"A bunch of trash." Chen XINGRAN stretched out his powerful arm, punched a dozen youths, walked up to scar and said coldly, "if you kneel down now, I'll take it as if nothing happened, otherwise... Hehe! At least break your leg. "

"Well! Don't think that if you knock down my little brother, you can be so arrogant. I'll let you taste the taste of dividing tendons and bones later. " Scar was shocked. These brothers often fight with him, and they all have two skills. It seems that the other side was hiding their strength before.

I thought that what I practiced was hard Qigong. I was not afraid to fight. I didn't believe that he could get rid of his vigorous Qi. I waved my fist without saying hello.

"Yes. I'll give you a taste of the difference. " Chen XINGRAN suddenly kicks scar, immediately follows him and kicks his feet.

Ah, ah, ah!

Scar has never complained of pain. At the moment, Chen XINGRAN uses his feet to divide the tendons and bones. His body seems to be broken up. The bones and muscles are separated, and the muscles and bones are constantly twisted and contracted. Bursts of pain emerge and scream.

"Call again, and I'll cut off my hands and feet to talk to you." Chen XINGRAN stepped on scar's face and showed a cruel smile.

"Beat him to death." Tang Yunxin and Yan Feier don't have any sympathy. Seeing so many people just now, they are so scared that they tremble. When they see Chen XINGRAN's great power, they knock them down and say it excitedly.

Scar knew that Chen XINGRAN was cruel, and he dared to beat others in front of the police. He was so scared that he didn't dare to make a sound immediately. With a bitter smile in his heart, how could this country bumpkin suddenly become more powerful than he imagined? Did he hide his strength a few days ago? It's terrible to hide so deep.

Woo Hoo!

There was a sound of police siren, and a large number of policemen appeared in an instant. The car stopped, and many armed policemen ran out, one by one with guns around them.

Tang Yunxin and Yan Feier's face changed greatly. They immediately got out of the car and took Chen XINGRAN nervously.

Chen XINGRAN saw that he was the former team leader again. He frowned and was very anxious. Now he wanted to send Tang Yunxin back to Huarui's home and buy gifts. It was time to rush. If he went to the police station, he didn't know when he could come out.

What would their mothers think of meeting their parents and entering the police station?

"Chen XINGRAN, if you gather people to make trouble and disturb public order, what you say will become evidence in court. Take it for me. " The captain showed a proud smile, and today he can finally take a bad breath.

"Stop it A soft drink.

"Captain, what are you doing here?" The police is the deputy leader of the security section. There was no chief before, but he is the one who decides. Now a vice chief and a chief are transferred.

Chen XINGRAN was surprised. What did Hai Weiyan become their captain?

Haiweiyan was originally the leader of the public security section. During the inspection period, haiweiyan made a mistake and once again sued several Japanese in the traffic accident. Therefore, she was demoted to an ordinary police officer and was being audited.

However, things dragged on for a year, there was no progress, and no one was too lazy to ask about them.

The Japanese criminal group arrested on the island formally sued Hai Weiyan, so the so-called mistakes were false accusations. Naturally, they met the conditions, so they immediately served as the captain. Leng Yan was also the defendant, so they were exiled to other police forces. Now that they are rehabilitated and have made contributions, they naturally become the vice captain.

"Vice captain, you used the police force without permission and falsely accused Chen XINGRAN of gathering people to make trouble. As the captain, I will immediately remove you and investigate you. What you say now will become evidence in court. Take it for me Haiweiyan said seriously.

Chen XINGRAN couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect the retribution to be so fast. What the vice captain just said turned into Hai Weiyan and he said.

"Hai Weiyan, you don't have the right to stop my job. If you dare to move, I will sue you for interfering with judicial justice." The Deputy captain sneered and was not afraid at all, because he himself promoted these armed police, and everyone would listen to his orders.

The armed police brought by the vice captain immediately pointed at Hai Weiyan.

"I don't know how to repent. This time, I didn't carry out the order, but the director told me to carry it out. You dare to rebel. What are you still doing? Take it all for me." Haiwei said in a sharp voice.

"Haiweiyan, you are so naive“ The Deputy captain's face changed greatly. At the moment, he saw that many armed police came out, one by one with guns and shields, and quickly surrounded them.

"Don't you put down your arms and raise your hands quickly? Can't you arrest? You know how serious the consequences of arrest are. At the moment, you just follow the orders of your superiors and make mistakes. Once arrested, things will be different“ Haiwei said in a sharp voice.

One by one, the armed police were so scared that they laid down their arms and knew that this time they were ambushed and all their actions were under monitoring.

The vice captain saw that the situation had gone, knew that the resistance was just a meaningless struggle, and might give haiweiyan a chance to beat her. Her fist was not a powder fist, but a hammer.

Soon the armed police brought by the vice captain, including him, were taken away.

"Wake up, come back with us and make a statement." Haiweiyan said.

"Wei Yan, I'm in a hurry. Can I go home at night?" Chen XINGRAN pleaded.

"You go! We'll wait for you at home. " Haiweiyan said shyly.

Chen XINGRAN smiles. There is something in her words, which makes her heart flutter. She takes a look at her slender legs and leaves with Tang Yunxin.

Chen XINGRAN bought a lot of food and tonics and went to Huarui's village. He asked several people where Huarui's family was. They were all insulted. Everyone knew him. He was a big sex wolf that night.

A 17-year-old young man came out with his hair dyed in a mess and a rogue look on his face. He almost didn't write "rogue" on it. He was wearing short sleeves, blue tattoos on his arms and toothpicks in his mouth. He came to Chen XINGRAN and looked at him and said, "are you the big villain who bullied my sister?"

Chen XINGRAN laughed, immediately slapped him in the face and said coldly, "don't talk nonsense, lead the way quickly, or you will bear the consequences."

The young man slapped him in the face. He was furious and ferocious. He took out a dagger from his arms and stabbed Chen XINGRAN in the chest.

"I warned you that if you don't listen to me, I'll let you have a taste of the strength of tendon division and wrong bone, and you'll know what the consequences will be if you don't listen to me." Chen XINGRAN immediately reached for his hand, immediately pulled the dislocated foot, without hesitation to pull all the young people's limbs dislocated.

"Eh!" Chen XINGRAN was surprised, but he didn't shout.

He is Hua Xiaoxi, the one-year-old brother of Hua ruixiao. Because his grades are not as good as his sister's, he can't get free admission to elite middle school. Poor families can't afford him to go to school, so he is unemployed at home.

Low education, people are not yet adults, less than 18 years old, society does not recruit child labor, can only roam around and do nothing, either steal or rob, has become a rogue villain, just started to help his father, in the end did not go, and social hooligans roll together, bad.

"Don't bully my brother." Hua Rui comes out and looks at Chen XINGRAN angrily. She rushes up to try her best.

Chen XINGRAN gave a sneer, and his heart was cold. His elder sister was a serious person. Seeing that she insulted a female killer in the woods, she dared to stand up. How could she have such a younger brother? Even if she had, she hoped that others would teach him a lesson, so that he could change his ways.

See Hua Xiaoxi show haze smile, Chen XINGRAN but enough rogue, how can compromise, thought, you ruthless, see how I deal with you.

Pretending to be sorry, he said, "it's late! You come out late. Once you use the method of dividing tendons and bones, there will be only one result. One is disabled for life, and the other is dead. "

Hua Xiaoxi's face changed greatly, her body kept shaking, and she fainted.

"I'll fight with you devil." Hua Rui almost fainted. Hatred made her crazy. She rushed to hit Chen XINGRAN.

"If you slow down, you're really disabled. It's still time to save you." Chen XINGRAN dodges Hua Rui's attack.

"Then save people! What are you doing? " Hua Rui immediately stopped and said anxiously.

"Why should I save him? I won't do anything to save him. " Chen XINGRAN smiles.

"Cut the crap and save it quickly. My mother is waiting in it." Hua Rui sees Chen XINGRAN's evil smile and knows that she can't talk about him. It's better to transfer the problem.

"Please lead the way." Chen XINGRAN said with a smile.

"Don't you save my brother?" Hua Rui is a little girl. How can she be calm.

"He just fainted. There's no need to save him. He'll wake up later." Chen XINGRAN smiles.

"Don't you mean to use some kind of division to torture? Say I came out late, how did I become dizzy? " Hua Rui asked.

"When you come out, I've beaten him, so you came out late. You said that once the torture was used, I didn't say that I used this kind of technique on your brother!" Chen XINGRAN pretended to be confused.

"The bastard scared me. Come with me." Hua Rui knows that her brother is OK, and she doesn't want to see him wake up. After all, her brother has gone bad in the past two years, and she hates him very much.

When I came to Hua Rui's home, there were several blue brick houses and concrete houses. It can be seen that their family had a good life before.

The cleaning is very clean. Although the furniture is old, it still looks spotless. It can be seen that uncle Hua and aunt Hua are very diligent people.

Uncle Hua helped Chen XINGRAN take the gift with a smile, put it on the table in the hall and said, "Hua Rui, tea."

Chen XINGRAN's heart is beating. He has seen Su Xiaoru's mother. Su Xiaoru's temper is better than Hua Rui's. I don't know if Hua Rui's mother is worse than Su Xiaoru's.

It seems that Hua Rui's mother must be more powerful than Su Xiaoru's.

Chen XINGRAN sat down, feeling more and more nervous and sweating.

Hua Rui and uncle Hua are surprised to see Chen XINGRAN so nervous. They can't believe that Chen XINGRAN, the second worst villain in front of them, is a bit like a simple young man. His face shows the good quality of a simple and naive rural child. He doesn't look like a villain.

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