Chen XINGRAN knew that the secretary was coquettish. He didn't expect to be so hungry and thirsty. He watched her clothes take off gradually. When Xuefeng appeared, she seemed to fall down suddenly. He had the impulse to reach out and wait for her not to fall down.

Mature body is still very attractive, snow-white skin, upright facial features, especially red lips, especially attractive, just like waiting for a kiss.

The sagging crisp chest is very strong, not as strong and elastic as a girl.

"Come on!" The Secretary has all kinds of manners. He says with his father's voice. He slowly shows his legs on the bed. The spring light suddenly appears, and the mysterious scenery can be seen at a glance.

Chen XINGRAN's breath is very short, and his heart is very contradictory. He thinks that Youya must be promoted for the first time. He immediately eliminates all his desires, and his face has no expression at all.

The secretary was surprised, but he used the enchantment method, and also used the enchanting sound. He was more determined than the president of the school. The president of the school was not too determined, it was not there.

Just now, when I saw him holding up, his face was red, his breath was short, and he was already in love. How did he suddenly disappear?

"If you want to have sex with me, I advise you to die. I know you are good at martial arts, but I will never give in." Chen XINGRAN said coldly.

Elegant, full of emotion, extremely shocked! Chen XINGRAN, who has always thought that he has no determination, can drive away the temptation of his secretary. In the past, he used to drive away his desire by breaking the pot, but now he can drive away his desire without using his mind.

The mature beauty of the Secretary's delicate body is very attractive, especially the enchanting sound and enchantment. Even a woman will fall into it. His willpower can resist, and he is only concerned about himself. At the moment, Chen XINGRAN, who used to love very much, would rather sacrifice himself than protect him, His life is more important than his own.

"Come here! If you help me massage like Tang Yunxin, and you can bear my temptation, forget it this time, come on! " The secretary made an enchanting sound.

Chen XINGRAN's heart was cold. Her voice was so beautiful, as if full of magic. She almost obeyed her orders. She was very scared, but she knew that she wanted to massage her. She walked slowly and saw her white, smooth and tender skin. She really wanted to jump on it.

Her delicate body seems to be full of mystery. What she sees is so clear and gives people a feeling. It is full of wonderful beauty, waiting to be developed. It becomes more complicated and confusing.

The Secretary's heart can't help trembling. Seeing that he is so high under him, he can't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva and licking his red lips. It's muddy under him. He wants to put it in his mouth impulsively.

Chen XINGRAN was bewildered by the enchanting voice, and his desire soared. He became emotional when he was a secretary. The voice lost its effect, and his mind immediately extricated itself. He thought that he had almost jumped on her just now. If he lost himself to her, how would he face his favorite wife, Youya.

The second chapter of breaking the earthen jar mental skill starts immediately, the mind converges immediately, the mind is clear immediately, and the desire is dispelled.

Take a deep breath, turn the secretary over and begin to massage. At the moment, I feel great pressure. I know that the Secretary will constantly seduce me. I also know that once I lose my body, Youya can't be promoted, which means that it's very difficult for me to cultivate in the future. Without the help of Youya, I'm very difficult to cultivate. After all, I don't have great talent, and my cultivation depends on Youya's help.

The secretary was extremely shocked. When he was a little distracted, he woke up. He had to admire the allure of his body. When he saw that his heart was itching, he hoped that he would try his best to help him cultivate. Unfortunately, the opportunity was missed. He had to tempt him again with the enchanting sound to shake his mind.

A burst of coquettish words, soul stirring groans.

Chen XINGRAN's forehead is sweating, his hands are shaking, and the evil sound is penetrating into his heart. He is burning his body with heat. For the first time, he feels so hard and uncomfortable. He has already had a lot of pain. If he doesn't vent, he will go crazy.

"For the sake of elegance, I will go crazy." Chen XINGRAN's spirit of the emperor burst out. The emperor dominates everything, and everything must be subordinated to the emperor.

The Secretary felt the air of emperor. His pretty face was very surprised. He had a very complicated expression. It was incredible that he could inspire the air of emperor. Everyone had the air of emperor. It was deep in the bone, but few people could inspire the momentum inside. He did.

Momentum and magic voice contest, in the Secretary's distraction, suddenly control the whole situation, the Secretary's mind a loose, domineering immediately shook the mind, Jiao body to Chen XINGRAN again reversed, crisp chest by hard grasp, a comfortable seepage into the heart, into the soul.

Never so comfortable, the Secretary immediately to Chen XINGRAN hands of magic control.

In my heart, I am extremely angry that a little boy can control his body and mind, which is not allowed by the strong.

As he was about to fight back, his hands left and massaged his head, which made his mind extremely clear and empty. He needed his hands to massage. Originally, he wanted to fight back and used enchantment again. Fahe and enchanting sound confused Chen XINGRAN again. Now, with a burst of comfort, he was reluctant to interrupt his massage.

Close your eyes and enjoy his massage, completely indulging in the comfort of his massage.

Once again, when he touched the crisp breast, a burst of comfort emerged. He felt satisfied that he didn't have before. The long suppressed emptiness and loneliness was released to his heart. He was extremely comfortable and almost unsatisfied. His strength was strong enough, as if he wanted to crush his proud Xuefeng. The violence made Xuefeng very comfortable.

As an expert, the Secretary immediately vent his anger, which is the pure Yin and true yuan Qi that he has practiced for many years. It's his own skill. He immediately feels something wrong, and his murderous spirit overflows. He screams with a demon voice.


Chen XINGRAN's mind and mind are lost immediately. The pleasure of ravaging Xuefeng constantly stimulates his mind and brain. His soul collapses and loses. What willpower and mental skill are vulnerable under the enchanting sound.

At the moment to see the Secretary become very beautiful, delicate body full of infinite temptation, can no longer help, body up, tightly pressed her.

The Secretary laughed, very sweet smile, the little boy is vulnerable, the mud below, itching very sour, need his object ravaged rampant, delicate voice, magic sound sounded“ It's very empty below. Come in quickly. You'll want to die and be immortal when you enter... "

Chen XINGRAN stretched out his hand to tear open his clothes. His hand suddenly became cold. His mouth felt slippery, and a cold smell came to his nose. His mind was immediately sober. He saw that Youya appeared in front of him, kissing him. Her Qianqian jade hand was holding his hands.

Half of her body, the upper part of her body on the Secretary's body, the lower part of her body to the Secretary's body blocked the line of sight, as if standing in front of her body contact objects are transparent nothingness, the lower part of her body is there, but can penetrate the bed and the secretary's body.

Seeing Youya's beautiful face showing pain, Chen XINGRAN woke up completely with a start. His heart felt very painful. The heartbreaking pain was very painful. He communicated with Youya: "wife, am I useless? How can you be so miserable? "

"Husband, you have been very powerful. You are proud of you. Originally, you thought we were going to die this time, but you insisted on the ecstasy technique. The remaining one-third, you will spend the time with you. You will do two things with one heart. Don't care about the danger. Love you heartily. The magic sound will help you to have more lust in your heart and make you more ecstatic. Come on Said in a gentle voice.

Chen XINGRAN didn't want to suppress his desire any more. He immediately started to massage his secretary.

Beautiful Daimei is so beautiful, full of endless temptation, Chen XINGRAN no longer have any constraints, enjoy kissing on it, very smooth, very comfortable wonderful feeling.

When the Secretary saw Chen XINGRAN's emotion, his face showed an evil smile, and he was full of hunger and thirst. He couldn't help but work harder to urge him to take off his clothes as soon as possible, and the muddy fields below were waiting for him to cultivate.

Kissing her beautiful and enchanting star eyes, I really want to touch them with my hands at the moment, but I can only kiss her with my hands to help the Secretary massage. When I kiss her little nose, my heart explodes and rushes upward. A faint fragrance stimulates every cell to boil up, and the cell spurts a comfortable heat stream straight to her head.

It's a sign of blood spurting. The heat flows to the mouth and feels a cold air flow into the lips. The cold air rushes into the mouth and freezes the neck. All the hot air cools down.

The cold air envelops the heat, seeps out from Chen XINGRAN's hands and flows into the Secretary's delicate body.

The Secretary's face changed greatly. At the moment, he had massaged the pubic part, and a cold air poured into the hot and boiling fields below. They were waiting for cultivation, and now they were frozen.

Real Qi is injected into the right hand to kill Chen XINGRAN, because Chen XINGRAN has attacked her and can't wait to die.

Chen XINGRAN feels that he is in danger. When he is dying, his senses are very keen. After all, the prelude to death is the most sober moment. However, he has no sense of how to escape the threat of death.

Elegant and pretty face changes color, star eyes a mist, have the impulse to cry, know the Secretary hand, Chen XINGRAN immediately become a dead man, he is no energy to save, now only let him enjoy the ecstasy before death.

Chen XINGRAN suddenly feels that the elegance of kissing has changed. He can't help looking down. His chest immediately explodes, and the hot air rushes to his head.

Her clothes are gone and bare. The towering snow peak appears. It's so strong and huge. It's standing up, waiting to be touched, waiting to be kissed. The two sections of scarlet are particularly dazzling in the faint red package. It's impulsive to kiss and suck it in your mouth, feeling its texture and intoxicating fragrance.

The mouth wants to go down and kiss two points of enchanting scarlet. Chen XINGRAN feels that she is hugged by Youya at the moment. Her enchanting cherry red mouth has been warmly kissing her lips.

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