Youya nodded, pondered for a moment, and then said, "I remember that the portal of the transmission array in chixianyu is in the northernmost frozen wasteland.

A few hours later, Chen XINGRAN steered the silver dragon to an icy world, surrounded by a vast space with nothing but ice and snow.

"It's so cold!" Chen XINGRAN had to release his spiritual power to keep warm, otherwise he would have been frozen into ice crystal. Silver dragon mouth also kept spraying fire, in order to warm himself.

After searching for a day in the ice and snow, Chen XINGRAN finally found a broken teleportation array at the foot of a snow mountain.

But the elegant spirit observed the broken transmission array, but frowned, "husband, this array has not been used for a long time, it seems that if there is not a large number of top-grade fairy jade, there is no way to start it!"

"Top grade fairy jade?" Chen XINGRAN's eyes flickered, "where is it? I'll take it! "

"Er..." you ya said for a while, "there should be a reserve of Xianyu in the general Xianyu sect!"

Chen XINGRAN didn't say much. He steered the silver dragon to the inland of chixian.

The chixian realm is the most backward one among the nine immortal realms. Therefore, most of the monks of zongmen stay in the five levels of the heaven breaking realm, and a few of them can reach the peak of the heaven breaking realm, but few of them can become gods.

Chen XINGRAN's cultivation is now firmly in the middle of the realm of becoming a God, and he has powerful immortal tools, so it's natural to deal with these small sects in the immortal realm.

After three days and three nights of looting, Chen XINGRAN made a lot of troubles in dozens of sects, and at the same time he gained a lot. He got more than 30 pieces of top-grade Xianyu, and countless pieces of middle-grade and inferior Xianyu.

"Wife, these fairy jade should be enough?" Chen XINGRAN licked her face and giggled. This is the third time she has asked Youya.

"I've said enough for a long time. Let's go back to the frozen wasteland as soon as possible. I'm afraid the devil will find us at any time, and we'll be in trouble at that time."

"What are you afraid of? He came to die on his own initiative. I can't wait for him!"

Back to the abandoned array in the frozen wasteland, Chen XINGRAN threw all the big and small Xianyu into the transmission array.

Full of Fairy Spirit, the dilapidated transmission array began to twinkle, and the complex pattern began to rotate slowly.

Chen XINGRAN rose from the sky and disappeared into the teleportation array with the silver dragon.

When Chen XINGRAN came out of the array, there was a magnificent palace in front of him. The dark clouds were low, and the strong evil spirit was suspended around the palace. The flowers and trees growing on both sides of the palace, the branches and flowers were oppressive black, showing the breath of death.

"Ah, my nine immortals palace has been ruined by the evil Lord? How hateful Elegant and angry, the fire of hatred.

"Devil, come out to me and bully my wife. Today is your death time..."

Before Chen XINGRAN's words were heard, the black clouds in the sky spun wildly, and finally condensed into a huge black skeleton, looking down at Chen XINGRAN, showing contempt and irony.

"Just you, a boy in the middle of becoming a God, also want to make trouble in the nine immortals temple. I think you're stupid because of Xianyu!"

Chen XINGRAN pointed to the black clouds and skeletons in the sky, felt the strong pressure from the other side, clenched his teeth, and said: "less nonsense, die!"

Between the words, Chen XINGRAN rose into the air, and the sword in his hand fell suddenly towards the black skeleton above the void.

A big black hand, like a giant stone pillar, suddenly presses down on Chen XINGRAN.

Chen XINGRAN's body retreats quickly. Tongtian tower and yinjiaolong are all summoned out, releasing a strong smell of immortals and beasts.

"Is that all that fighting power? What a pity The devil looked up at the sky and laughed. The laughter was filled with disdain and disdain. The black cloud turned into a storm and constantly attacked Chen XINGRAN.

"Bang!" Tongtian tower was crushed directly by black hands, and thirteen animal tides disintegrated.

"Boom!" The silver dragon was hit by the black cloud storm, and fell hundreds of feet away. It had no strength to climb up.

"Bang bang, boom!"

Chen XINGRAN was attacked by a series of attack waves, which made him vomit blood. His sword and green wand flew out of his hand, but he was swallowed by the devil. After a few chews, he swallowed them completely.

"This... Actually eat immortal? Is it so horrible? "

When Chen XINGRAN was amazed, a quiet and urgent voice suddenly rang out in his mind, "husband, break the prison and break into the gate of the divine palace, then I can unseal my body and resume my cultivation!"

Chen XINGRAN rushed to the gate of the temple in front of him regardless of everything. With his arms waving, he showed his TIANLIAN Jue. His body and lightning were integrated into one. In an instant, he broke the confinement and entered the temple.

The evil Lord's face is muddled. He says in secret, is this boy stupid?

However, in the next moment, the evil Lord was completely shocked.

The elegant soul flew out of the beauty jade, and the whole body was shining, illuminating the whole temple.

With the continuous consolidation of the body, Chen XINGRAN was completely intoxicated by the elegant beauty and posture, and at the same time, he also shocked the devil.

The dark clouds dispersed in the sky, the flowers and trees outside the God's palace regained their bright colors, and the evil spirit completely disappeared.

Everything returned to normal, Chen XINGRAN worshipped the elegant holiness and nobility, "wife, you are the eternal goddess in my heart!"

(end of book)

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