Haiweiyan sucks her tongue with her strength and swallows it impulsively, otherwise she can't satisfy herself.

All of a sudden, his body was like an explosion. A stream of air was gushed from his hands, and a suppressed sense of jet sprayed on his hands and quickly sucked away.

The whole body is in high spirits, each cell blooms a burst of comfort.

Comfortable to shout out, voice into breath spray into his mouth, a burst of collapse, very comfortable, very satisfied, never such a comfortable feeling.

Now forget that many people are watching, forget that he is the enemy, feel itchy below, suddenly hold him, try to let the hard things close to a little, even think that if you can enter the best impulse, the heart will become YD incomparable, hunger and thirst this aspect of comfort.

When he regained his mind and heard a lot of people laughing, he realized that he was making out with him. He was so shameless in public. This little boy just knew each other and how to meet people in the future.

She has always been very strong, feel fear, fear, have the impulse to die, tears can not help but flow out.

In the face of demotion, in the face of so many people's satire, I have survived. Now these things happen again. How can I live in the future?

I think that in order to bring a second generation of officials to justice, I want to build my own future. Demotion is also worth it.

A young rural couple had just had a child. It was just when they were full of hope for the future that the man was killed by the second generation of officials. They didn't want to pay any compensation, and they didn't admit that he was the one who hit him. It was disgusting.

How can a young mother lead a life with her full moon child, so she put her records in court. Fortunately, she kept one, otherwise the second generation of officials would escape the punishment of the law.

Demoted down to become an ordinary traffic police, how many people in the ridicule, the past so-called friends are gone, for fear of getting their own mildew.

Now a little boy bullies himself like this. How can he see others in the future? She always pays attention to Qing Yu. Xingmou tears continuously and is demoted. It seems that she has lost everything. Now the leader gives her face every day. Is it interesting to live like this?

No matter how strong a woman is, she is also the most vulnerable. What she is most proud of is her skill. Now she is allowed to play with her. Her strong confidence has been broken and trampled on the ground mercilessly. Once her confidence is gone, she even has no desire to live.

Her breath came out, and she felt hot, and her whole body was hot, a very painful feeling.

Heat flow into the mouth, want to spit out, but can not spit out, this tone is pure Yang gas, has been controlling haiweiyan mood of pure Yang gas.

Entering the oral cavity, it immediately flows down and turns into a genuine Qi, which returns to the Dantian. I feel that since there is a hundred times more genuine Qi in it, the whole Dantian is full.

"Hee hee! Husband, find the mental method quickly. As long as you can use the genuine Qi of Dantian and use it freely, you can resist my cold. What's the result of resisting the cold? You know... Hee hee You ya Jiao said with a smile.

The voice is full of endless temptation. Chen XINGRAN's heart is in full bloom and his blood is boiling. If so, he can get married with Youya and become a virgin. He doesn't have to extend his life indefinitely.

"Maybe the broken earthen jar has a mind, hee hee!" Elegance is like dropping a heavy bomb again in Chen XINGRAN's heart.

Chen XINGRAN's face changed slightly. The broken jar was in the car. Now it's locked. I don't know if it's lost.

Wake up immediately, feel a burst of cool face, a Leng, see a pair of beautiful star eyes streaming tears, she cried, that look heartbreaking.

"Don't be nervous. Do as I say." Elegant extreme shock, see the girl is like a beast, almost lost his mind, he also has a gentle side, see the girl tears, his heart will hurt, will love the girl.

Youya originally wanted to use Chen XINGRAN, knowing that she had no choice. After all, she cooperated with him and became husband and wife with him.

Now changed, feel his kind heart, began to love her, began to really willing to live and die with him.

"I'm sorry! I forgot to tell you that I was massaging your body just now. I was a little boy. I couldn't stand the pain of others, so I was good at treating your thigh fracture. Because the fracture deformation, suppress the female hormone abnormal change, so the mood is particularly unstable, especially good friends to come, inexplicably lost his temper Chen XINGRAN opened her mouth and whispered in her ear.

Haiweiyan no response, star eyes empty, no vitality, tears have been flowing.

"I'm laughing. I'm haiweiyan's boyfriend. Now I'm going to open my relationship with you." Chen XINGRAN did it according to the elegant words, picked haiweiyan up and said to everyone.

"No! Why did haiweiyan cry? "

"Yes, yes! Are you forcing haiweiyan to be your girlfriend

Every police officer is afraid of haiweiyan and avoids her everywhere, but they are also their dream lover, YY haiweiyan, who loves haiweiyan secretly. Now the goddess in their heart has its own name, how can they accept it.

"Asshole, who's your girlfriend? Get out of here and pick me up at night." Haiweiyan also felt ashamed when she heard Chen XINGRAN's words. She didn't know why. She seemed to see a glimmer of light. She became strong again and became angry again.

Then he pushed away Chen XINGRAN and ran out shamefully, not even taking away his police uniform.

Chen XINGRAN gave a simple smile. Seeing so many police officers hating him, he showed an evil smile and said, "it seems that you are all full of hatred. Come up and beat me to vent."

One by one, the faces of the police officers changed greatly. This pervert beat haiweiyan without any help. Fighting with him may be more violent than haiweiyan.

"It's time for me to be on duty."

"I have something else to do."

"It's time for me to get off work."

There were so many excuses that he ran away in an instant. For fear of running slowly, he was caught by Chen XINGRAN as a target.

"You're so terrified. You're a couple." Lawyer Huang was immediately overjoyed that the job was finally completed.

"What are you afraid of doing?" Chen XINGRAN said in surprise.

"Cough!" Lawyer Huang laughed awkwardly, pointed to the police uniform and said, "your girlfriend's police uniform."

Chen XINGRAN was stunned. Then she took the police uniform and felt heavy. When she touched it, it was her mobile phone and she laughed. The girl even forgot her clothes.

When he went out, he saw the policeman who signed to let him go. He handed the key to Chen XINGRAN and said with a smile, "Hai Weiyan asked me to take you to the car."

"I don't have a driver's license!" Chen XINGRAN takes the key.

"You have a driver's license, you can drive, just don't need to exceed the speed limit." Said the policeman with a smile.

"Can you help me return the clothes to haiweiyan?" Chen XINGRAN handed the police uniform to the police.

"Haiweiyan is on duty. Besides, she is not in the police station. We can't see her at any other time except when we detain the perpetrator. You're her boyfriend. Why don't you know that? " The police said as they took Chen XINGRAN to the police car.

Chen XINGRAN a Leng, deliberately said: "is a workaholic, do not take the time to accompany me."

"That's what we police do. We are on duty from time to time. Please be considerate. Haiweiyan is a good girl." The police forgot what they had asked.

Taking the car out, it's time to have dinner. Chen XINGRAN leaves the parking lot to see how strange it is. He doesn't know the way to SH city for a few days.

Lawyer Huang separated at the police station. Which direction should we go now?

When the mobile phone rang, Chen XINGRAN took it out of his police uniform pocket, answered and said, "I'm sorry! Haiweiyan is not here, please call back after a while

"It's me! Chen XINGRAN, I'm off work. At the gate of the police force, you'll come and pick me up right away. "

"I'm just outside the parking lot. Which direction should I go?" Chen XINGRAN was overjoyed and said immediately.

"Turn left. There's a crossroad three kilometers away. Turn left..."

"Good! I'll be right there Chen XINGRAN said.

"You hear me? How many times? " Haiweiyan said in surprise.

"Remember that."

Chen XINGRAN's memory is very good now. Others say that he will remember it once and soon come to the door of the traffic police brigade.

From a distance, I saw a woman in a red vest, wearing black police trousers, which looked very conspicuous.

She has a beautiful face, willow eyebrows, apricot eyes, Yao nose and cherry lips, her cheeks reddened by the sun, her long hair sticking to her neck and shoulders, her slender arms and round shoulders.

Chen XINGRAN couldn't help but be stunned. She took off the police cap and put down her hair. She looked more beautiful. Her delicate body was snow-white, and her complexion was a little bit surprised. She was a little bit darker, but she looked healthier and more attractive. Her beautiful, delicate and mature appearance was all reflected in her delicate body.

"Here it is." See familiar gallop to open, sea Wei Yan heart appear inexplicable joy, quickly waved.

"Beautiful girl, please get in the car!" Chen XINGRAN stopped in front of her, got off immediately and opened the back door.

"I sit in the front seat." Haiweiyan said.

Chen XINGRAN ran to the other side immediately, opened the door and said, "please get on the bus!"

On the bus, Chen XINGRAN asked: "where to go?"

"Are you a man? It's all arranged by girls. Where do you say to go when you should have dinner?" Haiweiyan just got on the car of gentle disappeared, completely turned into a hot girl.

Chen XINGRAN was shocked!

"To tell you the truth, I haven't been here for a few days, and I don't know the southeast and northwest. How do you say I know where to go?" Chen XINGRAN was not angry. He wanted to know why she was so sad. His desperate eyes were scared and heartbroken. He could not help but pity her.

Hai Weiyan was surprised. In her memory, Chen XINGRAN had a worse temper than herself. How did she become so elegant? After reading Chen XINGRAN's interrogation record, I can understand why he dares to release Chen XINGRAN privately. It turns out that Chen XINGRAN has something to do with it.

How arrogant it is to be able to irritate such a good temper. Now it's a bit strange to be polite.

"Go left! Two kilometers away, there's a big stall where we can have something to eat and then go for a ride! " Haiweiyan said.

Chen XINGRAN is stunned!

She doesn't really think of herself as a boyfriend, does she? If it's true, it's good to marry her. Chen XINGRAN can't help but YY.

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