Urban magic doctor

Chapter 6556 Abyss

The ground shook violently, and the tank bounced off the ground.

The Triceratops, which was observing the muzzle of the tank, also trembled in fright, turned around, and flew away in the direction of the loud noise.

Seeing the Triceratops leaving, Zheng Lie breathed a sigh of relief and asked Chen Yang, "What happened just now? There was such a strong vibration. Could it be caused by the dinosaur you mentioned?"

"If it was a dinosaur that caused such a big shock, then I don't know how big the dinosaur was."

Chen Yang couldn't help but worry. After all, this was not the earth, but the cemetery of the gods. It was not completely impossible for a thousand-meter-long empty dinosaur to appear.

However, he did not think that the noise just now was caused by dinosaurs.

Because if it were a dinosaur, Triceratops wouldn't chase it immediately.

It felt to him like a triceratops had found some prey.

"It's better to mind your own business."

Chen Yang recovered his thoughts, controlled the tank to advance slowly, activated the stealth mode, and at the same time opened the radar range to the maximum, which could monitor a ten-kilometer radius.

Doing this consumes a lot of energy on the tank, but Chen Yang had to do it for safety.

At least, don't let your guard down until you find a safe spot.

It takes twenty days to explore the Cemetery of the Gods, and there are no supplies here, so the tank needs sufficient energy.

This is one of the reasons why Chen Yang built the tank larger and stronger, in order to store more energy.

There was no danger in the rest of the journey.

But judging from the footprints on the ground, there are many large creatures living here, many of which should be bigger than the Triceratops.

Based on the direction and depth of the footprints, Chen Yang determined that all the dinosaurs should be running towards the direction of the loud noise.

This made him very curious as to what was going on there.

Based on radar mapping, simple topographic maps compiled by computers, and changes in air pressure, humidity, and temperature in the air, Chen Yang determined the direction and headed higher.

Thanks to the loud noise, Chen Yang did not encounter any danger again until he reached a mountain top.

However, along the way, he was certain of one thing.

The entire cemetery of the gods is occupied by dinosaurs.

If everything here evolved and developed according to the laws of nature, then the ancient gods would have been buried deep underground.

It is even possible that those ancient gods have turned into fossils.

"What to do next depends on the radar mapping map."

Chen Yang started radar mapping. The radar will continue to detect the surrounding environment, and after three hours, it will describe the terrain of a fifty-kilometer diameter range.

Although it is not a detailed terrain, the heights of mountains, rivers, jungles, etc. can still be seen.

When the terrain was displayed on the 3D imaging console, Zheng Lie was stunned and exclaimed: "This is technology! How is it done?"

"It's too complicated, and you won't understand even if I explain it."

Chen Yang said while observing the map: "However, when you regain your strength and use the strength of your soul to show you the technology on the earth, you can make these things."

"The earth seems very interesting." Zheng Lie said curiously.

"That's my hometown."

Chen Yang walked to the other side of the map and found a strange place.

The map was circular, but a piece was missing, as if it had been cut off directly by a knife.

If the radar had no mapping errors, there would be nothing in this area.

The ground, the woods, the river...

None of these.

"A long abyss?"

Chen Yang looked thoughtful and decided to observe other areas before making a decision.

According to the map, in addition to the jungle, moving dinosaurs were also found in other areas.

Other than that, there is nothing special about it.

The focus is back to where the map is missing.

"Let's go here and take a look, maybe we'll find something."

Chen Yang turned around and said to Zheng Lie, then started the tank and moved forward.

He did not discuss it with Zheng Lie, because he originally planned to act on his own, and it was Zheng Lie who wanted to join in.

Zheng Lie had no objection to his decision.

Because apart from practicing and fighting, Zheng Lie knows almost nothing about anything else.

As the tanks advanced, the terrain mapping gradually expanded and extended.

Although there will be errors in mobile mapping, what is certain is that the area with nothing is constantly expanding, and finally occupies a small half of the circular map, forming a dark area.

"Is it the boundary of the cemetery of the gods?"

Chen Yang was curious in his heart, what would it look like if it were a border.

Anyway, go there and check it out.

But as the tanks advanced, a different geography emerged on the other side of the dark area.

There are mountains, water, trees and a virgin forest there.

The two forests were separated by a line of black.

"The dark area is a bottomless pit in the middle of the forest?"

Chen Yang guessed.

Zheng Lie's eyes lit up and he said: "Such a big pit might be the cemetery of the gods. We must go down and take a look."

"I always feel something is weird." Chen Yang thought: "It's better to go there first and see what's going on."

The tank advanced another thousand meters and finally approached the edge of the dark area.

Looking out from the monitor, you can only see bottomless cliffs and strong winds.

"How about we go out and take a look?" Zheng Lie suggested.

Chen Yang used radar and thermal imaging to determine that there were no living creatures within a kilometer of the surrounding area.

After testing the outside oxygen content, humidity, gas content, etc., he opened the side hatch of the tank and walked out with Zheng Lie.

Unexpectedly, just as he stepped out of the tank, the violent wind blew Chen Yang almost to the ground.

He quickly grabbed the hatch and stood firm.


Chen Yang reminded Zheng Lie, then tied the rope around his waist to the handrail inside the tank, and walked towards the edge of the cliff.

Seeing this, Zheng Lie also followed suit.

The two of them walked to the edge of the dark area, and when they looked forward, they saw that it was indeed a bottomless abyss.

The abyss extends straight to the left and right, but I don't know how far it is.

According to radar mapping maps, the width of this abyss should be about ten kilometers.

If you want to cross the abyss, you can only go around it from both sides.

Chen Yang glanced down the abyss. There seemed to be no danger, but the strong wind was a bit scary. It was absolutely impossible to climb the rock to reach the bottom of the abyss and explore.

The howling wind will blow people directly into the abyss and break them into pieces.

Even if there is a rope to protect him, he will be killed on the steep cliff in the strong wind.

Moreover, the temperature here is too low, and people will freeze to death over time.

"What should I do? Do you want to go down?"

Zheng Lie looked at Chen Yang with an excited look on his face, already eager to climb down into the abyss.

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