The middle-aged man put on his trousers and came out. He saw a classmate sitting on a soft sofa with his legs up. His face changed greatly. He asked in a trembling voice, "how did you come in, classmate?"

"Hello, instructor! I came in through the gate Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

He saw a picture of a middle-aged man from the work column of the school affairs office and knew that he was the director of education. In the school, besides the president, the official was his biggest.

"What are you doing here?" The dean's face was extremely ugly, and the fool knew that he had seen everything. It was the Secretary of the president of the school. If he knew it to the president of the school, they would not be able to afford it. It was the most important thing to figure out how to stabilize the little boy.

"I'm here to report. This is my letter of introduction." Chen XINGRAN handed Tang Bo's letter to him to the teaching director.

The instructor took it and opened it. His face became even more ugly. This is a letter from general manager Tang San, with the boy's resume. He asked him to register for admission and arrange a class with Tang Yunxin.

It's very neat to help Chen XINGRAN register. He handed the school seal to Chen XINGRAN and said, "did you see anything just now?"

"Nothing to see, nothing to hear." Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

"This is my business card. If you have anything to do in the future, please come to me and I will help you." When the instructor sees his evil smile, it's strange if he doesn't see it. Please pacify him first.

"Thank you, director. Have a good time. I'm leaving." Chen XINGRAN opened the door and went out.

The teacher's smile froze, but Chen XINGRAN's words reassured him. The other party just hinted that he would not say it. If he did not say it, everything would be easy.

Chen XINGRAN went out in a hurry, checked the number and called back immediately.

"Hello! Are you awake? "

"Uncle Tang, what can I do for you?" Chen XINGRAN was very surprised. He had just separated from Tang Bo. Why didn't he say in the car that he would call now.

"After school tonight, I'll pick you up. Don't tell Yunxin them." Tang Bo Shen said mysteriously.

"Don, I can't! I have to treat them tonight. I can't stop Chen XINGRAN thought of not helping them massage.

"Can you stop for a day? There's something important for you to do tonight." Tang Bo said anxiously.

"Yes, but it will be less effective. What is so important? " Chen XINGRAN asked in surprise.

"I'll talk about it then. Tonight is a business trip. If it's done, I'll get an extra month's salary and get ready. I'll hang up."

Chen XINGRAN's face has changed greatly. If he adds one more month's salary, is the task very dangerous? What task is so important?

I was extremely depressed, but I still had to clear up my mood. After asking several students, I came to class one of senior high school. It turned out that it was a key class. There was no class this semester. I mainly reviewed for the college entrance examination.

Has been in class, the teacher sitting on top, waiting for students to review, do not know how to ask her.

Go to the door, Chen XINGRAN immediately called out both familiar and strange words, that is often called in junior high school.

"Report, I'm sorry! The teacher is late

"I'm not late. You're late. Who are you and what are you doing in our class?" The teacher turned around.

Chen XINGRAN immediately had a sense of eye contact. He wore large black square glasses and covered his forehead almost. His snow-white skin, white and red, delicate Qiong nose, cherry red mouth, and hot crisp breast were blooming with a mature beauty, which made him dare to be extremely charming.

"Who are you?" The beautiful teacher has a black face and a strange look, which covers her beauty and makes her feel cold.

"My name is Chen XINGRAN. I've just come to check in. I've just finished the admission procedures. I just got the school charter." Chen XINGRAN gives her sharp eyes to see, there is a cold feeling, but her sexy breast, but it is intoxicating, eyes or reluctant to leave the deep gap.

The beauty teacher saw Chen XINGRAN's eyes twinkling, and staring there, just like eating a fly. She felt sick. Her first impression was very bad. She frowned and said coldly, "there's a seat in the back. You can go there!"

"Thank you, teacher. You are very beautiful." Chen XINGRAN walked to the last position with a smile, the only vacant seat, saw that his deskmate was a short, black and thin classmate, with the rural kind of simple temperament.

In the back, also the most remote corner, far away from the teacher, depressed, smile to the students and sit down.

I found that there were books in my desk, complete with ink and paper. There was a note left by Tang Yunxin. Everything was ready for me. The books in it were textbooks from grade one to grade three.

Tang Yunxin told herself to come on, study hard and try to get into university.

Seeing books is a headache. These textbooks know themselves, but they don't know them.

Even though I left school, I missed school very much, wanted to go to school very much, and wanted to go to school in my dreams. That's the paradise of dreams. Now when I enter school, heaven becomes hell. I feel dizzy when I look at books, and I have a headache.

Looking at the thick stack of textbooks, I want to finish all of them this semester and master them. Otherwise, how can I enter the university.

College entrance examination? I'm joking. It's not easy. When I see the textbook, my first reaction is dizziness. I want to doze off and fall asleep on the desk. The textbook is really hypnotic, which is more effective than sleeping pills.

My deskmate was reading a book. When he heard the sound of even breathing, he couldn't help showing his astonishment! Beauty teacher class, he even dare to sleep, really admire, see beauty teacher angrily came, fiercely kicked Chen XINGRAN.

Chen XINGRAN said vaguely: "boy, you dare to kick me, otherwise I'll beat you." Then he turned over and went to sleep.

"Who do you want to hit?" The beautiful teacher's deep voice rang out and her pretty face was covered with frost.

"Don't make me sleep. I don't know. It's very impolite to make noise when others are resting." Chen XINGRAN whispered.

The whole class was shocked. The boy was too bold. The new comer went to bed when he entered the classroom. When the teacher came, he continued to sleep.

"Would you like a pillow?" The beautiful teacher's pretty face is even darker, and there are signs of violence.

"No, thank you!" Chen XINGRAN felt cold around him and had a terrible smell. He suddenly woke up and remembered that he was a student. Seeing the beautiful teacher looking at him, his forehead was in a cold sweat. He was a little scared. He showed an embarrassed smile and said, "teacher, I'm not very handsome. Even if I'm very handsome, you don't have to stare at me like this."

All the students, seeing Chen XINGRAN's frightened look, thought that he must have admitted his mistake or didn't know where he was. They didn't say that. The audience was shocked.

"Your quality is not only very poor, but also very poor..." the beauty teacher was extremely angry. At the moment, the bell rang after class, and she said: "come to the office with me after class."

"Yes." Chen XINGRAN stares at the sexy and enchanting breasts. He has an illusion of YY in his heart. He keeps roaring in his heart. He can be alone with the beautiful teacher again. That way, he can see more clearly.

"I'll get to know you all in a minute." The beautiful teacher showed a haze smile.

"Welcome teachers to understand me, I am absolutely a normal man." Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

"I hope you're normal. I'll test all the subjects later." The beautiful teacher has a sweet smile.

Chen XINGRAN's forehead is sweating. My God! It can't be true!

"Stand up!"

"Goodbye, teacher!"

"Goodbye, boys and girls! Chen XINGRAN, right? Please follow me The beautiful teacher smiles sweeter.

Chen XINGRAN had a bitter face. As a bodyguard, especially a close bodyguard, he not only had to be good at martial arts, but also had to be knowledgeable. He had no other choice but to be abused.

"Yunxin, what should we do? Do you want to ask your father to tell the teacher Yan fei'er walks up to Tang Yunxin and smiles bitterly as he sees Chen XINGRAN take him away. He calls the teacher to the office for questioning in the first class. It's incredible. He's too brave.

"Forget it, let's see how much he knows! When the results come out, we can know how much he knows and teach according to the material. " Tang Yunxin did not worry, but worried that she could not guide Chen XINGRAN to learn.

In the corridor outside the classroom, Xue Feijun stares at Chen XINGRAN's back and says in a hate voice: "you are lucky, otherwise you will definitely go to the hospital for a few months later."

Chen XINGRAN was very sensitive to danger after his training, and his hearing increased slightly. Xue Feijun heard it clearly. When he looked back at him, he saw that it was the first time that he had seen a male classmate pursuing Tang Yunxin. When he saw that the other person's eyes were fierce, he sneered at him and had plans in his heart.

Teacher lesson, a stomachache, for a while he is the best outlet, thinking about how to kill him.

When the beautiful teacher saw Chen XINGRAN's evil smile, she felt sick and uncomfortable. She snorted and thought about how to repair Chen XINGRAN.

Came to the teacher's office, showing the color of consternation, the school here is not so exaggerated, right? A teacher has such a luxurious office.

This boy used to be a regular, often on guard in the office, familiar with the teacher's office, never seen such a luxurious office.

"Sit down, please!" The beautiful teacher said politely that her beautiful eyes were all smiling.

Chen XINGRAN felt that this kind of smile was very familiar. He could not help shivering, but he was still very honest and sat down. He showed a smile worse than crying and said, "thank you, teacher. You are the best and the most beautiful."

"Yes? After a while, the teacher will be more beautiful The beautiful teacher said while looking for the test paper.

Soon, four or five papers were placed in front of Chen XINGRAN. He said with a smile, "if history doesn't exist, you'll make do with it."

"Ah! I'm good at history. I don't know much about other things. " Elegant voice rings out in Chen XINGRAN's heart!

Chen XINGRAN has a bitter smile and is elegant. Isn't he clearly angry with himself?

After setting up the test paper, Youya immediately said, "it's so simple. I think it's a difficult problem. Husband, I promise you'll get full marks, cluck!"

Chen XINGRAN was very despairing. He muttered in his heart about how the teacher would deal with him when he handed in the blank paper for a while. When he heard that Youya said that, he was very excited. He didn't expect that Youya was both literate and martial arts. He immediately began to write and answer the paper.

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