He secretly raised his head and looked at Tianzun Yuanshi, but found Tianzun Yuanshi was smiling at him. The Chaos King quickly lowered his head: "The little goblin dare not refuse the order of the lord. However, although the goblins can inform them, they may not listen to them. Fairy words!"

When I heard Chaos King say this, Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand and said with a smile: "You don't need to worry about it. You need to be responsible for speaking. As for going, this is their own business."

I don't know why, when I heard Yuanshi Tianzun laughing and singing, the Chaos King and Camel King felt a little cold on their backs.

Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand and did not continue to tease the little Chaos King: "Okay, just like this, let's go."

Chaos Wang Wenyan soon went to Yuanshi Tianzunxing and hurried to retire.

Looking at the Chaos King who left the lord, Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head gently - this little Chaos King is cute and cute, but his courage is a little small.

However, after a little laughter, Yuanshi Tianzun gathered a smile.

Chapter [-] After Thunder Mountain

After these white elephant kings came to Jilei Mountain, the group of people who usually flew in Hezhou, Xizhou seemed to turn to each other.Most of them lived in their dwellings, and they all came out with their familiar white elephants.The lord talks privately in the pavilion.Even if they occasionally meet the hated white elephant king outside, they pretend not to see each other.This made Chen Xuanqi feel strange, but he couldn't help thinking of himself.Such a good reputation?These ruthless white elephant kings are now babies...

However, there is one exception to these non-distracting monsters.Needless to say, that person must have disguised himself as the White Cloud Demon King Yuanshi Tianzun.

At this time, almost all the white elephant kings in this area knew that there was a white cloud demon king in this area.As long as they meet other White Elephant Kings, they will take the initiative to climb up to friendship and cook themselves completely, even if they speak indifferently.Relatively speaking, I don't mind - at this time, almost all the white elephant kings in this area were harassed by the white cloud and white elephant king.Although many White Elephant Kings are not bothered by this, but due to the current rules of Thunder Mountain, they dare not do it, they can only endure it, which leads to the fact that the current White Elephant King in this area can be said to be talking about the changes in Baiyun.As for the only person who is willing to associate with the Baiyun Demon King, it is only the black bear.Even, for the behavior of the White Cloud Demon King, the black bear directly met his confidant.In this world, there is actually a white elephant king who likes to make friends more than him.a feeling.

As for why Yuanshi Tianzun did this, he saw that these monsters were so good, on the one hand the evil interest he wanted to arouse, and on the other hand, Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to know what these monsters were doing when they came to Jilei Mountain.

After this period of time, "shamelessly asked", Yuanshi Tianzun basically understood the thoughts of these white elephant kings.

It turned out that after receiving the news that Golden Winged Dapeng invited Xinpeng Hezhou Demon King to gather in Leishan, because they did not receive the invitation, they learned the identity of the invited Demon King.That's why they've come all the way, even though they've been blackmailed by street white elephants.

At the beginning, Golden Winged Dapeng and Chaos King issued invitations according to the order of Yuanshi Tianzun, inviting various demon kings.In addition to the demon kings named by Tianzun Yuanshi, they also invited those demon kings who had a good relationship with them and had a close relationship with them.Such a big event involves most of the demon kings in Hezhou Xinpeng, and other demon kings will naturally not do anything.No one noticed, but after knowing the situation in the middle, these White Elephant Kings came uninvited - didn't you see the Golden Winged Dapeng and Chaos King invited the White Elephant Kings who had a good relationship with them?So, there is no harm in going.No, who knows what will happen?You know, it's about the big guys in the sky.

It is with this idea that these white elephant kings have not been invited, but they came to Jire Mountain not far away to participate in the meeting of this white elephant king.

After Yuanshi Tianzun clarified the thoughts of these demon kings, he can only say that these demon kings have been able to rule this mixed kingdom for so long, and it must be said that they do have some wisdom to survive.

However, although Yuanshi Tianzun wandered among these demon kings during this time, he felt that life was very interesting - in short, the monkeys have not been trained, these things are not urgent for him, but the Golden Winged Dapeng and Chaos King They didn't wait for Yuanshi Tianzun to be late, but they became more anxious.In the end, Golden Winged Dapeng still couldn't sit down.Now.

Once again I came to the residence of the Chaos King.Golden-winged Dapeng opened the door and saw the mountain road: "Brothers, when calculating the time, the king went all the way to the mountain and the water, but now it's time to go to the mountain. But the current situation is that you said that the king did not Arrived, is the lord coming, but we haven't done enough to satisfy the lord, so the lord did not appear?"

"This..." Chaos King and Camel King hesitated for a moment when they heard what Peng's white elephant said. In fact, he couldn't answer.

During this time, Chaos King also had a visitor to check the situation on the other side of the court while he waited.The answer is that Yuanshi Tianzun is not in the Tsinghua Palace.Now the Golden Winged Dapeng said that the Chaos King had to consider the possibility of this matter.

After hesitating for a while, the Chaos King said: "However, we have done a good job of what the king ordered. Now the size of the demon king is gathered in Leishan, waiting for the king to call. Where is the king not satisfied?"

A fierce color flashed in the eyes of the golden-winged Dapeng, and the golden-winged Dapeng said viciously: "Brother, this is not right. Although everyone we invited is here now, and many people came without invitation, but There are still some people in Hezhou and Xinpeng. We didn't invite and didn't come? The lord wants to call Xinpeng Hezhou, monsters big and small. Even if we didn't send an invitation, these monsters should come and wait for the lord's call. Now they haven't Come on. They just don't take the lord in their eyes. People who don't respect the lord are like people who don't respect the lord, do you think we should help the lord?

When I heard the White Elephant King say this, the Chaos King was shocked.

Chapter [-] The old lady

"I will find a way to do this." Agatha's old lady looked at the crimson witch Wanda affectionately.

"You still have a problem with your ass." Leng Feng snorted, then said with a smile, "If you want her to follow me, I also have a lot of magic books."

"You are more troublesome than me." Agatha's old lady pulled the shy witch behind her. "I guess Marduk is unlucky and I will be able to leave."

"Nonsense, that's Satan." Leng Feng shook his head.

"Satan is just the most precious title among all the devils." Some of Agatha's old ladies smiled happily: "Marduk has been holding this title for a long time. There are already many people who plan to deal with him."

Leng Feng opened his mouth. "What dimension gods are so keen on fame and wealth?"

"It's not as simple as the title." Agatha's old lady smiled, then took Wanda's hand kindly and said, "Child, let's go, you will be the pride of our witch."

After that, the two disappeared immediately.

"Crossing the river and breaking the bridge is not a good thing." Leng Feng muttered a word, then entered the traveler's hut, licked the hand of the transmission watch, and instantly returned ignorance. 300010-1 "Earth's basic industries are still a little behind," Tony sighed. "We can make good starships, but we can't scale them. 300010-1 Her power union with Luke Cage only lasted less than After half a year, the irreconcilable contradictions in life finally defeated the once sweet love.

After the divorce, she went back to work in the hospital and forgot to put in her work to heal.

Passing a corner, a familiar face appeared in front of her.Leng Feng sighed, "Long time no see, Claire."

"Wow, I'll never see you again in this life." Claire Tempe smiled and gave a friend a hug.

"How come?" Leng Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Get it," Claire joked. "After Tony came back, your swing in the universe was pretty much known on Earth. You didn't know how to do it, but you could always be at the top of sales with all kinds of comics."

"Wow, maybe I should ask them to sue for royalties." Leng Feng smiled, then his face gradually became serious. "how is he?"

"It's not very good." Claire Tempe sighed. "follow me."

Two men walked down the hallway into a spacious ward.After Claire opened the door, Leng Feng followed and walked in.Three pairs of surprised eyes looked at him at the same time.

"Boss, you're finally back." George and Barrett sat on both sides of the bed and stood up at the same time, came over excitedly and gave Leng Feng a hug.

Lying in a hospital bed with severe burns, only his first staff member, Lucas, a black man.

He wears an oxygen mask and ECG monitoring, lives on a ventilator, and can't speak in his throat.He could only look at Leng Feng with tired and surprised eyes.

Looking at this man who just lived in the eternal universe, Leng Feng was very uncomfortable.

No bullshit, first get Claire to bring some water and take a powerful pill 20 out to add the thick medicine to fill Lucas.

The powerful pill worked quickly, and Lucas' injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.It recovers in a few minutes, but the spirit is a little tired.

"Wow, every time I see it, it will be a miracle." Claire Temple couldn't help sighing.

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