Chen XINGRAN didn't expect that the gorgeous woman was so hungry that her face was as scared as earth. The beautiful jade shot a cool air stream into the body of the Grand Marshal.


The mistress looked extremely comfortable, then extremely angry.

Chen XINGRAN felt a stabbing pain in her pubis, which hit her. But it was extremely quick. He immediately felt the great murderous spirit and extreme panic. Because at the most critical moment, the Grand Marshal was injected with cool air, and his mind moved. He immediately sucked the Grand Marshal into his body, so he didn't enter the pass.

"I want you to come out again." Said the mistress bitterly.

Chen XINGRAN immediately felt that her little tongue entered her mouth again. That kind of comfort made her mouth suck. She felt how sweet her fragrance was. A burst of acid itching appeared in her whole mouth, forcing her to suck her little tongue desperately. When she sucked it up, it was extremely comfortable, very ecstatic, very wonderful. She felt like flying into the sky.

Knowing that her mind was addicted again, but thinking of elegance in her heart, she woke up immediately and massaged the acupoints of her body crazily with both hands.

The technique is very fast, a cold current sucks out from her delicate body, the ecstatic hand completes the process once again, massages her delicate body crazily.

Think of her like that kind of rude rampage, immediately press should for grasp, five fingers hard grasp down.


The body is like an explosion. The five fingers are extremely comfortable and ecstatic. It's wonderful. It's indescribable.

Grasp the original so comfortable, slippery skin left blood red paw print, stimulate the soul to boil up, the skin grasp the slippery hand, very elastic, inside the jet of cold gas, stimulate the hands comfortable to the bones are crisp.

The beautiful woman is just like water. The fields inside are flooded, and the crystal clear spring water and cold dew are constantly emerging. Her whole body feels soft and tender, and her body feels comfortable and painful. This is more exciting and ecstatic. I like this feeling very much. The raised hand is gradually put down, and the skin is hot and stinging.

The whole body is like a fire, the desire is boiling up, now is the real need to pacify, the next mess, in not pacify, will go crazy.

Thinking that the only restoring pill has been taken, if you lose the pure Yin Qi again, you are facing death. You are extremely scared in your heart. You suddenly push away Chen XINGRAN, and there is a trace of tenderness in meimou. At this moment, your heart has been conquered by his rude method.

"Good apprentice, I am very satisfied with your performance. Here you are! I'm going The mistress threw out a piece of animal skin, and her body disappeared.

When a man left, his heart did stay on him. His massage made Jiao's body very comfortable. He was reluctant to kill him. Before that, he asked his companion to keep Chen XINGRAN alive, waiting for him to recover and then come back to protect the vigorous Qi.

At the moment, it's not so important to feel the vigorous Qi of protecting the heart. What's more important is his massage. The comfort of the massage makes her completely intoxicated. If her cultivation has just recovered, she really wants to fight with Chen XINGRAN.

Chen XINGRAN saw a centipede painted on it again. It looks like a centipede. Pay attention to it. It's a mental walking chart. When you see it, you feel dizzy. It takes a certain talent to see it and understand it.

Excited to run out, but still remember to close the door, after all, the two beauties fell asleep without clothes, to other men to see the loss to death.

"Dong Dong!" The door knocks!

"It's only three o'clock. That bastard knocked on the door?" Haiweiyan and Lengyan wake up with a start.

"It's me."

"Wake up." Haiweiyan and Lengyan jumped up in surprise and quickly went out to open the door. When they saw Chen XINGRAN, her pretty face turned red, her body trembled, and her heart fluttered with amazement.

Is he lonely at night and can't help looking for himself.

"Wake up, come on in!" Leng Yan embraces Chen XINGRAN. When she comes into contact with the Grand Marshal, her face turns red and her heart beats very hard.

Chen XINGRAN found that he was too excited at the moment. He took Xinfa animal skin and forgot to confiscate his clothes to yanfei'er. His body was cool.

Feel that a burst of hot wet, show surprised color, how can she do that, not dirty?

"Stop whining." Hai Weiyan saw that Leng Yan was like a tiger and wolf. She was so shocked and sad that she quickly took Chen XINGRAN over.

Leng Yan shows a happy color. Her little tongue sticks out and goes around her cherry red mouth. It seems that she has just tasted a delicious dish and is now savoring it.

Chen XINGRAN gave Hai Weiyan a kiss and said with a smile, "what mental method do you have a look at?"

Haiweiyan took over the animal skin, showing excited color, said: "capture soul rotation, this is a kind of mental method of rotation, put the real Qi into the weapon, shot out, will return. It's an extremely profound mental method of cultivating spiritual power. "

Chen XINGRAN looks extremely excited. He is in need of mental recovery. Every time he carves and communicates with the red line of the burning sun, his spirit shrinks. He wants to recover from his deep sleep.

If there is a mental method to restore the spirit, it will recover quickly and condense Zhenyang is just around the corner. It's strange to be unhappy to get this mental method.

Leng Yan is extremely excited. She is relishing and reveling in the ecstatic moment just now. She has finally tasted the food she has been dreaming of. She slowly fills her mouth with the feeling that her cherry red mouth is bursting. It's very exciting and ecstatic. She can't help but start a flower mania.

"Don't be crazy. Come and see how to cultivate your mind." Haiweiyan patted Leng Yan. She was extremely jealous. She wanted to do that, but she didn't dare. The reserve of a woman didn't allow her to indulge like this.

Leng Yan gouges out Hai Weiyan. She doesn't know that she is jealous, but she still cleans up her mind and goes to see the animal skin. It must be a profound mental skill that can make Chen XINGRAN so impulsive. When she sees the mental skill, she is extremely shocked.

Chen XINGRAN realized at the moment that it took two people to look at the mental Dharma, one at the top and the other at the bottom, which would confuse the circuit diagram of mental Dharma.

Two people saw, draw line on Chen XINGRAN body immediately.

Chen XINGRAN was extremely surprised that the line was so strange. Leng Yan and Hai Weiyan's paintings were completely opposite, but they were also exactly the same.

They are constantly drawing circles on their arms, one clockwise and the other counterclockwise, with a total of 9981 small circles, plus 162 circles drawn by them.

Chen XINGRAN immediately started to walk with Qi. There were 162 cyclones in his right arm and left arm. At the moment, he needed a dagger, but the dagger was on his clothes. Without saying hello, he quickly went out.

Haiweiyan and Lengyan show their lost color. They thought Chen XINGRAN wanted them just now. Their hearts are still beating. They are very flustered, excited and happy. They are ready to open the door to fight. The bottom is already muddy. They have prepared sweet wine for the Grand Marshal.

Knowing that Chen XINGRAN was addicted to the cultivation of mental Dharma, he didn't blame him. He immediately began to draw circles on Leng Yan. Leng Yan also drew circles on her body and recalled how to teach her mental Dharma.

Chen XINGRAN returns to Tang Yunxin's and Yan Feier's bedrooms again. When he sees the beautiful body, he feels a surge in his heart. He quickly puts on his clothes, runs to the back garden, and comes to the edge of the swimming pool. He pours Qi into the dagger and shoots it out faster than the dagger.

The dagger whirled and flew out, then turned back, but it was ten meters short of coming back and fell into the water.

Chen XINGRAN quickly took off his clothes, jumped into the water, picked up the dagger, injected real Qi again, and shot the dagger out. Every time, he fell into the water from ten meters away.

After repeated failures, it's already dawn. Chen XINGRAN's spirit is extremely atrophic, very tired, very sleepy and depressed. Isn't this the mental method to restore his spirit? How to consume so much mental energy instead?

"Try it again!" Chen XINGRAN was powerless to shoot the dagger. This time, he didn't have much strength. He shot a short distance.

When the dagger comes back, Chen XINGRAN grabs the dagger. A whirling force comes back from the dagger, and his spirit is shocked.

Extremely excited, the original shot out of their own limit, too far, how did not think of this problem, secretly scolded himself stupid.

At once, the dagger is shot out again and again. Every time the dagger is received, a trace of mental power will be injected into the hand, rush to the brain, and restore mental power to the soul.

Finally, the dagger turned out to be proficient. You can catch the dagger by closing your eyes, which shows that it has been initially successful.

If you want to attack the target or cultivate yourself, the best way is to carve. You can cultivate your mental power and kill two birds with one stone.

If you can carve with the rotating mind method, you can control the dagger to an incredible level. At that time, you can attack the enemy.

"Wake up so early?" Su Xiaoru gets up and walks to the early garden. Seeing Chen XINGRAN, she is overjoyed and runs to the swimming pool.

"Xiao Ru, why are you so early? I didn't sleep all night. " Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

"Deceiving, you are full of energy. How can you stay up all night?" Su Xiaoru said coyly.

"Really. Stand up, I'll teach you a mental method, you see. " Chen XINGRAN shot out the dagger, and then the dagger quickly turned back.

"It's fun. Are you going to teach me?" Su Xiaoru is excited to see it.

"Yes." Chen XINGRAN jumped up and drew a circle on her.

Su Xiaoru excitedly runs, runs a circle, stops, takes out the mobile phone, looks at the time, and says: "I'll go to select the model later, will you go?"

"Go! Why don't you go Chen XINGRAN is extremely excited. A group of beautiful women with absolute good figure stand in front of him. They are so happy that he is excited when he thinks of massaging models.

"Go gargle and get ready." Su Xiaoru was a little angry when she saw that he was a flower maniac.

"Mm-hmm!" Chen XINGRAN hugs Su Xiaoru and kisses her, and immediately grabs the rabbit with both hands.

"No, you are very wet. You leave two claws. You are so ashamed to be seen." Su Xiaoru quickly covers her chest.

Chen XINGRAN showed a smile of evil spirit and said, "just now I hugged you. There's a watermark behind you, and there's a watermark under you."

"Ah Su Xiaoru blushed and said, "if you don't take me back to the bedroom soon, you can do whatever you want. Hurry up, everyone will get up soon."

Chen XINGRAN's heart is full of enthusiasm. She hugs Ru Xiaoru excitedly and runs to her bedroom.

Yan's auto sales center.

At the moment, there are many professional models coming to apply, hoping to perform as models combining automobile and jewelry. The models wear tight miniskirts, and the top is a sexy vest, showing the beauty of legs and breasts.

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