
The Forbidden Space disappeared, gale and jinzhongxian recovered their strength, and they looked at each other, some of them couldn't believe it.

"Wake up, the forbidden space has been lifted!" Haixiaoni shouts to Chen XINGRAN, and then she and Xiaodie Xiaoxun make a way for Chen XINGRAN.

Chen XINGRAN understood what they meant and left quickly. The power of return made him feel relaxed and move freely, as if he was a little stronger than before.

"Don't let him pass." Gale watched Chen XINGRAN leave and yelled. Then he rushed forward to stop him. Jin Zhongxian also followed him. Then they launched an offensive against Chen XINGRAN.

Haixiaoni and Xiaodie Xiaoxun stop Chen XINGRAN. However, before they come forward, they are stopped by the people of Lie's family and jinzhongxian.

Chen XINGRAN and Jin Zhongxian glared away and yelled, "you two want to stop me?"

Liefeng and jinzhongxian are not Chen XINGRAN's opponents. Chen XINGRAN's tone is extremely heavy, mixed with a murderous spirit. After hearing this, they tremble.

Suddenly, a man fell into the sky and fell in front of gale and jinzhongxian, which aroused layers of dust and knocked out a huge pit with the whole earth.

"One of the experts of the lie family?! Dixian level Chen XINGRAN was surprised.

He is now in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. In the face of a Dixian, although the Dixian master is not sure that he will be killed 100% of the time, he will hold back his pace of progress. If he lets the four take the lead to finish the city of sin and finish the task, he will lose.

With a wave of his hand, Chen XINGRAN's round electric balls float in the air. When they appear densely, they all fly to the experts of the lie family.

In a twinkling, a thunderous electric shock fell from the sky, and a group of small electric balls fused with lightning, forming a powerful force, smashing down the sky.


There was a loud noise, which started the clouds in the sky. The gale and jinzhongxian ran in time, otherwise they would have been killed by this powerful attack.

After the wind, in the place of thunder and lightning, Chen XINGRAN saw a dark figure. He immediately looked coldly, passed Fangxu and ran forward.

The attack just now didn't knock down the Dixian master. At most, it hurt him a little. Chen XINGRAN's powerful attack was not enough to take him down. It would only waste time to stay in the same place.

"He's gone!" Jin Zhongxian points to Chen XINGRAN and shouts. Then they rush up, but their speed is much slower than Chen XINGRAN.


A dark shadow passed by. Just now, the strong earth immortal flew out of the sea of thunder and lightning, leaped over the gale and jinzhongxian, and continued to pursue Chen XINGRAN.

The Dixian master's speed was very fast. He immediately fell in front of Chen XINGRAN and gave him a startling roar.

The sound was even more terrifying and deafening than the lion roaring skill. Chen XINGRAN covered his ears and hid under a huge rock. In the blink of an eye, the huge rock was destroyed by the powerful sound waves and became a pile of small stones.

"It seems that I can't pass the first contest without beating him." Chen XINGRAN stood out, angry, palm micro motion, ready to kill him with all the strength.

He knows that this will waste a lot of time, and is more likely to let liefeng and Jin Zhongxian and others take the lead in passing the competition. However, according to the current situation, there is no way.

"Master Chen will go first, and we will deal with him."

All of a sudden, a group of people came up, and the leader yelled loudly. All of them faced the strong man of the earth immortal, showing their murderous spirit.

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