Lightning and gale, they look frightened. They may not be able to resist Chen XINGRAN's attack with all their strength. If they think about it, they can penetrate it and hurt Chen XINGRAN so badly. If they absolutely fall!

"That's right. If you can take two of my moves, you'll never die. If you take the third, you'll be dead." The tree demon looked pleased and nodded with a smile.

Chen XINGRAN fainted for a while, but she had no strength all over her body. Mei Mei Yu kept pouring out energy to repair her body. After breathing back, she thought of a life seal talisman. The talisman exploded, and the breath of life fell on her body.

The body was quickly repaired, the body gradually became aware, and then the body continued to float on the waves of pain, more and more pain, at the moment I knew it was very bad, almost hung up.

Pain floating, Chen XINGRAN a dizzy, pain dizzy past!


The blood of the Chinese dragon is roaring, boiling and surging! Don't allow Chen XINGRAN to faint!

"I can't lose, thunder and lightning should die, and I will die." Chen XINGRAN's heart is struggling, but his body has thousands of holes. It's best to repair the injury. Sleeping in the past is the happiest, but after sleeping, he is eaten by the tree demon.

"I can't die, I have to help my wife's cultivation." Nothing can compare with Chen XINGRAN's elegant love. Under the great love, Chen XINGRAN's will combines the blood of the emperor and roars!


Chen XINGRAN's body has fallen. He suddenly opens his eyes and floats up again. He stares at the Greenman and says in a deep voice, "come on

"Xiaowa, you are so powerful that you can wake up. I admire you." Said the greenway with admiration.

Thunder and lightning they know how painful it is to have thousands of holes in their bodies. Chen XINGRAN can bear it. How much willpower does it need? They admire Chen XINGRAN from the heart at the moment.

They are very happy, because seeing the hope of survival, they are praying that Chen XINGRAN must resist the third move of the greenways.

Chen XINGRAN's blood was all aroused, and his heart was full of fighting spirit. He thought many Taoist runes and many incantations.

The flying sword flies into Chen XINGRAN's hands.

"All laws are one."

The Taoist talisman explodes and turns into a magic light, which is injected into the flying sword. All the energy flows into the flying sword quickly, and a green red light is emitted from the flying sword.

At this moment, the black hole in space has been automatically repaired, and ripples appear to the light lasing, and gradually burst out small cracks.

"Dixian level space is broken." Gale and thunder and lightning they scream, in addition to shock or shock in their hearts, how can Chen XINGRAN send out a Dixian level attack? This is to start Shouyuan's attack power, but Chen XINGRAN didn't burn Shouyuan, otherwise he would not use it so quickly.

"Ten thousand methods return to the heart, you are to comprehend thoroughly, but this move ten thousand methods return to one, too strange, where has such a move." Said the tree demon with a smile.

It's really strange that the attack power of spirit talisman can be combined with its own magic. In fact, Chen XINGRAN doesn't have the power to integrate the power of Taoist talisman. He just gives people an illusion. Because his mind generates a magic attack, and the speed is very fast, so in a moment he and the power of spirit talisman gather together to attack quickly, creating a strange unification of all methods.

It's very slow to say. In fact, it all happened in a flash.

Chen XINGRAN suddenly cleaved down, and the flying sword shot out a beam of light.

"Ha ha! Aoki's counter attack. " The tree demon laughed wildly, and a green light shield appeared on his body.

The beam of light shot to the body of the tree demon and suddenly dispersed, just like the elegant water shot on the solid ground. The scattered light quickly condensed and reflected back into the beam of light again.

"My mother!" Chen XINGRAN exclaimed with great regret. He didn't have to do his best if he knew that the tree demon used the counter attack technique. At the moment, he hit it with all his strength, plus the attack of the spirit talisman. Even if he gathered the same strength to attack again, he would bomb himself to death!

Thunder and lightning, their faces changed greatly. They can resist such a terrible pillar of light, but after resistance, they will definitely explode and smash. After all, it is hard for anyone to resist the lingfu and all their own attacks. They are desperate and know that Chen XINGRAN killed himself.

The tree demon's eyes also show pity. He sighs in his heart. He knows that Chen XINGRAN is dead, because the counter attack is not only all the attack power, but also the anti phage power. The anti phage power is more terrifying than the magic attack, and the anti phage power can turn Chen XINGRAN to ashes.

Chen XINGRAN's body turned into ashes and gasified in a flash.


A big bang!

The vigorous wind is raging, forming a turquoise mushroom cloud. The bright mushroom cloud is rolling in the sky.

"Ah! It's Gale's turn. After a while, the tree demon will slowly eat your soul, your flesh and blood! " Said the thunderbolt tremblingly.

"Are you the exception?" Said the gale, trembling.

Twelve friars showed a look of despair, did not say a word, know that they will soon become the fertilizer of the tree demon!

"You've passed." The tree demon showed a happy smile. With a wave of his hand, the cane on them disappeared and their cultivation recovered.

Fourteen green tokens float in the air, and thirteen fly to thunder and lightning. They are stunned. When the token lands in their hands, they wake up. They all wonder and look at each other. They are puzzled. Can Chen XINGRAN resist the counter attack of destruction?

Chen XINGRAN's figure appears on the edge of the floating token, gradually condenses into his body, reaches for the token, spits out a mouthful of blood, smiles, and collects it into the beauty jade.

Lightning and gale, they show a look of panic, can not figure out how Chen XINGRAN through the blow of destruction? Clearly see Chen XINGRAN to light column into ashes, how can he still be alive? Chen XINGRAN is not only alive at the moment, but also not injured. It's the same as any injury.

Chen XINGRAN is not dead. The blow of destruction is irresistible. But at the moment of death, resisting is also death, and irresistible is also death. At the most critical moment, the spirit of his mind erupts, and the blood of the Chinese dragon and the witch race boils.

"Witchcraft, separation."

At this moment, Chen XINGRAN realized, inspired by the blood, realized the separation of witchcraft, which is the most bizarre separation of witchcraft, just to help himself block the disaster, instead of the real body to bear the destruction.

An energy sub body was born in a moment. The real body turned into smoke and drifted away. The energy sub body and the pillar of light had a big explosion. But the real body would also be damaged by the mind. The body was shocked by the energy of the explosion. It was so badly hurt that it almost killed Chen XINGRAN.

Chen XINGRAN felt his eyes darkened, but he could not bear to show his real body. He put away the token, took a deep breath, and forced himself to endure the pain. At the moment, it was difficult for him to float, but he did not dare to show that he was seriously injured. Otherwise, thunder and lightning would have killed him.

Chen XINGRAN gently floated to the ground and said coldly, "come down and go to the third floor together. If you... Hum! I don't mind killing you. "

"Brother Chen, please!" Thunderbolt and gale smile and fall on Chen XINGRAN's side one by one. Like a pug, they begin to curry favor with Chen XINGRAN. Some help to open the way. Gale and thunder circle Chen XINGRAN.

Chen XINGRAN was extremely worried. He showed something wrong. Thunder and gale would definitely kill him, so he had to endure the pain!

Suffering from heartrending pain, his eyes darkened and dizzy, Chen XINGRAN took a deep breath, resisted endless pain and walked slowly to the depth of the forest.

I can't laugh or cry in my heart. When I think of the story of the farmer and the snake, I can't repay them for their kindness. I saved them by myself, but they are all despicable people. They will never repay their kindness, on the contrary, they will repay their kindness.

"Gale, Chen XINGRAN is walking so slowly. Has he been seriously hurt?" Thunder and lightning also feel wrong, send sound to gale.

"I think so too, brother. Try it." The gale responded.

"You want to die?" Thunder and lightning sound in the past, in the heart extremely angry, the gale is not call oneself to die? In case Chen XINGRAN deliberately pretends to be seriously injured, because of his own hand, that is to seek death. At the moment, he is extremely afraid of Chen XINGRAN. If he is not afraid of fighting, the problem is that Chen XINGRAN's invisibility and attack suddenly appear around him. It's impossible to prevent. He is possessed by a ghost. He is absolutely dead when fighting.

"Coward, don't dare to move, say what doubt, even if Chen XINGRAN was seriously injured, with strange stealth, can also shoot us, maybe he is walking the energy separation, you killed the separation, the result... Hehe!" Gale is still very smart. Seeing thunder and lightning scolding him, he scared thunder and lightning.

Thunder and lightning startled, Chen XINGRAN and the tree demon fight, a scene of terror floating up, Chen XINGRAN with split body to resist the terrible blow of destruction, if walking is split body, the results do not want to know.

Gale was very proud. She was even happier when she saw the thunder and lightning frightening her. When she thought of her words, she was also shocked. Her scalp was numb and shaking. If she said that to her, she wanted to kill Chen XINGRAN was to die.

Thunder and lightning extremely afraid, see gale also afraid, can't help laughing, this boy also scared himself.

Others should not only scare themselves, but also fear themselves most. That's the terror. The stronger the gale thinks, the more scared he is. His body is shaking.

"How do you tremble?" Chen XINGRAN found that they kept shaking as they walked, and he was very puzzled. To know that they were frightening themselves, Chen XINGRAN laughed to death.

"Nothing... Nothing. I think that the tree demon was terrible just now. Now I dare to be afraid!" Said the gale, trembling.

"No promise, tremble again, I will make you never tremble." Chen XINGRAN said coldly.

Gale and thunder's face changed greatly. Originally, they were afraid of Chen XINGRAN. Now they heard that Chen XINGRAN wanted to kill them. They were scared to death. They didn't think Chen XINGRAN had no strength to kill them, and they were afraid to play with them and kill them again.

Like a ghost possessed body, death is always threatening, so everyone will be afraid, which is more terrible than death.

"Brother Chen, i... we are really scared. Don't kill us." Thunderbolt and gale tremble.

Chen XINGRAN snorted coldly and went on, knowing that after such a bluffing, they were too brave to attack themselves.

At the third level, what kind of existence is the king of the tree demon? The more Chen XINGRAN goes, the more terrifying he feels and the more dangerous he feels in the depths. But they have no choice but to go into the depths and meet the king of the tree demon. They all know that they are not the opponents of the king of the tree demon. If they want to get out of the Jungle Island, they can't only rely on their strength, but also rely on their luck.

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