Jiutoumang's laughter became more and more arrogant. After a long time, he began to laugh and said contemptuously, "King Kong, you have retribution because your IQ is too low. How can you compare with jiutoumang, ha ha!"

"Jiutoumang, I'll fight with you!" King Kong can't stand the anger and resentment accumulated in his heart for many years any longer. At this moment, he completely lost his sense in his mind, leaving only endless anger and explosion of murderous gas.

King Kong's powerful boxing style suddenly blows to the red snake head stretching in front of jiutoumang. The powerful storm suddenly breaks through the void and roars to jiutoumang.

Jiutoumang's eyes shone with disdain. The red snake's head opened its mouth, and immediately sprayed a strong red venom. The venom, like living ones, was intertwined and climbing towards the storm.

"Boom, Bang..." in the huge explosion sound, the broken light splashed everywhere, and the red venom also splashed under the impact of the explosion afterwave.

The king of Vajra's pupils suddenly shrank and his mouth opened, and he spewed out a black breath. The black breath quickly condensed into a solid defensive light curtain, which could resist all the splashing red venom.

"King Kong, I don't have to kill you. As long as you hand over the monk in the cave, I'll let you go. What do you think?"

Jiutoumang always looks like a light cloud. The feeling is not that he is so kind, but that he is tired of killing.

"Don't you think about it!" With the roar of King Kong, the defensive light curtain in front of him suddenly turned into a magic. In an instant, a huge sword broke through the void and stabbed the nine headed mang snake seven feet away.

"Well, since you are so stubborn, I'll have to help you!" The eyes of the nine headed mang snake suddenly cooled down, and the whole body was full of murderous air. As soon as the snake tail swayed, a huge and incomparable storm surged up. With the smell of destroying the sky and the earth, and containing the sharp wind sting, the nine headed mang snake swept away towards King Kong.

"Bang!" In the loud sound, the huge body of King Kong was directly knocked out by the storm, which fell on the mountainside, shaking down countless stones.

"Don't think too much of yourself!" Jiutoumang's eyes radiated scornful light. With a flash of his body, he was about to rush into the cave.

"Bang!" When jiutoumang was close to the cave, an illusory border appeared at the entrance of the cave, which sent out a strong defensive force, and even directly shocked jiutoumang's huge body back for several feet.

Jiutoumang looked at the unreal border of the cave entrance and sent out a light. He was angry from his heart. With a roar, the big mouth of the snake's head opened at the same time and spewed out nine different colors of venom.

Different colors of venom intertwined with each other, as if forming a rainbow of venom, with a strong force, crashing into the entrance border.

"Bang!" In the loud noise, the border suddenly broke, and the whole cave also vibrated violently.

When jiutoumang was about to rush into the cave, a huge black awn came from the sky. King Kong's boxing style stirred up a crazy whirlwind, and immediately came to jiutoumang.

Jiutoumang didn't have the slightest fear. Nine snake heads vomited rainbow venom again at the same time, and rushed to the direction of King Kong's beast king.

"Bang, boom!" Light splashed, smoke flying, King Kong beast bite, the body's spiritual power quickly vent, the huge body suddenly dissipated in the void.

Almost at the same moment, the figure of King Kong appeared behind jiutoumang.

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