Qin Mu thought that he had no handy people in Haicheng now. If Luo Daqing could meet his requirements, he could consider promoting Luo Daqing, so he readily responded.

"OK, time and place."

"OK, Chu Shao, how about going to the white tea house on Zhonghai road at three o'clock in the afternoon?" Luo Daqing asked pleasantly when Qin Mu responded.

"Yes, I'll go there after I finish my work." Qin Mu hung up the phone.

In the prosperous world, Luo Daqing giggled at his mobile phone.

The green Wolf stood aside with a little puzzled on his face.

"Boss, if Chu siran is really a martial artist, how can he be willing to be a door-to-door son-in-law in the Tang family?"

And it was misunderstood as waste by the whole people of Haicheng.

So far, as long as Chu siran is mentioned, anyone who knows him will only regard him as a waste, a worthless door-to-door son-in-law.

"Have you forgotten how the panther was hurt?" Luo Daqing said unhappily.

And then Chu siran gave him two more pills. After taking them, the Panther has recovered a lot, and even the doctor feels incredible.

Chu Si ran, perhaps more mysterious and terrible than he thought.

"This..." thinking of the Panther and the injured brothers in his organization, the green Wolf was convinced.

"Just the boss, will Chu siran really help us fight this boxing match?" the green Wolf had no confidence in it.

All the martial arts practitioners he knows are arrogant, indifferent and don't eat fireworks. Although Chu siran didn't enter the martial arts league, how could he participate in such underground events with his strength?

"No matter what the result is, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should strive for it." Luo Daqing looked dignified.

The annual underground boxing match is a major event for these organizations. At that time, the organizations of the whole East Province will participate.

Haicheng bipolar society disappeared because of the departure of the blood scholar. This is not only his opportunity to win the underground world of Haicheng, but also the opportunity of others.

Just because he wants bipolar Club territory doesn't mean others don't covet it.

In this fight, someone will definitely stand up and want to compete for the territory of the bipolar club.

If he wants to monopolize the territory of bipolar society and become the largest underground boss of Haicheng, he must win the first prize in this boxing match.

Originally, he put his hope on the Panther, but it was obviously impossible for the panther to fight again.

Although there are many thugs in his anonymous club, the strength of those thugs in the field of boxing is not enough.

"But boss, if Chu Si is satisfied, he will put forward the conditions at that time..." this is also what the green Wolf is most worried about.

What if Chu Si ran asks for an anonymous society?

"If Chu siran wants to be the boss of the unknown society, you should be honored," Luo Daqing said with a laugh.

Afraid, Chu Si ran doesn't like their nameless society.

Luo Daqing and the green Wolf discussed some things again, and then let the green Wolf go out to work.

He cleaned up and prepared to wait for Chu siran in the white tea house in advance.

Qin Mu waited downstairs for a while and saw Gongsun Zhihong running with her eyes on her.

"Why, is this being bullied?" Qin Mu asked curiously.

"Leader, do you know that those people in our group didn't do anything at all? What about the design drawings of the harbor city project at that time? If president Tang wants to, how can you hand over the work?" Gongsun Zhi's eyes were red because she was worried.

"So it is." Qin Mu smiled.

"Team leader, you are still in the mood to laugh. Don't you know why President Tang set up the harbor city special team? It's for the harbor city project." Gongsun Zhi said anxiously.

"OK, I see." Qin Mu started the car with a smile and explained in a good mood, "so I never expected them to do anything. I have contacted the foreign design team. You don't have to worry about the design of the harbor city project."

"What? Foreign design team?" Gongsun Zhi stared and asked in surprise.

Why has she never heard of it and thought that the project needs to be completed by their team. Recently, she has been working hard overtime.

"Well, as far as the design team of our group is concerned, it is impossible to complete the design of the harbor city project." Qin Mu said.

Besides the design and the construction of the coastal city, the engineering team of Tang's group can not complete it, so this time he plans to let Bison's engineers come together. As for the construction team, Tang's engineering department can arrange it.

But he hasn't told Tang Qianyue about these things.

"Ah..." Gongsun Zhi couldn't believe it on her face and couldn't help feeling frustrated in her heart.

Is their design that bad? The team leader still despises it?

"Where are we going now?" seeing that Qin Mu had driven on the road, Gongsun Zhi was curious again.

The project of Haigang city is so big that it is about to bid. How can it seem that there is nothing wrong in the eyes of their team leader? They don't feel nervous at all. They even have to take her out during working hours?

"Drop in," Qin Mu said with a smile.

Although Haicheng is not the capital of eastern province, it is also adjacent to Jinzhou, the capital, and across the sea is the port city. Since the reform regulations more than 20 years ago, Haicheng has developed rapidly. Now its overall economic status is close to Jinzhou, the capital, and has been promoted to a new tier city in Xia this year.

Less than five minutes away from the down group, there is a comprehensive business building with ten large and small companies and a strange background.

Some large stores may be just a listed financial company, and some small stores are really doing millions of businesses.

When the car was parked under an ordinary business building, Gongsun Zhi showed her surprise again.

"Team leader, the design team you want to invite is here?" Gongsun Zhi couldn't believe it.

This business building looks like only some small companies will work here. How can there be a better team than their company's design team?

"Let's go." Qin Mu didn't bother to explain and went in directly with Gongsun Zhi.

At the corner of the fifth floor of the business building, there is a small company. It's a company. In fact, its facade is only about 20 square meters. It doesn't even have half the area of a roadside shop, and the name plate only says "office". We can't see what this kind of company does.

When Gongsun Zhi saw the company, her face was full of confusion. Even for a moment, she wanted to directly tell Qin Mu that she also knew some design teams when she was studying abroad. Would you like to find those design teams directly.

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