"I don't know. This pattern just appears in my mind. It's carved out by feeling."

Chen XINGRAN doesn't know that in carving, his mind is flashing, and he has begun to enter the consciousness of induction. His wisdom is soaring. This is not only the cultivation of intelligence, but also the training of hand agility and induction. When he reaches the enemy, his hand will have a kind of induction. If he can't bear the strength of the opponent, he will automatically avoid it.

Close your eyes and feel the jade on the table. Many pictures of animals appear in your mind.

Every animal's virtual shadow, every changing action flickers in every piece of jade. I can't find a suitable carving again and again. I can only feel it slowly and think about what to carve on the jade.

Chen XINGRAN didn't know that he had entered a state of emptiness, a state of rapidly increasing his mind.

A group of bright mind, now the light gradually spread around, the whole mind is like the endless dark space, as long as your aura is bright, you can increase unlimited.

An eagle, flying high, through the clouds, the pattern is consistent with the pattern in the jade piece, and immediately carved with a dagger.

Cut a small piece of jade and immediately carve out a jade pendant with eagle wings.

Youya is amazed to see that Chen XINGRAN still has this talent. His craftsmanship is getting better and better. The carved jade pendant seems to have been polished, shiny and crystal clear.

When you see a pattern of eagles passing through the clouds on the white jade, you move green jadeite jade to cut off the white jade. Instead, it turns into a pattern of eagles flying high through the clouds. The design is very good. Even if you draw it, it won't be so good.

The spirit of the brain, gradually expanded, has reached a state of selflessness, this is the state of perception, that is, a very difficult to enter the awareness.

Many Jadeites are not suitable for making patterns. A slightly round circle appears. Chen XINGRAN throws a dagger and digs out a beautiful bracelet from the jade piece. Then three jadeite rings appear and crystal clear jade pendants appear.

At the moment, Chen XINGRAN felt very tired, dizzy and tired. His mental strength was seriously wasted, and he felt sleepy.

Hands and senses have changed dramatically. It's very rare to carve jade without a teacher. You can't carve jade without a certain talent.

The next day, Chen woke up, found himself in bed, said: "wife is not you take me back to the bedroom?"

"Mm-hmm! Husband, you are very good. Look at your masterpiece on the desk. The most important thing now is to sell these jade products, otherwise you will not have the money to pay Su Xiaoru back. " You ya said.

"All right! I'll be right there Chen XINGRAN immediately combs, puts on a suit, closes his eyes, immediately senses the way that a beautiful woman ties her tie, and ties her tie at will.

I was surprised to see the jade products on the table. Was it really made by me?

Put it all away and drive out.

Eternal Jewelry Group, famous jewelry wholesale group in SH City, mainly engaged in wholesale of jade products.

Jinzhu is the general manager of the purchasing department of the company. She has devoted her youth to the company and created amazing wealth for the company.

Often travel, to mine inspection and development of jade, busy, people are haggard, during this period of time the spirit is always not concentrated, always insomnia, the whole thin circle, leading to anemia, often fainting in the work.

At the moment, she seems to be decades old. She is only in her thirties, but she is in her forties and fifties. She is carrying a paper box in both hands, which is her own supplies. The only thing that belongs to the company is a dismissal letter.

Out of the company's summer, go back, resentment to look at the eternal Jewelry Group a few words.

"Please be careful, ma'am."

"What do you call me?" When Jinzhu heard that someone called her like this, she burst into a rage. She was a yellow girl in her early 30s. How did she become a big mother?

As soon as Chen XINGRAN came here, he saw a lady in a suit of work clothes step back and see that she is about to step on the banana peel on the ground. He kindly reminded her, but did not expect to arouse her dissatisfaction.

Seeing his face turning around, he thought that his sense was right. He was 40 or 50 years old, but he was not a big mother. He was really old, so he didn't bother to pay attention to her and left.

"Stop! Ah...! " Jinzhu stepped on the banana skin, suddenly rushed over, sexy breasts from the collar to see clearly.

Chen XINGRAN was shocked. She had panda eyes and haggard face. How could she have such a sexy chest? Seeing her waist, she felt dizzy. How thin!

Slender legs, the whole body of the meat are long in the buttocks and crisp chest above, see this figure, it is spitting blood, the devil's body.

A faint fragrance came to my nose, the fragrance of virginity, Chen XINGRAN forehead straight cold sweat, more and more she is a virgin, no wonder I call her so, so angry.

Seeing her coming, he reached for her and said in embarrassment, "beauty, I'm sorry! Just now I saw an old lady walking by and almost stepped on the banana peel, so I made a sound to remind her. I didn't expect that you misunderstood her. "

"Boy, if you want to cheat me, it's better to apologize to me." Jinzhu sneer, smart she would not give Chen XINGRAN rhetoric dream in the past.

Chen XINGRAN is extremely unhappy, but the other party is the woman who wants to find the devil's figure. How can he offend her.

Hold her hand, touch the bone immediately, sigh in the heart.

I'm not full of snacks and live a life of three meals. When I grow up, I often eat abnormally. I'm tired and ill. If I don't recuperate, I can't survive this year.

"Pretty girl, you often have insomnia, you can't concentrate, you are anemic and you often faint. If you don't get treatment, you will not live this year." Chen XINGRAN said.

"Stinky boy, curse me and see how I deal with you." Jinzhu is even more popular. She is in a bad mood when she is fired. Chen XINGRAN's aunt almost makes her dizzy. In addition, she says that she can't live for a year, which makes her even more angry.

The devil's body, even the character is the same as the devil.

Chen XINGRAN is scared to let go of her and wants to leave Jinzhu. She just pushes away Jinzhu.

Jinzhu was dizzy and fainted.

"Husband, cross the point and take her back to the villa. After massage, you can ask Hua Rui to kiss her She said pleasantly.

Chen XINGRAN hesitated for a moment and reached for her sleeping point. This woman is very powerful. If she wakes up in the car, it's very troublesome.

"Thank you, young man. You are a good man, eh!" An old woman came up and said.

"Who are you?" Chen XINGRAN is stunned!

"I'm Jinzhu's mother. This child has suffered a lot in recent years. She can't eat well. We've dragged her down. Ah! My son is not up to the mark. Now that she faints, can you help me take her home? " Said the old woman.

"Yes, I don't know where your family is? Let's talk as we get on the bus! " Chen XINGRAN had a bitter smile. She had been brought back to the villa. After the massage, her health improved. Now she had to be sent home to talk about it.

"Thank you, young man. You are a good man."

Chen XINGRAN sent Jinzhu back to her home. It's a rental house, one suite, two rooms and one living room. I can smell a strong medicine smell when I enter.

"Cough! Wife, who's here? " An old voice came out.

"This is Jinzhu's room." Said the old woman, pointing to a room.

Chen XINGRAN put the golden bead on the person who put it on, untied the acupoints and held her down.

She woke up and found that it was her home. Seeing her mother's anxious eyes, she sighed and saw Chen XINGRAN. She knew that he must have sent her back.

"Mom, I'm fine. Don't worry. Thank you Jinzhu said to Chen XINGRAN.

"Wife, who's here?"

"Jinzhu's boyfriend." Said the old woman.

"Well Chen XINGRAN was shocked!

"Please be my boyfriend for a while, so that father won't worry." Said Jinzhu, imploring.

"All right!" Chen XINGRAN grinned bitterly and became someone else's boyfriend for no reason.

"Come and let me see. Cough

"Go ahead!" Jinzhu said.

Chen XINGRAN came to the next room. An old man was on the bed. His face was gray and coughing. His face was bright red, his eyes were protruding and his bones were thin.

"What did you lie to me for? If you want to find someone to play Jinzhu's boyfriend, you also need to find someone of the right age. How can you find a child to play it. Thank you, young man, for your kindness. " The old man is better than a ghost. Seeing that Chen XINGRAN was only 18 or 19 years old, no matter how stupid he was, he knew it was a fake.

"Uncle, Jinzhu, I didn't cheat you. I'll help you feel your pulse." Chen XINGRAN said politely.

"Ha ha! I didn't think you were a doctor The old man put out his hand.

Chen XINGRAN felt his pulse, then touched the bone of his palm and sighed, "uncle, your disease is lung cancer, isn't it?"

"Ha ha! Cough! Yes, it's all this disease. Jinzhu sold her house and car. It's a pity that I can't save my life. " The old man was very sad.

"According to the truth, you have already died, but you have lived miraculously for 18 years. Don't you think it's a miracle that people with cancer can persist for such a long time?" Chen XINGRAN said.

"Yes! After many times of chemotherapy, I lost my hair and lived for 18 years. It's really a miracle. It's also a drag on my family. " Said the old man.

"You're not getting lung cancer at all. You're pretending to be sick." Chen XINGRAN said.

"What do you say, young man?" The old man said angrily.

"You get up, where are you sick? You've had good food and drink for 18 years, and everything is normal. You've lost all the money your daughter earned. You are such an old beast Chen XINGRAN was extremely angry because he felt that the old man was not ill at all. It was true that he had a cough.

"How do you know my dad got lung cancer? Now that you know why he's pretending? What are you talking about? " Jinzhu rushes in and asks.

Chen XINGRAN looks at Jinzhu and feels sad for her and her mother. Since there is such a father who is inferior to animals.

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