"Wow! How brilliant Haiweiyan and Lengyan follow Chen XINGRAN and are brought here by Tang Bo.

Seeing a luxury villa, covering an area of more than 2000 square meters, with a swimming pool and a small garden, this is a dream home. Entering the villa hall, I was shocked by the brilliant and luxurious decoration.

"Boy, you have two, can borrow such a luxurious villa, can live for a few days?" Leng Yan said with Chen XINGRAN's arm.

Tang Bo envies Chen XINGRAN's good life. A poor boy has such a big villa and two beautiful girlfriends in a few days.

"You can stay as long as you want." Chen XINGRAN said with a smile that he was shocked to enter here. He didn't expect such luxury. It seems that Tang Sanzhao is not generally rich, but very rich.

"Wake up, how much is the rent?" Haiweiyan is the most honest. She thinks Chen XINGRAN is rented. The rent of such a luxurious villa must be amazing. She worries that his 30000 yuan monthly salary is not enough for the rent.

"This is the key. You will be the hostess of this villa in the future." Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

"Are you kidding? How much is the rent?" Haiweiyan took the key, in the heart will not believe that Chen XINGRAN will have such a luxury villa, after all, too unreliable.

"Wake up, this is the title deed. Put it away!" With a smile, Tang Bo handed the title deed to Chen XINGRAN.

Chen XINGRAN took the title deed, handed it to Hai Weiyan and said, "please put it away."

Haiweiyan and Lengyan show the color of horror. They both snatch the title deed and see that Chen XINGRAN's name is on the real estate certificate. It's incredible that the transaction was made today.

In addition to the heart of shock or shock, a long time back to God.

Tang Bo has gone, leaving the three of them. The workers have moved the furniture to the bedroom. This luxury villa is decorated with haiweiyan furniture, which is very different from others. The villa becomes empty.

Haiweiyan took Lengyan to sit on the sofa, sighed and said: "wake up, tell me the truth, how did this villa come from?"

When Chen XINGRAN saw haiweiyan's reaction, he liked her even more. It was extremely different from his imagination. He thought that she must love her when she had a villa. She was absolutely excited. He didn't expect such a reaction. Facing such a luxurious villa, she was also so calm. She was a rare good girl. If she was really his wife, she would be very lucky.

There is no way, had to tell the truth, and Tang sanchao's deal.

"Wake up, is your massage really so magical? Why don't we just be your assistant instead of a policeman and open a massage center to make money? " Said Leng Yan with admiration.

"Wake up, you said to buy a villa for me within a year, I think it's a fantasy. I didn't expect to have this villa in less than two days. It looks extremely beautiful. Have you ever thought about it? Even if your massage technique is effective and you feel at ease to own this villa, what can you do? Is our salary affordable? " Haiweiyan said.

"Isn't it a house? Why can't I afford it? " Chen XINGRAN said displeased.

"If you think about it, it will take a day to clean it up. Who will do the work? Should a housekeeper take care of it? " Haiweiyan said.

"Well! It's about having someone clean it, or it's going to be full of smoke and dust. " Chen XINGRAN nodded and approved Hai Weiyan's words.

"Is the garden to be taken care of alone?" Haiweiyan said.

"No!" Chen XINGRAN does not agree with her.

"But what if I like some expensive flowers? You can't help planting some of your favorite flowers in such a big garden, can you Haiweiyan said.

"All right! Then invite a gardener. " Chen XINGRAN said.

"The water and electricity bill is so big, at least several thousand? The salary is also ten or twenty thousand! Food and so on. How can I afford this villa without 30000 or 40000 yuan? Did you think about it when you bought it? I just hope you can make money down-to-earth. This time, you are just a fluke. You have grasped Tang Sanzhao's psychological weakness and got the villa. It's not long. You can't afford to live in that position! " Haiweiyan said.

Chen XINGRAN didn't think so much about it. He just thought it was OK to buy a villa. He didn't know that he had to ask workers to take care of it. If they took care of it, they would be so tired when they came back from work. It's not enjoyment, it's suffering.

"Then what? Can't you throw it away? "

"What do you say?" Hai Weiyan looked at Chen XINGRAN and said.

"At most, I don't want to invite more beauties when I come back. They are all idle and have nothing to do. They can't clean the flowers and plants enough, ha ha!" Chen XINGRAN showed a charming smile.

"You want to die!" Haiwei said in a coquettish way and hit him with a fist.

"It hurts! Come on, really Chen XINGRAN screamed incessantly, but she didn't dodge. Her fist didn't have the strength at all, so she screamed deliberately.

Haiweiyan gave him a hard twist and said, "it's not serious."

"Not serious with girls? I'm not a man anymore. " Chen XINGRAN said and ran, because haiweiyan really angry.

Leng Yanjiao looked at it with a smile and felt much better. Hai Weiyan thought of the disadvantages everywhere. If she lived here and asked herself to move out, it would be uncomfortable. She can't live in such a good villa unless she has a brain problem.

Ran out of the hall, came to the swimming pool, took out the mobile phone, stopped, said seriously: "your mobile phone for me to use."

Haiweiyan saw that he was serious, and didn't want to give him his mobile phone.

"Go down!" Chen XINGRAN took the mobile phone, suddenly pushed haiweiyan into the water, quickly put the mobile phone, and rushed down immediately.

"You dare to fool me and see how I can fix you." Haiweiyan see Chen XINGRAN also into the water, fast and past.

Chen XINGRAN suddenly hugs her and kisses her enchanting mouth.

Haiweiyan beat him a few times, instead of hugging him.

"Hello! You don't take off your clothes. Look at me. " She said with a cold smile.

"Wow! It's so sexy. " Chen XINGRAN exclaimed.

Leng Yan is wearing a swimming suit, and her delicate figure is revealed, which makes her perfect crisp chest particularly attractive.

His slender thighs were white, and there were creases between his lower abdomen and legs, which shocked Chen XINGRAN's vision. He couldn't help looking at them.

Leng Yan jumped into the water, swam in front of Chen XINGRAN and said in a delicate voice, "I want it, too."

Chen XINGRAN was dizzy and excited to see the beautiful face.

"Leng Yan, it's a crime to say that."

"Cluck! Is it? Can you go there? " Leng Yanjiao smiles and looks down deliberately.

Chen XINGRAN almost angered, really want to hold her, but dare not, Haiwei Yan in, the result to Lengyan move stunned!

Leng Yan hugs Haiwei, and Yanfu cries on her arm.

"Leng Yan, what's the matter?" Haiweiyan ran to her back and asked softly.

"Wei Yan, I'm sorry! I like to wake up. " Said Leng Yan weeping.

Haiweiyan was dizzy and didn't know what to do.

"I like you, too. Don't cry. Come and hug!" Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

"Well!" Leng Yan hugs Chen XINGRAN and kisses him on the lips. Chen XINGRAN was dizzy. She was joking. She took it seriously.

Haiweiyan looks at them with complicated eyes and kisses. She doesn't know how to deal with their relationship.

Chen XINGRAN is also afraid, and Leng Yan intimate, in case Haiwei Yan angry run, he can't get anything.

Reach out to grasp her, gently push away Lengyan, hold her in his arms, soft voice said: "wife jealous?"

"Who's your wife, not shy." Haiwei's pretty face was flushed, but his heart was sweet. He liked his name very much.

Leng Yan's face changed slightly. Seeing that Chen XINGRAN ignored herself and went to embrace Hai Weiyan, she felt very sad. She swam back to the shore silently. Suddenly, her legs were seized by her. She was so scared that she turned around and saw Hai Weiyan holding her legs, showing her astonishment.

Haiweiyan suddenly pulls her over, hugs her, kisses her, and is used to touching her delicate body.

Chen XINGRAN was stunned!

Haiweiyan suddenly pushes herself away, hugs Lengyan and kisses her, leaving her in the cold. It's not a good feeling in her heart. However, when she sees their two beautiful faces, her heart is rippling again. She secretly scolds herself for being abnormal and even likes to watch them kiss.

"Leng Yan, shall we get married?" Haiwei said in a soft voice.

"What?" Leng Yan and Chen XINGRAN scream!

"Well!" Haiweiyan nodded.

"Weiyan, it's illegal. Besides, we are not before. Now we all like men, and marriage won't last long." On the contrary, Leng Yan was frightened. If she had promised before.

"To say that we are married is to find a man to marry, not to marry you, cluck!" Haiweiyan shows his naughty color.

"Don't beat me up, you dare to fool me." Leng Yan got angry immediately and kept scratching.

Chen XINGRAN grins bitterly and almost scares Hai Weiyan to death.

"Honey, what time is it? Cluck! I'm waiting to be appeased. There's no one there The elegant voice rang out in Chen XINGRAN's heart.

Chen XINGRAN's face changed greatly. He swam ashore in a hurry and looked at his mobile phone. At 4:30, the school will be over. He has to pick up Su Xiaoru.

In the heart incomparable regret, busy an afternoon, help Hai Weiyan move, the result and elegant Yuanfang forget.

"I won't go on a date with Su Xiaoru. Wife, we'll get married right away." Think of elegant and beautiful pretty face, heart immediately emerge endless heat.

"Cultivation is important. You'd better go on a date first! When we're done, let's go to Yuanfang in the evening! " You ya said.

"Wife, nothing is important to you. Let's make it right away, OK! I miss you so much. " Chen XINGRAN pleaded.

"Well! I also want to try what it's like for a man to get in there. " She said shyly.

Chen XINGRAN was so excited that he was about to end his virginity, which lasted indefinitely and almost drove him crazy.

Immediately ran to the bedroom, the heart is drunk, now what not only want, just want to spend the night with the United States, think of the beautiful face, sexy body, bloody legs, almost nosebleed.

Chen XINGRAN found that his speed at the moment was extremely fast. He came to the bedroom in a flash and saw a beautiful light flying out of the beauty jade. The beauty of many beauties came together. From there, it was so beautiful that it was suffocating and thought stopped,

She will soon become a real husband and wife with her, and her long-awaited wish will soon come true. My heart can't help beating very hard, as if I want to jump out of my mouth.

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