Chen Xingyu hung up the phone and rushed to Penglai Fairy Island with anger.

The imperial sword shuttles through the clouds. At the same time, Chen Xingyu frowns and thinks, who dares to invade Penglai Fairy Island and has such a deep hatred with Penglai Fairy Island that he wants to destroy the whole Fairy Island?

"The biggest possibility is Kunlun, but the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun were badly damaged at the beginning, and their overall strength is not what it used to be. It's not easy to be the best match for Penglai, unless the leader Jin Feng comes out of the cave himself!"

Thinking of this, Chen Xingyu trembles. Does Jin Feng really want to bet on the future of Kunlun in order to destroy Penglai?

"It's impossible. If it was Kunlun, it would definitely have found a powerful helper, otherwise it would not have taken such a risk!"

At the thought of Kunlun joining hands with several other sects to deal with Penglai, Chen Xingyu shivered and felt numb.

"Shaolin and Wudang have been keeping a low profile all the time. Nanhai is even more impossible to go through this muddy water. The leader of Emei and Shi Xiaoshu have a lot to do with each other. Huashan has been engaged in internal strife during this period, and Shushan has been declining in recent years. In this way, the only things that are possible to cooperate with Kunlun are magic gate and Xiangyuan."

Chen Xingyu has been in Xiuzhen for so many years. He has more qualifications and experience than Shi Xiaoshu and Chen XINGRAN. He knows a lot about the intrigues between the top ten sects.

"Mormon is the most likely to cooperate with Kunlun. After all, the leader of Mormon, yumotian, has a deep hatred with Penglai. Although he doesn't have much relationship with Kunlun, his cooperation is not impossible in the face of interests!"

As soon as Chen Xingyu thinks of yumotian, the leader of the demon sect, he comes up with the big demon, who has hair covered, blood eyes and white lips, and kills people without blinking an eye. At that time, the demon sect and Kunlun, Penglai, Shushan and other major gates all formed a deep hatred. The three major Gates once formed an alliance and together killed lingtianfeng, the territory of the demon sect, but because of their new differences, They can't unite the front and fall apart.

In recent years, there has been a lot of intrigue among the main gates, so it is impossible to talk about the great cause of strangling demons, which just gives the demons the opportunity to expand their strength.

Chen Xingyu remembers that he once witnessed the elegant demeanor of yumengtian, the leader of the demon sect, a few years ago. At that time, he already had the strength of the peak realm of human immortals. After so many years, his strength will certainly go further.

"On the contrary, there are too many variables in the capital prime minister's court. If it is only the cooperation between Mormon and Kunlun, then Penglai Fairy Island will not be destroyed. But if we join the powerful power of the capital prime minister's court, the consequences will not be under our control!"

Although he didn't know much about the capital prime minister's Academy, the legends he had heard would still shock Chen Xingyu.

Chen Xingyu's thoughts are surging. These thoughts flow through his mind in a very short time. Seeing that he is about to approach Penglai Fairy Island, Chen Xingyu suddenly realizes that a strange breath is sweeping in his own direction.

"Who?" Chen Xingyu's eyes are deep. He can see a blue light coming from the sky. Under the flow in front of him, he suddenly turns into a man in white, with a heavy sword on his back and a white mask on his head. His whole body is full of a strong air of friars.

"Baizihua, it's you!" Chen Xingyu's heart trembled, and his inexplicable sense of crisis shrouded his head like a cloud.

"Master Chen, we haven't seen each other for a long time!" Bai Zihua replied with a smile, a light and calm attitude.

"You are the one who joined hands with Kunlun to attack Penglai!" Chen Xingyu frowned and his thoughts and conjectures were completely overturned.

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