The living conditions in the inn are not as good as those in the city, but some of them are more comfortable than sleeping on the street.

After arranging the room, Chen XINGRAN and the good fairy Donggong come down with the inn's sophomore. Suddenly, a mature woman comes down from the second floor.

Dressed in pink suspenders, Green Silk Shawls and cool eyes, Chen XINGRAN and Chen XINGRAN looked at each other at the first time when they came out. The devil's figure was extremely explosive, and he walked with a twist of honey buttocks.

He is about thirty years old. They all say that women are thirty-one wolves, hungry and thirsty. It is this feeling that Chen XINGRAN gets when he looks at women.

"Xiaoxing, I didn't call you to my room just now. What are you doing?" The woman with interrogative tone toward the inn small two said.

"It's not for the guests."

"Well! Who are you picking up The woman looked at Chen XINGRAN again, and then stopped on the good fairy East Palace, "Yo, this sister is very watery. Fengcheng hasn't been so watery for a long time."

"Aunt, don't scare my guests. The business of this inn has been getting worse and worse since you came here." The inn boy said and pushed the woman back to a room.

When he came out, he handed a black gauze hat to the good fairy East Palace and said, "Maple City is a mixture of fish and dragons. A beautiful woman like you is easy to be watched. This hat is for you. Of course, it's free."

Then the inn boy and the good fairy Donggong blink. Chen XINGRAN is discontented. How dare the boy seduce his woman in broad daylight? How dare you!

"No need!" Before Chen XINGRAN spoke, the good fairy Donggong began to speak.

The hostel's second son is very delicate. He is very uncomfortable when he is rejected by the good fairy Donggong. Then he gives Chen XINGRAN a white look.

"Ah... You are very lucky to find such a beautiful girl, but I advise you to take this hat, otherwise I don't care if something happens."

With that, the inn boy put his hat into Chen XINGRAN's hand and went to pick up other customers.

It took a day to get to Fengcheng. Chen XINGRAN and the good fairy Donggong didn't eat anything, so they ordered a lot of food at the inn.

Most of the people in the inn come and go to eat. Chen XINGRAN is also strange, this Maple City is not big, but how come so many foreigners?

"Where did the beauty come from?"

All of a sudden, a big man sat by the good fairy east palace. He was full of ruffian Qi. When Chen XINGRAN saw it, he knew it was not good.

"Isn't this guy?"

Chen XINGRAN suddenly remembered a group of people who had been staring at him and the good fairy Donggong when he entered the inn. This man was one of them, and seemed to be their leader.

"You don't care!" The good fairy Donggong glares at the man. As a woman, she should know why a strange man comes up to chat with you, especially in a dangerous place.

"Ha ha... The beauty has a stubborn temper. I like it. Are you interested in playing with me?"

"With you?" Good fairy East Palace breath side leakage, strong power dying, rushed to the big man, the big man was not surprised, and then wry smile.

"I'm a prick. No wonder I dare to show my true face in Maple City. Such a woman has fun. Ha ha... I'm going to conquer you in my crotch tonight


As soon as the voice fell, a cold light swept by and drew a bloodstain on the man's face.

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