Tang Jiashi's story soon spread in the company. Even Tang Qianyue didn't have to tell Tang Mingzhong that it had spread to his ears.

At the request of Tang Mingzhong, Tang Qianyue and Qin Mu returned to the old house together.

Qin Mu called Luo Daqing when he was in the company.

Last time when he was in the prosperous world, Luo Daqing politely left him a business card. At that time, he forgot to throw it away. Now he can use it.

Are those people really because the money of the down group is so easy to take?

The world is prosperous.

Luo Daqing is having a meeting with several subordinates of the regiment in the conference room on the top floor.

Recently, Haicheng has been very turbulent. The main reason is that the bipolar society has suddenly dissolved.

The blood scholar and the poisonous snake suddenly disappeared overnight. As for the black centipede, I heard that now the whole person is paralyzed. I don't know which hospital he was sent to for treatment.

With the disappearance of blood scholar and others, now the whole bipolar society is a mess. Those with strength will set up their own doors. Those without strength will either attach to other groups or become street gangsters.

The reason for the dissolution of the bipolar society is that there is no news at all. No one knows what is going on.

Now the situation in Haicheng has changed so much that it provides an opportunity to reshuffle.

How could he be willing to miss such an opportunity.

When it comes to how to re plan the team's development career, Luo Daqing's mobile phone rings.

He didn't want to pay attention to it, but his cell phone rang again after he hung up.

"Shit... Who's so annoying." helpless, Luo Daqing had to suspend the meeting to answer the phone.

"Who are you..." Luo Daqing suddenly widened his eyes and kept silent before he said the word.

Hearing the voice from the phone, Luo Daqing's back immediately straightened, and a cold sweat came out in an instant.

"Boss, what's the matter?" seeing Luo Daqing's absent-minded appearance, the others thought something big had happened.

"Green Wolf, you take 30 people to Pingjiang District..." Luo Daqing said with a deep breath after hanging up the phone.

He almost missed a big event.

In Guangming investment's office, tattooed youth are in a good mood.

Because the old boss ran away, now Guangming investment is the boss. The company can play whatever it wants.

The $50 million he just got is enough for him to squander it for a long time.

For him, the $50 million is a pie falling from the sky. He doesn't have to spend a little effort. He won it for nothing.

Because he was happy, on his way back, he asked his men to order a table of wine and vegetables in the grand hotel.

At this time, more than ten people gathered in the office to eat and drink, and even he called a dozen hot and spicy little sisters to accompany him.

Tattoo youth are embracing each other at this time, so happy.

"Brother Qiang still has a mind. With a simple trick, you can get 50 million from Tang Jiashi." a younger brother around the tattooed youth said admiringly.

The tattoo youth named Liu Qiang was originally just a spectator in Guangming investment, because the original boss ran away and the others in Guangming investment scattered.

Because he had nowhere to go, he called other people in the group like him to do the business of cheating money and gambling.

This time he fell in love with Tang Jiashi, or he accidentally found that Tang Jiashi was a silly melon in the casino, so after a simple investigation, he set a trap for him to attract him.

"Ha ha... Tang Jiashi can only be blamed for his stupidity." Liu Qiang laughed proudly.

He got $50 million at once, which made him want to laugh in a dream.

"What about the rich? Don't you still dare not provoke us? You've made efforts today. Each of you will give you 200000 as a reward. In the future, as long as I Liu Qiang have meat, I'll give you soup."

Liu Qiang patted his chest and promised.

"Thank you, brother Qiang." those people said happily when they heard the speech.

At this time, there was a sudden roar outside, like the sound of the door being smashed open by violence, and then there were many noisy footsteps.

"What's going on?" Liu Qiang said very displeased.

With his little brother, two people stood up, opened the door and went out.

However, before long, they were kicked back one after another and fell to the ground in pain.

Then, strong men with guys in their hands came in and soon surrounded Liu Qiang and others in the middle.

I saw a man with a Blue Wolf head on his hand and shouted, "get out of here if you have nothing to do."

The dozen little girls had already been scared out of color, screaming one after another. After being drunk, they all ran out in panic.

Seeing this posture, Liu Qiang already knew that the situation was bad.

He has been wandering in the street regiment all year round. Liu Qiang can see at a glance that these people on the other side are really cruel people. As long as they don't meet experts, they are absolutely invincible.

In contrast, they usually eat and drink with their boss, which is no different from street gangsters. If they really fight, they feel that they are only abused.

"Big brother, is there any misunderstanding?" Liu Qiang asked in horror at his sad little brother who was knocked down to the ground.

"There is no misunderstanding. I just heard that you made a fortune today," said the green Wolf with a sneer.

"That's what happened," Liu Qiang said with a smile.

"If my brother wants a share, how about I give him 20 million?"

Liu Qiang can't imagine how this matter can be known by fellow believers? Is there a ghost among your own people? Want to eat black?

But anyway, in front of these people, he had no other way but to show weakness. It would be better if he could dissipate his wealth and eliminate the disaster.

"I dare not take the money," said the green Wolf with a sneer.

Since Xu Han had an accident in his prosperous world and the Xu family was destroyed, he has admired the man's style.

That kind of man, even if he doesn't want to die, he doesn't dare to provoke him.

"Today, brother, I'm here to teach you a lesson. Since I want to catch the wrong door, I have to see the right object. Some people can't be provoked by you and me. Since I've provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, I have to be responsible for my own behavior."

"What do you mean?" Liu Qiang felt a bad feeling when he heard the speech,

"Give me a fight." the green Wolf hissed coldly, waved his right hand and said.

Several people behind the green Wolf rushed into the crowd. It was almost effortless. Twelve people such as Liu Qiang were beaten on the ground and wailed.

Liu Qiang didn't expect that Tang Qianyue had left behind. He gave him the money happily. As a result, he played Yin behind his back.

Sure enough, she is the most poisonous woman!

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