After the man finished speaking, he motioned to the entourage behind him to hand over a black brocade box in his hand.

Wang Yiran, who was standing beside him when he saw the brocade box handed over, immediately took it and placed it next to his father at random.

Although Wang Lao didn't open the brocade box, he was still very happy, and then said to Lin Yifeng with a smile on his face: "Good boy, you are still thinking about me when you are on a business trip, it's really hard for you, you have such filial piety, Naturally, I am very comforted. In the future, you and Lihua should come back often after they get married, so that grandpa doesn't miss you."

After hearing these words, Lin Yifeng naturally had a wicked smile on his face. Although she didn't like the person in power of the Wang family very much, at present, his father told him that if he pleases the old man of the Wang family, then the power of the Wang family will have more power. It may be transferred to him, which is also a crucial point for them to dominate Kyushu, so he can only try his best to please the old man.

Instead, he didn't understand that when everyone asked Lin Yifeng to sit down, Lin Yifeng actually sat very calmly opposite Wang Lihua.

When Lin Yifeng saw Wang Lihua, he must have been amazed who made progress, and then when he saw the hand on his shoulder, his brows were wrinkled, and his murderous eyes floated to Wang Wei, who was sitting beside him. body.

Naturally, Wang Wei's face made Lin Yifeng's brows furrowed even more tightly, and there was a coldness in his eyes, which could also be felt by everyone.

You can flirt with your fiancée naked in front of his fiancé. This makes Lin Yifeng feel a little embarrassed, but because everyone is there, he can only bury his emotions deeply. Go on, but even if this kind of thing can deceive others, it can't deceive Wang Wei, his eyes are not vegetarian, he stepped into Wang's house in the jungle, and from the first step, he had already realized that Lin Yifeng was absolutely Not a simple character, and the purpose of his coming to the Wang family is to annex the Wang family, to become the largest family in Kyushu, and to replace the Wang family by the way, which is the main reason why he wants to marry Wang Lihua.

After reading the other party's intention, Wang Wei naturally couldn't be afraid of the other party, and then his eyes were very indifferent, like Lin Yifeng's face floated, and then he turned his face away.

Chapter [-] Both loses

In this lobby, someone was actually provoking him like this, so Lin Yifeng, but his brows were wrinkled, and then he said slowly to the entourage beside him: "Tiger, go to the one who gave me to Grandpa Wang, pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Take it."

"It's the young master."

The attendant named Tiger immediately handed a brocade box in his hand to Wang Lao. After reaching Wang Lao, he gently opened the brocade box. It was a very fine pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Mr. Wang, after playing for so many years, he has written, ink, paper and inkstone. This is the first time he has seen such a delicate thing. He knows that Lin Yifeng must be the young master of Lin Lin, and he has put a lot of effort into him.

Otherwise, you can't spend such a large amount of money to give yourself such a precious gift.

Although the people in the southwest don't care about the money at all, if such a heavy gift is placed in any one family, it will definitely be enough for the family's expenses for a year, so he can only accept it with peace of mind. After all, they The current relationship is only temporary, and Wang Lao also understands why the Lin family in the southwest is so concerned about him!

The main reason is that they want to marry their eldest granddaughter, but the filthy things behind those companies, Old Wang also understands the most, and the other party just wants to take this opportunity to call them the Wang family. Just a complete annexation.

His biggest enemy in Kyushu now should be the Lin family in the southwest. Only the people of the Lin family want to completely merge all of their four major families into one family, and the leader of this family is their Lin family.

Knowing this, Wang Lao put away the brocade box without changing his face, and then said slowly to Lin Yifeng: "Master Lin Yifeng is really a big hand. How can a bad old man like me be worthy of such a good pen and ink. Paper inkstone? I think you should take it back, I can't bear such a precious gift."

Originally, Lin Yifeng was still staring at Wang Wei and Wang Lihua beside him with strange eyes, but when she heard what Wang Lao said, her brows were wrinkled and her face suddenly dropped, but for a moment, such an expression was overwhelmed. Wang Wei had a panoramic view, but he wanted to see what kind of grievances Lin Yifeng and Wang Jia had, and what kind of trouble could they make today?

Seeing Lin Yifeng's complexion suddenly change, but it was only for a moment, Lin Yifeng suppressed all his anger in his heart, then stood up slowly, and said slowly to Wang Lao sitting on the seat: "Grandpa Wang, if you say that, you're smashing the younger generation. For example, there is still a diligence between us. Even if we don't have this relationship, my filial piety as a younger generation is also due. Moreover, Master Lin Yifeng's words, you will in the future. Just don't say it anymore, the younger generation is really embarrassed by what you are going to say, these are just those words that those friends on the road compliment me and say, don't take it seriously, I am in yours. In front of me is always a child and a junior, if my foster father finds out about this matter, then I will definitely be held accountable by him."

In fact, Lin Yifeng said this just to give Wang Lao enough face. He did not take everyone in the Wang family seriously, but what made him feel dazzling was that there is a stranger who is easily touching his fiancée now. His shoulders, which made him feel very dazzling, even if she didn't want to say this, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed.

Thank you Wang Lihua, it's not the woman he loves, but what if she looks like this?Because he only needs this business marriage to win consecutively, then his position in the Lin family will be more stable, he will appreciate him more and care about him more when he cry, one day he will become Lin Jiayi, it is impossible, Therefore, he must use his status now to settle the marriage with Wang Lihua of the Wang family as soon as possible. Only when the marriage is settled, then everything will be settled.

I thought so in my heart, but Lin Yifeng did not rush to say it, because he asked the other party to ask him why he was here, so he said that he was not in a hurry to say it like that, even if he was in a hurry, he couldn't say it when he was in such a hurry. How impatient to think he is their family to complete this marriage?

When Wang Lao heard Lin Yifeng's polite words, Wang Lao was naturally the person on the face and understood the purpose of Lin Yifeng's visit this time, but even if she understood, he couldn't say these words. He knew that his granddaughter was very concerned about this. The playboys hate, but what if they hate them so much?That was also his unfilial son, Wang Yiran, the agreement of his family.

Thinking of this, Mr. Wang slowly raised his hand to face Lin Yifeng, who was sitting below. The driver asked him to sit down and said slowly and randomly, "Master Lin Yifeng, I don't know what the purpose of your visit this time is. What, if this time, did you come straight to the door so abruptly? The old man also thinks that your family should lack some discipline.

Even if you are attached to Kyushu, the monstrous power, but he can't be so naked and provocative.

This may not be too disrespectful to our Wang family. I am an old fool. I can only tell you these things here. Although our Wang family did not put the heart of Kyushu feet in the heart, but if some people really love If he can't stand the score in his heart, then our Wang family will always support him to the end.

At that time there will be, I believe we will only lose both. "

Chapter [-] Marriage

Lin Yifeng came to the door just to have a face-to-face talk with you. His marriage to Wang Lihua wanted to promote their relationship, but what he never expected was that the old confused sitting in the upper seat actually understood. He pretended to be confused and told him some grievances about their four major families in Kyushu, which made Lin Yifeng frown. He understood that Wang Lao hated her and even them, and everyone in the Wang family did not agree with their marriage.

But what if all of them disagree?They only dared to be angry, did not dare to say anything, and did not dare to offend them easily, the Lin family in the southwest, and this kind of marriage was discussed with Wang Lihua's father at the wine table a few days ago, and at that time, his marriage Father must not have given any clear answer, it was just a verbal agreement, and today he came to bring such a heavy gift, just want to finalize the matter.

What Lin Yifeng never expected was that Mr. Wang was so blinded by this matter that he didn't mention it at all, and even said that his idea was to cause the other party and himself to lose both. He even said that at all costs, he didn't want to give himself the pearl of his palm, which made Lin Yifeng's brows wrinkle. He secretly thought that Jiang was still old, if it wasn't for his adoptive father who kept urging him, If he came to Lin's house, then it would be impossible for him to visit today.

Since he, Lin Yifeng, has come today, he must settle this matter. He must say that her and Wang Lihua's marriage is decided today, and only if it is decided today, then it is possible that in the future, he will become The son-in-law of the Wang family, in this way, it will be easy to control the Wang family in the future. Although Wang Lihua is not a weak woman, but since ancient times, she has obeyed her father at home and married her husband, so he can only obey himself.

You also want to keep the Wang family, so it is impossible for him, so to say that he came in is for the purpose of coming, and it is not pure.

Thinking of this, Lin Yifeng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a very humble expression, he bowed deeply to the old man sitting in the seat, and then said respectfully: "Old man Wang, look at what you said, junior. How dare you make it this time? And some things are between our four major families in Kyushu this week, and they have nothing to do with us at all. Even if it is, I don’t have the heart and the courage. Dare to be in front of you. I'm just being presumptuous. I'm here today just to answer what my adoptive father and uncle Wang said a few days ago. Lihua and I have an engagement ceremony, so I want to see, we should choose a date, This thing is given.

If we keep dragging on like this, I believe it will be bad for Lihua’s identity. If people in Kyushu keep talking about my identity as a fiancé, I, as a fiancé, will also be unhappy, so I say I want to forget, you must be overthinking some things. "

When hearing the word "marriage", Wang Lihua, who was sitting next to Wang Wei, was obviously pale, her face was pale, and her hands were always standing together, as if at this moment, he had become an arrow with a sword on the string and had to shoot. It's very stiff, and all this is in Wang Wei's eyes. He knows that the other party must not want to be engaged to this Lin Yifeng, and when Lin Yifeng enters the door, she can also feel that her cousin is very Those who hate this Lin Yifeng, if they always insist on being together, then in the end, it will only be a lose-lose situation.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei gently patted Wang Lihua's shoulder twice again, signaling him not to be nervous or afraid, but it was just such a gesture that the eunuch Wang Lihua slowly looked at Wang Wei who was sitting beside him, He didn't look at himself, but his resolute face gave Wang Lihua an inexplicable feeling of peace of mind, which made Wang Lihua feel at this moment that as long as Wang Wei was there, she would not be afraid, no matter whether it was the The man in front of him will definitely protect himself when the knife mountain goes down to the oil pan.

And all these interactions were seen by Lin Yifeng, who was present. Even if he saw it, he couldn't say anything, because he didn't know what kind of person Wang Wei was at all. Who was he? What kind of identity, why did he have such an intimate action with Wang's words in the Wang family, even if he was full of doubts, he couldn't say it, because the purpose of his visit today was to get engaged to Wang Lihua.

However, after hearing this, Mr. Wang, who was sitting in the seat, frowned and his face sank, because he knew that what he said just now was just trying to divert Lin Yifeng's attention. As long as his attention is diverted, he won't pay attention to everything about his precious granddaughter, but what he never imagined is that the other party didn't fall into his trap at all, but said his own story very calmly. For his purpose, if he, as an elder, avoided this matter again and again, it would probably be unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Mr. Wang smiled lightly, then relieved his embarrassment and said to Lin Yifeng: "Master Lin Yifeng, you and, I also listened to our Lihua's marriage, Lihua's father said something to me, but After all, such a big matter is between the two of you, and this matter of children, I, as an elder, can't say anything. The most important right to speak is still to Wang Lihua's father to answer your question. If you say, his My father agreed, and my granddaughter agreed, and I won't say anything."

Chapter [-] kills two birds with one stone

In fact, in Wang Lao's heart, he didn't want this marriage, but he complained about his unworthy son. If he drank a few more glasses, he wouldn't have fallen into the trap of the Lin family, taking advantage of his drinking. He sent his daughter out.

Knowing this, Wang Lao yelled at him after his son came back, but what if he killed his own son?Her granddaughter has already been betrothed out by her, so the current Wang family can only delay it for a while. I really don't want people to keep chasing them at this time.

But what was counterproductive was that Lin Yifeng actually took the initiative to come to the door, and the main purpose was to realize what his son said to the head of the Lin family at the wine table that day.

Wang Lao has nothing to say to make people avoid it, so he can only talk about his son, and now he can only delay for a while when he is not at home.

Thinking of this, Wang Lao slowly opened his mouth and said slowly to Lin Yifeng: "Master Lin Yifeng, I know that my son Wang Yiran mentioned this marriage to his adoptive father that day, but he also mentioned this marriage, but it was just that It’s just a matter of consideration, and there’s no certainty, so I think it’s a relatively bad thing for you to come to the door abruptly now. Besides, the important matter of marriage is of course the person’s choice. If he agrees, I can’t say it. What."

Lin Yifeng could naturally hear the meaning of Wang's old words.Also for their Wang family, if they wanted to promise such a simple marriage, why would they shirk like this? So Lin Yifeng naturally thought that Wang Jia didn't want to take the initiative to marry him, and the purpose of his visit today was to make this happen. The marriage is a certainty. If he doesn't want this thing to be done, then back home, the clothes will never forgive him, and he will blame him for his ineffectiveness. Thinking of these Lin Yifeng, the smile on the corner of his mouth is even more unscrupulous, and then he slowed down. He slowly said to Wang Lao: "Wang Lao, don't be humble. That day, Uncle Wang and my uncle were at the winery. Although he said these polite words at the wine table, he also said that this important event was naturally caused by You Wang Family Patriarch has the final say. As long as you nod your head, others will not dare to disagree. At that time, I also listened to the truth, so I said that I have not been there. After this matter is completed, I will visit you again. You are a junior No, so you must not pick on my reasons. Today, Xiao Bei specially prepared a heavy gift to come to see you, and I hope you can understand. I must get an answer from the Wang family on this matter. If there is no affirmation today The answer is, then I naturally have no way to explain it when I return to the Lin family."

Hearing Lin Yifeng's aggressive words, Mr. Wang was naturally speechless, because he really hated his incompetent son. Under such circumstances, he could agree to such a rude request. If he has compromised here, then his granddaughter will not necessarily suffer what kind of suffering when he goes there, and their royal family will always be restrained by others. This kind of thing is something he doesn't want to see. At the age of Feng Zhu's dying years, what he hopes most is that his children will get the best home, but such a worrying thing happened to him, and he really has nothing to say.

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