Urban magic doctor

Chapter 2468 Like a sword fairy descending to earth

Hearing Lu Dengfeng's threat, Chen Yang looked over and said with a playful smile, "Lu Dengfeng, do you really think that just the five of you can defeat the two of us?"

"Chen Yang, don't be too confident."

Lu Dengfeng said coldly, pretending to take action.


Chen Yang shouted, and Lu Dengfeng actually stopped and held his ground.

The poison was being released from his left arm. He wished he could delay it just a little longer so that the poison could spread wider in the air and be more beneficial to his battle.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Yang and said, "What do you want to say?"

Chen Yang said: "I have a question, why were the five of you teleported together and happened to be in the same cabin as me?"

Lu Dengfeng sneered and said: "Humph, Chen Yang, there are too many things in this world that you don't understand. After we learned about the rules of the spirit boat, we have already made preparations for you. We turtles In the Python Academy, there is a special elixir called Mengying Dan, which can create subconscious minds."

"Just three days ago, the five of us started taking Mengying Pill and created a subconscious mind to engrave you in the deepest part of our memory as the enemy with the deepest hatred. In this way, after we enter the spirit boat, the spirit boat will automatically Judgment, teleport us to be with you.”

"Meng Ying Dan."

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows and said thoughtfully: "The pill that creates the subconscious has great side effects and will harm the sea of ​​consciousness. Aren't you afraid of the sequelae?"

"It's worth everything to kill you."

Lu Dengfeng said coldly.

Chen Yang said: There are five of you in total. According to your plan, even if you kill me, only one of you will be qualified to go up and down the ladder. Are the other four people staying in this cabin to fight? "

Hearing this, except for Lu Dengfeng and Lan Zhengyang, the other three people frowned, but didn't say much.

It looked like they were under some kind of threat.

"You don't need to worry about what happens to us in the end."

Lu Dengfeng snorted coldly, said no more, and took action suddenly.

The moment he started to move, he noticed that the airflow in Chen Yang's direction was actually receiving a slow pressure, suppressing all the airflow here.

Because it was too slow, he didn't notice it just now.

In this way, the poison he released in the air was blocked by the air pressure and naturally lost its effect on Chen Yang and Lin Rou.

"This bastard is actually on guard!"

Lu Dengfeng cursed secretly in his mind, but his offensive did not weaken at all. He took out an eight-marked heavenly weapon scimitar with his left hand and attacked Chen Yang.

"Use true energy to isolate the outside airflow, and be careful of Lu Dengfeng using poison."

Chen Yang reminded Lin Rou, and then said: "You deal with Lan Zhengyang, and I'll deal with Lu Dengfeng. The other three will take action when the opportunity arises, striving to kill with one strike!"


Lin Rou nodded, turned over her hand and took out the Nine-Pattern Heavenly Artifact Son-Mother Sword.

She held the long mother sword in her left hand and the short child sword in her right hand. They cooperated with each other and attacked Lan Zhengyang.

"Nine lines of heavenly weapons!"

When they saw that what she was using was actually a nine-marked heavenly weapon, everyone on the other side was shocked.

After all, a nine-marked heavenly weapon can greatly increase the combat power and can even influence the situation of the battle.

Lan Zhengyang did not dare to be careless at all, and quickly raised the eight-marked harpoon in his hand, shouted loudly, and attacked Lin Rou.

"The wave-chasing strike."

This was obviously Lan Zhengyang's strongest attack method. He used it immediately without any reservation.

The artistic conception of dragon fish, chasing the galloping waves of condensed true energy, rolled towards Lin Rou.

This attack was so powerful that it was even three points stronger than the attack on Chen Yang just now.

"Don't ask about the way forward!"

Lin Rou showed no fear at all. She stabbed forward with the mother sword in her right hand. The star energy in her body rolled out and condensed on the mother sword, releasing a terrifying sword light.

This magical power is actually a heaven-level high-grade magical power. With the blessing of star energy, its power is extraordinary.

Seeing the sword light shooting towards the wave-chasing attack.

Suddenly, in front of the sword light, an invisible vortex appeared in the void, causing space distortion.

I saw the sword light shooting into the void and disappearing.

And at the moment when the sword light disappeared, a void vortex appeared five meters above Lan Zhengyang's head, and the sword light was released from it.

In this instant, Lin Rou used the distorted space concept, shortened the stroke of the "Don't Ask the Way Ahead" sword light, and changed the direction of the attack.

When masters compete against each other, every second counts.

Lin Rou had the advantage in speed and distance, so she naturally had the absolute upper hand.

I saw the sword light entering from the void vortex at one end and coming out from the other end. The scene was very magical.


Lan Zhengyang sensed the energy fluctuations above him and exclaimed. He quickly raised the harpoon in his hand and stabbed it upward.

His expression was very ugly. Although he had just learned that Lin Rou had understood the spatial distortion concept and was already prepared, the sudden appearance of the sword light a hundred meters away still frightened him.

And this magical power really fits the name of "Don't ask about the way forward". No one knows where the sword light will attack when the space is distorted.

However, it must be said that Lan Zhengyang's reaction was quite fast.

The harpoon in his hand condensed the true energy. Although he did not have the time to release his magical power, this true energy was enough to weaken the power of the "Don't Ask the Way Ahead" sword light.

Otherwise, the sword light would completely hit him, and he asked himself, he would definitely die.

However, the real energy was about to block the sword light.


At the moment when they were about to collide, a void vortex appeared in front of the sword light, and the space was distorted.


Lan Zhengyang was stunned. He never expected that this kind of space distortion could happen a second time. There was no way to defend against it.

The sword light entered the void vortex, then emerged from a void vortex behind Lan Zhengyang, shooting towards his back.


Lan Zhengyang roared at the top of his voice, raised the harpoon upward, and quickly swept it back.

But this time, he was too late.


The sword light struck his back hard, and blood burst out, dyeing the surrounding area bright red.

His whole body flew forward, and the harpoon in his hand was far away from his hand. He fell to the floor of the cabin and lay there without any movement.

The true energy fluctuations and aura were all gone. There was no doubt that he was fatally struck by Lin Rou.

Suddenly, everyone in the cabin was stunned and looked at Lin Rou involuntarily.

Lin Rou swung the sword in her hand, and there was another sword light, cutting through the "wave-chasing strike" that had lost the blessing of the dragon and fish artistic conception.

She stood proudly in the air, her long skirt flying, her body spotless, with the mother sword in her left hand and the child sword in her right hand, with an elegant aura, like a sword fairy coming down to earth.

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