White silk dress like smoke gradually spread, into white smoke flowing into Chen XINGRAN's chest beauty jade, beautiful body gradually appeared.

A pair of soft and smooth thighs and thin legs outline two perfect legs, white skin, red lips and white teeth, melon face, beautiful face, seductive figure, all these, For Chen XINGRAN, such a little virgin, the owner has a fatal attraction.

Chen XINGRAN has a look of appreciation. He looks at it stupidly and smiles quietly. He knows that Chen XINGRAN has endless desire. Once he comes, he will become stupid again.

After such a long period of repression, Youya knows that it's hard for Chen XINGRAN. Now he has become so afraid to look at the body of a beautiful woman that he has repressed his desire to the limit. For a long time, even a beautiful woman may not dare to look at it. This also proves how much he loves himself. Without superhuman perseverance, he can't persist for so long.

In the past, Chen XINGRAN was only used as a tool to help practice. Now he has been regarded as his husband, the most beloved. He loves him more than himself.

Youya grabs Chen XINGRAN's two hands and invites her two babies on her chest to truly touch their extremely soft texture. When she glides through the infinite silky skin, Chen XINGRAN suddenly feels that the extremely delicate touch seems to touch some kind of melting, instantly melting his body and mind... It's the feeling of ice melting and snow melting, That is the feeling of spring flowers, it is the first time in my life to experience the unprecedented relaxed and happy!

Yu can touch them without fear, and finally hold them in his own hands... The heart of a young man who has never experienced the love of women, like a withered tree in the spring, turns all the moving spring breeze into a gathering of Wei's hot tears, and burst into tears

If you want to, eat it... "Seeing Chen XINGRAN's tears, you ya knows how much he has repressed for himself, how many gorgeous beauties he has had contact with. It's a zero distance contact, and it's incredible that he still keeps being a virgin. A man has done this for himself. You Ya is 100% satisfied with Chen XINGRAN, and her heart is determined with him, Even she could not change her love for Chen XINGRAN.

The two strawberries of the huge white rabbit, whose breasts are half exposed, are covered by her belly pocket. She has no way to lower her mouth. She reaches behind her back and can't find the place to untie them. Chen XINGRAN has to look at her beautiful face.

Elegant and bashful, the pretty face is covered with an intoxicating red halo, which releases the beauty to the limit. A light pink halo emerges, which makes the pretty face extremely beautiful. The red halo gradually spreads down, and makes the breasts pink. It looks more enchanting. Seeing the blood on the snow-white skin, the skin turns pink, just like a flower in bloom, Gradually release the hidden beauty.

This kind of skin change, not to mention men, even women will be attracted by pink skin. Chen XINGRAN's nose bleeds and is extremely excited. The heat of his chest is surging up. For the first time, he sees such beautiful and enchanting skin, and for the first time, he sees elegant beauty blooming to him.

I can't guess how beautiful she is. I can't guess how much exciting beauty lurks in her charming body. Now I can take off the mysterious veil one by one. I'm very excited. With the stimulation of elegant beauty, I don't want to have nosebleed.

When you see Chen XINGRAN like this, you can't help but "poof!" With a smile, the blooming smile is fascinating and even more exciting to Chen XINGRAN.

Her nose wrinkled playfully, like a series of ripples on the spring water, as if there was a kind of suction, which absorbed the soul of the people. She lost her thinking and forgot who she was.

Youya stretched out Qianqian's jade hand and pressed it on his nose, sending out a cold air to stop his nosebleed. She said in a coquettish way: "in the flowers, you are all old hands, and your determination is still so poor."

"Wife, you are so beautiful that my mind is lost. If I didn't see that you are so real, I thought it was in my dream that there is no such beautiful girl in the world, and it's still my wife. " Chen XINGRAN marveled at the elegant beauty in his heart, and he could never finish seeing her beauty.

Chen XINGRAN's hands are very comfortable when he touches her delicate skin. He loves to touch her hands for fear of breaking her skin. He caresses her gently and feels a ripple in his heart.

Belly fog, revealing the proud huge peak, two strawberries blood red, especially enchanting, above the flashing fluorescence, to see the bewildering, intoxicating.

When Chen XINGRAN held the two treasures that Youya had been standing to his lips in his hands, held one of them in his mouth, and made a dream sucking action for the first time in his life, he seemed to recall a baby in infancy. He curled up happily in his mother's arms and drank her inexhaustible sweet milk without worry.

The tongue is filled with a cool fragrance, just like a bomb. It explodes in the mouth. The whole mouth becomes numb, itchy and comfortable. I can't help but increase my strength.

Chen XINGRAN is intoxicated. The male's violent gene is stimulated. His body is hot and burning. A burst of heat in his heart is constantly floating up. He constantly rushes to his soul and every sense organ.

Chen XINGRAN left the enchanting snow peak for a long time. He looked down at the snow-white belly and the charming navel. Other people's Chen XINGRAN didn't feel anything and didn't feel attractive. Seeing the elegant navel, he felt a very beautiful feeling. He couldn't help reaching out and touching it. It was soft, smooth, cool, and his hands felt very comfortable.

Lips kiss up, showing the color of shock, good there is a very strange, very wonderful feeling, the whole heart and body are trapped, intoxicated, can not extricate themselves from the wonderful feeling.

The lips are very comfortable, just like sliding on the ice in the mouth. It's a high-speed sliding. It's cool and smooth. It's very refreshing. This kind of feeling is very exciting, just like sliding fast on the ice. This kind of stimulation and ecstasy can't be described.

Qianqian jade arm lives behind Chen XINGRAN's head. The special function of locking soul jade arm makes Chen XINGRAN's mind more clear. In this way, he can feel the comfort of skating on his lips. It's like eating a snow pick. After a quick lick, his lips leave a delicious cream. It's so memorable that he can't help taking another bite.

"Cluck! How itchy...! " You ya gives you a piece of sour itch. It's not his massage technique. It makes the whole body itch. I can't help laughing.

The voice is very sweet, very pleasant, stimulating Chen XINGRAN's mind, more hard to absorb up, his face shows the color of intoxication, his hands are not honest touching her body, the capture hand is not generally powerful, naughty rabbit to tightly grasp.

It took a long time to move down. When I saw a piece of snow-white, I was a little stunned. I noticed that there were few green grass, very thin, and I didn't pay attention. I thought she was a white tiger. I noticed that it was like a layer of green halo. When I looked carefully, I found that it was green, very small, and looked more enchanting.

Gently caress, hands to her legs, and finally see never dare to see the mysterious area, which seems to have a faint green halo, crystal clear.

Blood is surging up. Chen XINGRAN knows what he needs most at the moment. The Grand Marshal in his crotch has a burst of pain, and what he needs to be wrapped up to create the danger of explosion.

The whole body is very rough up, put her down, kiss her beautiful face, shortness of breath, heart rate limit, chest blood gas constantly up.

Take off your clothes and the clothes will float away in the sea.

"Put away your clothes quickly, or how will you get ashore?" You ya said anxiously.

Chen XINGRAN immediately woke up, took the clothes that had gone away in his hand, and looked at the elegant and beautiful face. His heart felt very painful. All his desires dissipated in an instant. His face twitched a few times and looked up at the blue sky. He was in no mood at all.

When you see Chen XINGRAN's look, you feel very painful. She almost runs down the river. She hugs Chen XINGRAN and says softly, "husband, isn't you elegant and ugly?"

"No, you are very beautiful. You make me lose my mind and indulge in it. But I feel very sad to see that I have no desire at all. I am not emotional at all. I don't feel anything about you." Chen XINGRAN sighed and said that he was used to seeing the hungry expression of the beautiful woman and the coquettish energy of the spring heart, but the elegant and beautiful eyes were still so clear, without any desire. How could he not be sad with such an expression.

Elegant blooming a sweet smile, no longer pay attention to Chen XINGRAN's feelings, sweet heart, pretty face close to his face, hold him tightly, face appear happy intoxicated look.

Chen XINGRAN felt a wave in her heart when her delicate body touched her. He could not help hugging her tightly. He felt her voice and showed a look of shame. Now he knew what Youya liked and needed.

"Wife, shall we go back to Pudong village and get married?" Chen XINGRAN feels elegant and thinks that he wants to hold a wedding, a huge and lively wedding. Even if it's not lively, he should at least pour tea for Chen XINGRAN's elders.

"Mm-hmm! But I can't pour tea for your grandfather. Take Xiaomei back to Pudong village. When you marry her and worship her, you can offer tea for me. " You said with a smile.

"Mm-hmm! We're going back now. " Chen XINGRAN said excitedly.

You Ya is very moved. Can Chen XINGRAN give up everything and go back to the mountains? If you go to seclusion, what should you do? Don't you practice?

It's very complicated in my heart. I hope Chen XINGRAN and himself will go back to the mountains and live together forever in Pudong village. But I can't practice. I just hope Chen XINGRAN will stay and continue to practice.

Chen XINGRAN is not so worried. He only wants to marry a wife and go back to Pudong village. Now that he has won the business war and everything is on the right track, the matter of SH city has come to an end and he can leave at ease.

I feel sorry for haiweiyan and Lengyan. The mystery of the small village can't be solved. These secrets need to win over the middle-aged men and women in the castle to solve the mystery of their life experience.

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