Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2452 Using Poison

Lei Bailian is also an arrogant genius. He has reached the peak of Zhenfu at the age of thirty-two. He has always been respected by others and has never been called "idiot".

At this moment, he was not suspicious of Lu Dengfeng, but simply unhappy.

With a swipe, he turned over his hand and took out a sword from the ring. His eyes were full of murderous intent and he said in a cold voice: "Lu Dengfeng, if you have the guts, say what you just said again."

Chen Yang's eyes fell on Lei Bailian's sword.

I saw that the sword was completely silver-white, with a broad back and a sharp blade. There was a blood groove on it. The blade was made very thick, but it was still delicate.

And on the blade surface, there are nine weapon patterns. This is a nine-marked heavenly weapon.

"As expected of the Tiger Roar Academy, which is good at refining weapons. Among the people I have met so far, only Lei Bailian has a nine-marked heavenly weapon. This sword will undoubtedly greatly increase his combat power. Among everyone, Gained the advantage."

Chen Yang stared at the sword and thought to himself.

Seeing Lei Bailian draw his sword, Lu Dengfeng's eyes flashed with fear, and then he calmed down, gritted his teeth, and snorted: "Humph, Lei Bailian, when you were dealing with the monster just now, you used Eight-marked heavenly weapon. Unexpectedly, you actually hide a nine-marked heavenly weapon on your body. Do you just want to use this knife to kill me by surprise?"

Lei Bailian sneered and said: "Lu Dengfeng, don't think that I didn't notice that I didn't use all my strength when dealing with the monster in the induction stage just now. Although I can't understand your left hand, there is definitely something fishy about it. One of your trump cards. But from beginning to end, your left hand has not moved."

Hearing this, Chen Yang looked at Lu Dengfeng's left hand and could only see his palm.

The palms are no different from ordinary people, there is no difference.

However, Chen Yang could sense that Lu Dengfeng's left arm gave people a dangerous feeling.

After listening to the conversation between Lu Dengfeng and Lei Bailian, Chen Yang was even more shocked. Although these two people fought against the induction stage monsters together, they both had their own reservations. This shows that they His strength is so unfathomable.

Chen Yang thought to himself: "Sure enough, at the Spirit Boat Conference, the geniuses from the Western Continent gathered here. These people cannot be underestimated."

He suppressed his anger and said to Lei Bailian: "Lei Bailian, I don't want to argue with you. You retreat first. I will kill Chen Yang first."

"If you ask me to step away, I will step away. What do you think you are?"

Lei Bailian said coldly.

"You are really unreasonable. Wouldn't it be better if you get out of the way and benefit from it while Chen Yang and I are fighting?"

Lu Dengfeng frowned, but he felt that Lei Bailian was simply a fool.

In anger, he couldn't help but curse: "Lei Bailian, you are such an idiot, you have no brain!"

As soon as these words came out, Lei Bailian's expression turned even colder.

Chen Yang rolled his eyes and shouted: "Brother Lei, if you don't take action and kill Lu Dengfeng, you will be too shameless."

"Don't even think about adding fuel to the fire. You don't need to say anything, I'm going to kill Lu Dengfeng too."

Lei Bailian glared at Chen Yang fiercely, waved the nine-marked heavenly weapon sword in his hand, and attacked Lu Dengfeng.

"I call you an idiot, you are indeed an idiot."

Lu Dengfeng snorted coldly, not panicking at all, and didn't even take out his weapon.

Seeing Lei Bailian approaching, with Lu Deng Peak as the core, black mist filled the surrounding waters.

The mist blended into the water and quickly dispersed.

Even through the water, you can smell the strong stench emanating from the black mist.

Obviously, this is not a good thing.

Lei Bailian was undaunted and waved the sword in his hand, forming a huge shield of electric light in front of him, blocking out all the black mist and poisonous gas.


That electric light is no small matter. As soon as the black mist poisonous gas touches it, it will be defeated by the electric light and turn into nothing.

"Lu Dengfeng, your poison is useless to me."

Lei Bailian shouted disdainfully and swung his sword out.

"It's useless? Haha, is it?"

Lu Dengfeng showed contempt, but still did not take out his weapon, and said in a cold voice: "Lei Bailian, didn't you just hear Chen Yang say that the poison I released is colorless and tasteless? Haha, you think that there is only this black thing in front of you. fog?"

Upon hearing this, Lei Bailian's complexion changed, and he indeed felt the blood and qi in his body surge, as if a slender needle had pierced into the blood vessels, shuttled left and right inside, and punctured the blood vessels.

At the same time, Chen Yang also felt something strange in his body.

He quickly held his breath, blocked his tendons, closed up all the pores on his body, and then covered his body with a thin layer of true energy.

In this way, it will be difficult for the toxicity from the outside world to invade the body.

Chen Yang looked at Lu Dengfeng and thought to himself: "This Lu Dengfeng is really good at using poison. He can kill people without even realizing it."

"You traitor, you really did kill me."

After Lei Bailian circulated his true energy and forced out the poison from his body, he roared angrily, and without losing his strength, he slashed towards Lu Dengfeng with his sword.

When he struck down with his sword, the huge light of the sword split the water in front of him into two halves, and struck straight towards Lu Dengfeng's head.

Lu Dengfeng was very calm. He stepped back sharply. With a wave of his right hand, a pill the size of a thumb flew out.

With a bang, the pills exploded like fireworks and turned into colorful mist, which was very gorgeous in the water.

The sword light fell, and a section in the middle fell into the colorful mist.

When the sword light passed through the fog, the part of the sword light that was submerged by the fog disappeared and turned into nothingness.

The sword light, which was originally dozens of meters long, was missing a section in the middle and was divided into two sections.

As a result, the sword light that could hit Lu Dengfeng with its front end lost its power. With a light palm from Lu Dengfeng, it was scattered and scattered, impacting around and destroying houses one after another.

"It's Fu Zhen Dan!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and recognized the poison pill used by Lu Dengfeng.

This kind of elixir can corrode the true essence. It is not only a poison, but also an elixir for cultivation.

When practicing some skills that require loose power, taking Fu Zhen Dan can gradually remove the true essence from the body, and then practice again.

"Humph, Lu Dengfeng, you are careless."

Seeing that the sword light was ineffective, but at this moment, Lei Bailian snorted coldly, and at some point, he appeared behind Lu Dengfeng.

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