Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6459 Vellum

Zhenwu was thoughtful and said to Shui Ren: "Taotian, let Chen Yang go. I want to ask him."

"Are you ordering me?"

The water man sneered, looked at the old scalper and the little turtle Zhenwu, and said: "As a demon clan, don't you want to help the human clan deal with me?"

Zhenwu said: "Taotian, we are indeed no match for you, but you are just a weak clone now, and you are not able to suppress us. After all, we all know each other. Please let Chen Yang go immediately, otherwise I will take action."

"Last time it was the Boxing Emperor, this time it's Zhenwu Wugui and Lao Huang. Haha, I'm really unlucky."

The water man sneered, released the water that swept Chen Yang, and then said to Zhen Wu: "I let him go, you can put away your big boundary technique now."

Chen Yang was able to escape, breathing heavily and looking at the water man warily.

Zhenwu put away the Great Boundary Technique, so that the water man could enter the void crack.

The crack slowly closed, and the voice of the Monstrous Demon Emperor came out: "Chen Yang, you can't escape my grasp, sooner or later I will..."


Before the Monstrous Demon Emperor could finish his words, the water man entered the void and exploded, and then the water evaporated instantly.

This scene stunned Zhen Wu, Lao Huang, and Chen Yang.

None of them took action, so who killed the Water Man?

The crack in the void closed, and only a yellow hair was seen floating in the air, falling slowly.

When the yellow hair floated in front of Chen Yang, it suddenly flashed with light and turned into monster characters the size of rice grains.

"The letter has been received, thank you for reminding me.

Thank you for taking care of the dog, I will thank you again in the future.

You don’t need to worry about the threat of the monstrous Demon Emperor.

In addition, give a bunch of hair, which can be activated with star energy in critical moments to resist the attacks of gods.

——Swallow the sky. "

It turned out to be the Sky-Swallowing Demon Emperor!

After reading the text, Chen Yang, Zhen Wu, and Lao Huang realized that it was the Sky-Swallowing Demon Emperor who had just destroyed the Water Man clone of the Monstrous Demon Emperor.

However, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Emperor did not appear, and it was unknown what secret method he used.

The words in the air gradually closed up and returned to the form of hair, floating and landing in Chen Yang's palm.

Chen Yang touched the yellow vellus hair and could sense that it contained strong power. It must be a treasure blessed by the secret method of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Emperor.

Zhenwu withdrew his eyes from Mao and asked Chen Yang suspiciously: "What is going on between you and the heir of the Sky-Devouring Demon Emperor?"

Chen Yang said succinctly: "Dapao and I are sworn brothers. The Monstrous Demon Emperor wants to kidnap DaPao and threatens the Devouring Heaven Demon Emperor."

"Tootian wants to dominate the demon clan?!" Zhenwu frowned and said, "He is indeed very ambitious."

Old Huang said seriously: "Chen Yang, you have to be careful. Being targeted by the Emperor is not an ordinary danger."

"The fact that Taotian is chasing after him means that he has a way to locate Chen Yang." Zhenwu thought: "There must be some kind of mark on Chen Yang. The mark needs to be erased or hidden."

Lao Huang and Zhen Wu immediately checked Chen Yang and found a mark.

Obviously, this mark was secretly left on Chen Yang by the Monstrous Demon Emperor during the Xinjie Conference, but Chen Yang had no idea about it.

Fortunately, the mark was only left by the clone of the Monstrous Demon Emperor. It was not too mysterious and was easily destroyed by Zhenwu.

Zhenwu said to Chen Yang: "In this case, Taotian will not be able to track you. And if the Sky-Devouring Demon Emperor knows his conspiracy, he will not let him have an easy time."

"Thank you, Shingo-senpai."

Chen Yang thanked you and then said, "Senior, I'll take my leave now."

"If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me at any time." Zhenwu nodded.

The old scalper bowed to Zhen Wu, and then left the tree house with Chen Yang.

"Chen Yang, what are your plans next?" asked the old scalper.

Chen Yang said: "Find a place to practice, and then participate in the Earth Immortal Forum in the Supreme Virtual Reality in one month."

Although Chen Yang already knew the location of the dead star and did not need to ask the emperor participants of the Earth Immortal Forum, he still decided to participate in the Earth Immortal Forum.

Because winning a good ranking will not only gain recognition from the emperor, but also provide generous rewards.

For Chen Yang, the most scarce thing now is cultivation resources.

Therefore, he must do everything possible to obtain resources.

The old scalper said: "I have also heard about the Earthly Immortal Taoism Conference in the Supreme Virtual Realm. In fact, it was a conference where several emperors selected disciples. For you, participating in such a conference is of little significance. .”

Chen Yang expressed his idea of ​​obtaining resources, and the old scalper smiled and said: "If you want resources, just ask my master. The resources he has at his disposal are enough even if you cultivate to the realm of gods."

Chen Yang shook his head and said: "The Child Emperor has already helped me a lot, how dare I ask for resources. What's more, the heart of the ancient gods that I promised to help him find has not yet been given to him, but he wants something else. He will definitely not I will agree."

"If you don't ask, how do you know he won't agree?"

The old scalper suddenly stopped, looked at the dark universe ahead, turned back to Chen Yang and said, "The master is gone."

"Are you here?" Chen Yang asked suspiciously.

The old scalper said: "We're here, but the master took Chenxing away."


Chen Yang looked shocked. This was the first time he saw someone taking Xingchen away.

"The master didn't give me any other instructions. It seems that he asked me to follow you during this period."

The old scalper frowned, looked at Chen Yang and said, "Do you have anything else to solve? I can help you."

Chen Yang thought for a moment and said to the old scalper: "Senior, the Kuhai Sect in the Xuyun Star Region is threatened by the Thunder Tribe. Can you come forward to solve it?"

"a piece of cake."

The old scalper didn't take it seriously and said: "However, the Xuyun Star Territory is located in the Supreme Virtual Realm, which is really far away from here. We need to find the teleportation array first, otherwise it will take too long to fly there."

"Where are we now?"

Chen Yang then remembered that he was sent to the Morning Star by the Wu Shi star field battleship, but he didn't know which star field this was.

"We are in the Supreme Han Realm." After the old scalper answered, he said: "Chen Yang, you ride on my back, and I will take you to the teleportation array."

"Senior, this... seems inappropriate."

Although the old scalper was just in the form of an ordinary scalper, he was a strong man in the immortal realm after all, but Chen Yang was embarrassed to ride on his back.

The old scalper shook his body and urged: "Stop grinding, hurry up."

Chen Yang hesitated for a moment and jumped onto the old scalper's back.

The old scalper suddenly accelerated, but in the blink of an eye, he landed on a teleportation array of stars.

Such a fast speed, although not as fast as traveling through the void, was so fast that Chen Yang was amazed.

"Senior Huang, why are you here?"

As soon as the old scalper appeared, the immortal guarding the teleportation array immediately came up to him, nodding and bowing, showing great respect to the old scalper.

"I'm going to the Supreme Realm."

The old scalper gave an explanation, and the immortal immediately made arrangements, looking cautious, respectful and fearful.

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