Chen XINGRAN's mind is extremely flexible now. He knows that it's about the three moves of Tang. Otherwise, no one would want to kill Tang Yunxin. A student would not attract so many killers.

But these are not what Chen XINGRAN thinks. He just wants to do his job well, get 30000 yuan a month, save enough money, and then go back to his hometown to build a house, marry a wife, and have a few babies. This is his wish.

He did not want to come out in the outside development, just think about how to abduct a girl to go back, but did not think about the moment he began to embark on an extraordinary road.

"Mr. Tang, it's my duty to protect miss. I'll do it well." Chen XINGRAN said.

"I'm leaving the hospital. Don't stop me." Tang Yunxin came out, and several female nurses stopped her.

"Yunxin, the doctor asked you to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days, so don't make trouble, OK?" Tang Sanzhao also has a headache for his baby daughter.

"Yunxin, if you want to go back, go back! Just call a few doctors and nurses to follow. Mr. Tang, you can see Yunxin can walk and jump. It will be boring to lock her up here. Besides, the people in and out of the hospital are very complicated, and the security measures are not very good. " Chen XINGRAN said that these words were not what Chen XINGRAN wanted to say, but what Youya asked him to say.

Tang Sanzhao was surprised. He didn't expect that Chen XINGRAN was not only good at martial arts, but also so clever and thoughtful.

"All right! Let's go home. "

"Thank you for waking up." Tang Yunxin has a strange liking for Chen XINGRAN.

"Yunxin, you're welcome." Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

Tang Bo was also extremely shocked. How could the simple Chen XINGRAN be so smart? It seems that he was hiding deeply. Otherwise, the people in the village would not know that he had unique skills for more than ten years.

Back to the villa, Mrs. Tang saw them coming back, immediately stood up to greet them, and said to Tang Sanzhao, "Sanzhao, is Yunxin OK?"

"Hum!" Tang Yunxin hums coldly and goes directly upstairs. A doctor and a nurse immediately follow her.

"Handsome boy, he has become more and more handsome. People rely on clothes and Buddha relies on gold. It seems that he has a lot of spirit." Mrs. Tang made fun of Chen XINGRAN.

"It's a pity that he didn't fascinate Bai Yan. Ha ha Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

Black Wolf and white swallow are the bodyguards of Tang Sanzhao, so naturally they are also around Tang Sanzhao now.

Bai Yan stares at Chen XINGRAN fiercely. She doesn't dare to make a sound. Otherwise, the boy will fight with him again. If he doesn't fight, he will kiss him. He's a rascal.

Chen XINGRAN saw that Bai Yan didn't pay attention to himself and showed an embarrassed smile.

"I want to go abroad once. During this time, the safety of my family is in the charge of Heilong. Bai Yan and I go abroad." Tang Sanzhao said.

"Three moves, you want to go abroad again, I can't bear you." Mrs. Tang immediately became coquettish.

"Excuse me." Chen XINGRAN couldn't bear to see other people beating, scolding and laughing. Then he hurried upstairs.

Go into the bedroom, jump on the bed and stretch.

"Husband, you can't rest."

"Wife, what's up?" Chen XINGRAN is depressed. It's night now, and he is not allowed to rest.

"Do you want to practice? Do you want to turn Tang Yunxin into a perfect woman

"No, I'm not interested in her. If it's not for the money, I don't care about her." Chen XINGRAN still doesn't like Tang Yunxin.

"Do you want to marry me?" Youya wants to beat Chen XINGRAN. He doesn't know what to do.

"Yes! We'll get married right away. " Chen XINGRAN was excited.

"You can't be there." You ya said.

"Try and see if I can do it." Chen XINGRAN said angrily.

"Try, try, who is afraid of who!" You ya Jiao said with a smile.

Chen XINGRAN's beautiful body appeared on his bed and slept gracefully beside him. He said with a smile, "hold me and kiss me."

The bulging and trembling jade peaks in front of her chest suddenly swelled under the pressure of her body. Her clothes were all about to burst. Her eyes were like silk, and her pink tongue was gently stretched out. She looked hungry and thirsty. She was even more enchanting.

At the moment, the door was knocked inappropriately.

"Which bastard is knocking at the door." Chen XINGRAN's blood was boiling. He was disturbed and naturally very angry.

"I'm sorry! Mr. Chen, Yunxin, please come over Said the nurse outside.

"I see. Women are trouble." Chen XINGRAN said coldly.

"What did you say?" Youya stares at Chen XINGRAN, angry.

Chen XINGRAN was startled and patted her head. How could she forget that she was also a woman and said awkwardly, "I didn't mean you. I'll pay attention to it later. " I dare not offend Youya. After all, all my supernatural abilities come from Youya.

"Go on! Miss you, little girl. Hee hee Elegant smile into a ray of light into the jade pendant of Chen XINGRAN.

Chen XINGRAN feels lost and wants to beat Tang Yunxin.

When I come to Tang Yunxin's room, I see doctors and nurses massaging Tang Yunxin to eliminate her congestion.

Seeing Chen XINGRAN coming, Tang Yunxin burst into a sweet smile and immediately sat up. The doctor and nurse had to help her knead the bone.

"Wake up, the whole body is very painful, can't sleep, can you accompany me to talk?" Tang Yunxin said softly.

Chen XINGRAN was shocked!

Doctors and nurses are shocked. They are Tang Yunxin's personal care doctors and special nurses. They know Tang Yunxin's situation very well. She won't be interested in the opposite sex because she has no development at all. Now she has no sign of development after physical examination. How can she be interested in men.

Only Youya knew that Tang Yunxin's body was very special, and her pure Yin Qi was very heavy, which made her body unable to develop normally. So she asked Chen XINGRAN to soak her and wake up her desire, so that she could absorb her purest vitality.

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