Tao, who watched Miss Li Na get into the car of the strange man, even had some scruples about Wang Wei.

After all, in Wen Tao's heart, Wang Wei is not necessarily a good person. He came out at this time according to the instructions. The old man told him that he must take the young lady back, but he not only did not take the young lady back, but also let him go Hukou also sent her to another man's car, which made Wen Tao a little annoyed, but Wen Tao didn't dare to get angry directly with the relationship between Auntie and Miss Lina in the car.

Although there are 1 reluctances in his heart, on the surface he still wants to respect the lady's intentions. Thinking of this, Wen Tao nodded slowly, and then said with a smile on his face: "Miss, you are a new friend, I don't have any The right to control you, but if this matter is known to the master, she will definitely blame you, and even I will be implicated. You also know the rules of the family. If you really make a mistake alone, then we servants will be implicated.

I know that Miss has always been kind-hearted and can't bear to let us suffer, but even if you can't bear it, our punishment will not be less. I hope you will think about us when you do anything, think twice. And then, even if you don't think about the third lady for me, don't you think about it? "

In fact, Wen Tao knows that once Lina makes a decision, no one can change not even the grandfather, but there is only one person in this world, or to be precise, a woman who can make Lina obediently capture her. , that is his mother, the third concubine.

The third concubine is Lina's biological mother, and the person she has been with the most for so many years, and even the person she trusts the most. Even if it is his father, who is rich and powerful, in Lina's heart and eyes, he is the only one The frail and sickly mother, if it wasn't for his mother, I'm afraid Lina's character would have left City A sooner rather than later.

Although Lina is a bit arrogant and exaggerated, he is an absolutely filial child. No matter what time of day he will not go to bed at night, he will call home to tell me no matter how late he is, and tell his family where he is. We all know that Lina didn't want to tell the master about his actions at all, but just didn't want to make the third aunt worry too much.

The reason why Wen Tao said this today is to prevent Lina from getting into Wang Wei's car. At least in Wen Tao's heart, Wang Wei is not necessarily a good person, even if he is a good person, he only knew each other for a few hours. Being able to become good friends is absolutely unreliable for a public servant like Wang Tao, at least he wants to protect Lina's safety.

This is his work ethic as a professional baby, and even said it's his bottom line as a person who likes another.

People, Lina, happily talked to Wang Wei about his life, but when Wen Tao mentioned his mother, Shi Lina's happy smile disappeared all at once, and then she was replaced by a frosty one.

Although everyone didn't understand what happened to the other party, only Wang Wei knew that it was a kind of pain that made people feel in their hearts.

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