After breakfast, Tang Ningxi didn't get up. After Qin Mu left her some food, he was ready to go back to work with Tang Qianyue.

However, when they walked out of the door, they saw Wang Yingruo coming in a hurry.

"Mom, why did you come so early?" Tang Qianyue asked curiously.

"Mom." Qin Mu followed Tang Qianyue and shouted to Wang Yingruo.

Although he doesn't like this mother-in-law, who makes her still Tang Qianyue's mother now.

"Shallow, I ask you, who is in charge of your company now?" Wang Yingruo asked eagerly, staring at Tang Qianyue tightly.

Tang Qianyue was confused by Wang Yingruo's sudden attitude.

Hongshuang TangYun was her former company and is still managed by herself. At present, it is developing steadily.

"I'm still managing. What's the matter?" Tang Qianyue asked suspiciously.

"This is the share transfer contract of Hongshuang TangYun company. Sign it now." Wang Yingruo said, took out a contract from the bag and shook it in front of Tang Qianyue.

Tang Qianyue's breath suddenly sank, and his face sank in an instant.

"Mom, what do you mean?"

Why should she give up the shares of Hongshuang TangYun? Hongshuang TangYun was founded by herself. Although it is still small, its current market value is worth at least 100 million.

And because of the orders from Frans, the company is still expanding. According to the current development prospect, it will certainly become one of the best garment enterprises in Haicheng in the future.

"You are already the president of Down's group, so don't be too greedy. I don't think your brother harvest has anything to do. He doesn't like working in the company, so your company should be managed by him and should be trained for him." Wang Yingruo said calmly, not ashamed of what he said.

Qin Mu's face was slightly cold. If he didn't respect Wang Ying and if he was Tang Qianyue's mother, he would give her some color to see.

"Mom, I don't think it's appropriate," Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Chu siran, what's the matter with you here? Also, did I let you talk? Don't think you're really from the Tang family if you stay in the Tang family. I tell you, it's only a matter of time to get rid of you." Wang Yingruo looked at Qin Mu and sneered.

"Also, what is the fit? Do you know what is the fit?"

Seeing that Wang Yingruo was aggressive, Tang Qianyue's face was also cold.

"I don't think so," Tang said.

Why did she transfer the company she founded to Tang Jiashi?

If Tang Jiashi wants to start a business, she can support him with one or two million yuan from her small Treasury.

"What is inappropriate? Ah? Tang Jiashi is your brother. What's wrong with transferring the company to your brother?" Wang Yingruo's face immediately looked ugly when he defended Qin Mu with Tang Qianyue.

"Mom, it's not a question of whether to transfer. Hongshuang TangYun is a company I founded myself. It's my own effort to do it bit by bit. It's impossible to transfer it. If my brother wants to start his own company, I can also provide him with some financial help, but it's absolutely impossible to transfer Hongshuang TangYun to him."

Tang Qianyue said in a cold voice.

If Tang Jiashi has this ability, it is one thing to manage the company well.

But she knows Tang Jiashi too well. If Hong Shuang Tang Yun is handed over to him, she will definitely declare bankruptcy in less than half a year.

"Financial help? Tell me how much financial help you can provide?" Wang Yingruo asked suddenly with bright eyes.

"One million." Tang Qianyue said.

At present, there are still many places to spend money in the company. In addition to the next project of Haigang City, Tang also wants to compete for the industry Xu wants to bid for.

According to the current flow of the company, it is not enough to support the next operation of the company.

To give Tang Jiashi financial support, she can only take it out of her own income.

"A million?" Wang Yingruo screamed.

"Tang Qianyue, you heartless, Tang Jiashi is your brother. He wants to start a business, but you only give him one million?"

Qin Mu stood aside, his face getting colder and colder.

Wang Yingruo actually wants money.

As for the red frost Tang Yun, it is just to force Tang Qianyue to say such words as giving money.

"Mom, why is one million not enough to start a business? You don't know about your brother. Do you still want him to set up a big company at the beginning and burn money slowly?" Tang Qianyue's eyes were red with anger.

One million, she didn't think Tang Jiashi could do anything. She would be thankful if she didn't burn it all.

If this million is given out, she will only be regarded as charity.

"What is burning fun? Do you have such a sister? So say your brother?" Wang Yingruo said angrily.

Even if his son is worse, he is her son.

But no matter how good her daughter is, she is not her daughter after all.

"Just tell me, how much do you want?" Qin Mu didn't even want to call.

Wang Yingruo does not deserve the sacred title of "mother".

"What? How much? Did I say I wanted money?" Wang Yingruo shouted at Qin Mu angrily.

"Ten million!" then she said, "either ten million or transfer Hongshuang TangYun company to harvest."

The subsidiary industry of the whole Tang Group, only the market value of Tang Qianyue's red frost Tang Yun is high enough to enter her eyes.

"Ten million or red frost Tang Yun?" Tang Qianyue couldn't control, and his body trembled slightly.

She is not reluctant to give up 10 million, but now she can't take out 10 million at all.

As for red frost Tang Yun, she will never transfer it to Tang Jiashi.

"Ten million No." seeing Tang Qianyue's look, Qin Mu pulled her behind him, looked at Wang Yingruo and said.

"Either take a million or nothing."

If it weren't for Wang Yingruo's identity, he wouldn't give a penny.

And it's a shame not to drive her away with such an attitude towards his wife.

"Chu siran, what are you? Can you speak here?" Wang Yingruo scolded with gnashing teeth.

I don't know when it began. She found that Chu Si ran became rigid and was no longer as submissive as before.

But what about this? It still can't change the fact that he is a waste door-to-door son-in-law.

Tang Qianyue was protected by Qin Mu. She looked at the broad shoulders standing in front of her and was moved again.

It turned out that she was protected.

"I am a human being, not a thing, but some people are inferior to animals." Qin Mu sneered.

"How dare you call me an animal?" Wang Yingruo was so angry that he waved his palm and would Fan Qin Mu's face.

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