Urban Marvel Scientist

Chapter 917: big move

Pike looked up at the **** hand, and there was no trace of remorse in the **** hand's eyes. Although he didn't kill Ming Luofei, he didn't seem to care that much.

Thinking of his subordinate's report, Ming Luofei had no room for resistance when facing the **** hands, and Ming Luofei was someone he couldn't deal with at all. If the person in front of him wanted to kill him, he might just need to pinch him. Just pinch your fingers.

"Forget it, I'll just treat him as good this time. The next time we meet, I'll definitely kill him. I'm here this time to discuss another matter with you."

The **** hand adjusted his sitting position and asked, "Why do you think the red bird in Paravin is constantly being banned?"

Pike was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

The history of Palawen Red Bird has a long history. Since the beginning of the liberation war of various ethnic groups, the Palawen Red Bird has already taken shape, but at that time, the Palawen Red Bird was not called "Red Bird." "

Historically, the Red Birds of Paravin have gone through many crises of life and death, but each time they thought that the Red Bird would be destroyed and that the Red Bird could be reborn every time.

The most recent one was naturally three years ago. The Parawen Red Bird suffered heavy losses again, and even the leader died. I thought it should be over this time, but Mingluo flew over and reborn the Parawen Red Bird.


Pike really didn't know how to answer.

"The Red Birds have never been eliminated because there are still many people who support them in Palawan City. After each hit against the Red Birds, their personnel can be replenished, especially these years, when they joined the Red Birds. There are more and more bird people, do you know how many Hunuts there are in Palawen now?"

Pike was well aware of this, and without even thinking about it, he said directly: "There are almost four million Hunuts in Palawen now."

"Yes, so how many Angry Stars are there?"

Bloody asked again.

Pike didn't know what he meant, but he said honestly: "There are about 5.6 million Angry people."

"That's it, Hunuts and Nuxing people are basically the same. Don't you think it's too good to treat Hunuts now?"

Bloody hands cold voice.

Pike's heart trembled, he had already thought of what the **** hand wanted to do.

After the end of the civil war of the Angry Stars, there were also differences among the radicals. At first, everyone thought that people of other races should be killed, but after some people in the radicals experienced the civil war, they believed that people of other races should be treated slightly. Better yet, the other part is just as radical.

In the end, in order to avoid another civil war, the final result was to give people of other races a little public treatment.

In fact, some of the Hunuts in Paravin have a good life. The mentality of these people has also changed, and they regard themselves as angry stars.

Of course, there are people who live a hard life, and generally they are regarded as slaves by the rich. There are very few such people, and even the rich do not dare to blatantly take their Hunut slaves out. .

The two sides now maintain a delicate balance.

The **** hand in front of him is likely to be a radical.

Pike thought.

In fact, he himself doesn't care about these things. He is neither a radical nor a moderate. He doesn't care about the life and death of the Hunuts at all.

Mensa is considered a moderate person, so under his organization, the Hunuts in Parabon are doing well.

Because of Mensa's political views, he didn't pay much attention to the Hunuts.

"We are so kind to them, but they are not grateful for it, they just feel that these are taken for granted. After so many years, until now, the number of Parabon Redbirds has not decreased, but has become more and more The more and more, these red birds, aren't they the Hunuts in Paravin."

This is indeed a fact, and Pike can't refute it, and now that he realizes that the **** hand's political proposition is radical, it is naturally impossible for him to oppose it.

"Pike, I have an idea, but I still need your help if it's going to be done."

The **** hand's tone was still gentle.

In fact, Pike already knew what the **** hand was going to say. If there was no accident, he should start targeting the Hunuts in Paravin, I am afraid he wants to arrest them all.

"The four million Hunuts in Paravin City are actually our potential enemies. It is stupid to watch the enemy in front of us, but do nothing. I plan to take these four million Hunuts. All the special people are arrested, I hope you can help me do this."

The eyes of the **** hand hidden under the mask glowed red, and inside was the deepest killing intent.

Pike sighed softly in his heart. He did not sympathize with the Hunuts in Paravin City, but only wondered if the **** hands would throw the entire city into chaos.

He has the heart to persuade him, but despite the fact that the **** hand can follow his advice, but this kind of issue involves principles, if he argues with the **** hand, he is likely to become a name on the list, and he also not living enough

Therefore, Pike did not raise any objections and said silently: "But of the four million Hunuts, some of them need to live to ensure the normal operation of Paravin. For this part of Hunuts, a certificate can be issued, As for the rest, I will arrest them all and gather them in one place, you see how this is done."

Xueshou nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "I often hear people say that you have a strong ability to do things. Now that you look at it, it's really good."

Parker smiled dryly: "You complimented."

Bloody stood up, walked in front of Pike, patted Pike on the shoulder, and said, "Follow me and work hard, working under my subordinates is definitely more promising than Mensa, look at what he has done during the time he is here. What, it looked like the red bird was overcast once a few days ago, but his losses were also very heavy, it was ridiculous, I also saw his press conference, it was a joke."

Pike swallowed a saliva, and an idea came to his mind.

"Could it be that Bloody Hand is going to quit the Shadow Guard and start politics?"

The way he is now is exactly the meaning of recruiting Pike. In the past, although the shadow guards sometimes served as the top person in charge of a city, they were only for a period of time, so they would not buy people's hearts and **** acts like this. very suspicious.

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