When Qin Mu came to Tang's group, he didn't see anyone and didn't listen to Tang Qianyue. When he was depressed, he just met Wang Xintian who was going to get off work.

"Chu Shao, Tang Zong and Zhong Shao have gone out to dinner." seeing Qin Mu carrying a lunch box, Wang Xintian couldn't help sighing.

She followed Tang Qianyue for two years. She also knew about Tang Qianyue and Chu siran.

Chu Si Ran is like this. Although he really joined the company, he can't help them, president Tang.

"Went out to dinner?"

Qin Mu frowned slightly. He was obviously surprised by this situation.

"Where did they eat?" Qin Mu asked.

"I'm not sure about this. It may be in a nearby restaurant," Wang Xintian said truthfully.

Qin Mu nodded, indicating that Wang Xintian could get off work.

Although a little depressed, Qin Mu also knew that Tang Qianyue would not have any special feelings for Zhong Baihai. After all, he heard the last conversation between the two.

He looked at the food in his hand and sighed a little disappointed.

"Team leader." as he was about to leave, a sweet voice sounded behind him.

"Didn't you go home?" Qin Mu asked suspiciously when he turned to see Gongsun Zhi.

"When I got home, I found that I didn't take some documents in the company, so I came back to work again." Gongsun Zhi said with a sweet smile.

Because she thinks the new team leader is very good, Gongsun Zhi decides to work hard. She also plans to bring information home and work overtime.

Seeing Qin Mu holding a lunch box in his hand, Gongsun Zhi asked in surprise, "team leader, you brought your own rice."

Nowadays, there are not many men who can cook.

"Yes," Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Have you eaten yet? Would you like some?"

Qin Mu, adhering to the spirit of not wasting food, shook the lunch box in his hand and said.

Anyway, Tang Qianyue can't eat it, just give it to others.

"Ah?" Gongsun Zhi was a little flattered. After all, the new team leader was only on his first day, and the relationship was progressing too fast.

"I... I really haven't eaten yet."

She said with a shy bow of her head.

"OK, let's eat together," Qin Mu said and walked to the rest area of the company.

Because it's long past work time, there are no people in the rest area.

Gongsun Zhi followed him step by step and looked like a little daughter-in-law.

"Wow, it smells good." as soon as Qin Mu opened the lunch box, Gongsun Zhi exclaimed.

"Try it. It tastes good." Qin Mu handed the chopsticks to her and said with a smile.

"Then you're welcome." Gongsun Zhi smiled and took the chopsticks handed by Qin Mu.

Although they were all simple home-made dishes, the dishes with complete color, aroma and flavor immediately aroused Gongsun Zhi's appetite.

Probably because she was hungry, Gongsun Zhi immediately ate as soon as she took the chopsticks.

"Eat well." just took the first bite, Gongsun Zhi exclaimed, and her eyes stared at the boss.

It tastes better than the five-star chef invited by her family.

For more than a month, because she had to avoid the bodyguards sent by her family, she could not go out every day. The three meals were solved in the simplest way.

After all, even if she went out, she dressed herself up, and it was impossible to have a good meal outside.

"If it's delicious, eat more. Come on, I'll give you this too." seeing Gongsun Zhi eating happily, Qin Mu pushed another one in front of her.

"Mm-hmm." Gongsun Zhi directly pulled the plate in front of her and ate it regardless of the image, as if she was very hungry.

Qin Mu couldn't help laughing. How hungry is it? It's like the reincarnation of a hungry ghost.

"Eat slowly. If it's not enough, I'll take you downstairs to the restaurant." Qin Mu was very satisfied with the team member.

After all, there are six people in the whole group, so Gongsun Zhi has no bad intentions.

"No, No." Gongsun Zhi put a piece of braised meat in her mouth and waved her hand again and again.

"Enough to eat. Team leader, your cooking is really delicious. I've never eaten such delicious food."

Qin Mu picked his eyebrows. He was still very confident about his cooking.

"Yes, I think so."

I'm afraid there are few people in the world who can cook better than him.

"Hee hee..." Gongsun Zhi narrowed her eyes and smiled.

I didn't expect the new team leader to be so interesting. How can anyone praise himself so much.

Seeing Gongsun Zhi eating happily, Qin Mu didn't bother her to eat again. Instead, he leaned back on the seat.

This kind of day full of smoke and anger, he suddenly felt that this was life, which made him feel steadfast and energetic.

In the past, the days of fighting and killing and licking blood with the tip of the knife never made him feel like this. Even for a while, he wondered whether he had become a killing machine.

Just to his dismay, his charm seems to be useless now.

Otherwise, there is no reason why he can't win Tang Qianyue for such a long time.

You know, wherever he used to go, the most important thing he needed was those admiring eyes.

About half an hour later, Gongsun Zhi finally burped, and then smiled awkwardly.

"I seem to have eaten a little too much."

Looking at the two empty lunch boxes in front of him, Gongsun Zhi's face suddenly turned a little red. She couldn't control it at once. She could eat as much as she used to eat all day.

Of course, the main reason is that she hasn't had a good meal for more than a month.

"Eating more makes you grow faster." Qin Mu smiled carelessly.

"All right, go home when you're full. Girls don't stay out too late."

"Well." Gongsun Zhi nodded cleverly, "the team leader should not work too late and go home early."

"Also, thank you for your dinner. It's the best dinner I've ever had." Gongsun Zhi said and turned away shyly.

Seeing Gongsun Zhi's shy appearance, Qin Mu felt a little funny.

He has seen many women, but few like Gongsun Zhi show their true temperament.

After simply cleaning up the tableware, Qin Mu left.

However, he did not notice that in the tea room in the rest area, a beautiful young man looked at his back and showed a strong sense of jealousy in his eyes.

Qin Mu went downstairs and was about to call Tang Qianyue. When he wanted to ask if he needed to pick her up, he saw a familiar figure struggling to be stuffed into a van on the side of the road not far in front of him.

Isn't that Gongsun Zhi?

Qin Mu frowned and immediately got on the bus and followed up.

At this time, Gongsun Zhi looked at the people in the car with a frightened face. Her mouth. BA's hands and feet were tied, and her mouth. BA was also sealed, completely unable to make a sound.

Who are these people? They dare to be kidnapped on the street in downtown.

At this moment, she only hopes that someone just saw her forcibly taken away and can help her call the police.

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