"What's wrong? As I said, since you are a member of my team, I naturally want to ensure your safety. Moreover, you helped me a lot tonight. If you didn't understand the French language and their conspiracy, I wouldn't know. It turned out that Tang Chongchuan and the foreigner were planning to frame the president at the party tonight."

Gongsun Zhi nodded again and again, "team leader, you must tell the president about this. Unexpectedly, director Tang had such a mind in private."

At the banquet, Tang Chongchuan's dialogue with Merkel really surprised her.

"Yes. I'll take you home first?" Qin Mu said with an eyebrow.

"Well." Gongsun Zhi nodded, "team leader, why don't you walk with me? My head is still a little dizzy. I can wake up when I walk."

"OK," Qin mushuang said quickly.

At 7:00 in the evening, Haicheng has begun to show the night view of the City fans. The cool night wind with the aroma of roadside vegetation blows on your face, making people feel very comfortable.

"Team leader, why don't you tell me about your sister-in-law? I didn't know you were married before."

"She......" Qin Mu scratched his head and giggled at the thought of getting along with Tang Qianyue.

At first, he just wanted to get her because he was attracted by Tang Qianyue's appearance, but after getting along, he found that this kind of day is the real life. Even, he began to find that he had another feeling for Tang Qianyue.

"Selfish, stingy and jealous." Qin Mu said with a smile, "besides, she's still my follower. She likes to follow me wherever I go. She's very obedient and sticky. When I'm at home, she washes my clothes, cooks, mops and massages me. She's very virtuous."

"Hee hee..." Gongsun Zhi covered her mouth and smiled. Her eyes were crescent shaped and very cute.

"Don't lie. My sister-in-law is definitely not such a person."

"Eh? Why don't you believe it? I'm so excellent and charming, and my wife is naturally transferred by me. She is gentle and virtuous." Qin Mu looked unhappy.

"Cut, I don't believe it." Gongsun Zhi shook her head and crossed a trace of loss in her eyes.

She just saw the love and smile in Qin Mu's eyes when he said about her wife. That is a kind of eyes that only women who love themselves very much will show.

"What? Sister, are you doubting my charm?" Qin Mu glanced.

However, if Tang Qianyue really wants to do these things for him, he will not be willing to let her do it.

"It's not doubt, but you won't let your sister-in-law do such a thing." Gongsun Zhi smiled mischievously, an expression I've seen through you for a long time.

"Cut." Qin Mu didn't retort.

He will slowly let Tang Qianyue accept his, and then slowly tell his true identity.

After they had a walk, Gongsun Zhi proposed to go home.

After Qin Mu sent Gongsun Zhi home, he also returned to Jinxiu Bay.

When he got home, it was 9 p.m. and Tang Qianyue was already at home.

"Back?" Tang Qianyue said without looking back when he heard the sound of opening the door while sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.

"Wife." Qin Mu smiled, changed his shoes and sat on the sofa.

However, as soon as he sat down, he felt something wrong.

"I heard you just did a big thing." Tang Qianyue looked up at Qin Mu with a cold look in his eyes.

"Big event?" Qin Mu wondered.

"Chu siran, you're really good. Even if you go out without registration during working hours, you still skip work with team members, and beat customers today. You're really getting worse and worse." Tang Qianyue's anger is hard to hide in his eyes.

She was called by Wang Yingruo tonight. In addition to asking her to help Tang Jiashi arrange work, she also specially told her what Chu siran had done during his working time.

Although she already knew that Merkel was fake this time, she couldn't help a burst of anger when she heard that Chu was emotional.

Qin Mu frowned and suddenly understood what was going on.

He didn't expect that Tang Chongchuan's villains would sue first. Even if he wanted to work with Merkel to frame Tang Qianyue, he would slander him now.

"Wife, I think I need to explain what happened tonight."

"No, I already know what happened. I just called the hotel and looked at the monitoring. It's the problem brought by Merkel. Don't you think your approach is extreme?" Tang asked.

If you change to another customer next time, will Chu siran still be so extreme?

"Besides, do you know Gongsun Zhi very well?"

I've only been working for a few days, but I've hooked up with the little girls in the company department.

"I......" Qin Mu looked wronged. He couldn't believe that Gongsun Zhi was the daughter of an acquaintance.

And he found that Tang Qianyue seemed to mind when he just talked about Gongsun Zhi.

Qin Mu stared at Tang Qianyue's face and wanted to see if his guess was right.

Tang Qianyue was so stared at by Qin Mu. His face was unnatural. He turned angrily, "hum, I can't say it."

"Wife, are you jealous?" Qin Mu laughed.

"Jealous?" Tang Qianyue showed a funny look. "What can I be jealous of? I'll ask you, is your way of solving things today right? If Merkel is really the director of M.E company, do you know how much our company will lose?"

I don't know who sent the news that Merkel came to her company. Just now she received a call from her peers and asked if she could introduce Merkel to them.

Because this Merkel is fake, she doesn't know how to reply to others.

"Wife, that Merkel is not really Merkel. And although M. e company is famous, it was a few years ago. Now the most famous design company in the world is bison," Qin Mu said.

Tang Qianyue sneered.

"Of course I know that the most famous design company in the design industry in the world is bison design. But our company can't invite them."

"Who said you couldn't come?" Qin Mu said with a raised eyebrow.

He has asked people to contact Frans. Tomorrow, the bison design team will appear in the down group.

"Oh." Tang Qianyue sneered, "enough, Chu siran, stop talking big."

Her face suddenly became serious after she threw the magazine in her hand on the table.

"Chu siran, don't forget, you promised me that you would make a good plan for the harbor city project. Tomorrow is the last day."

"I put you in the position of leader of Haigang city project team because I believe you. I know it's not easy to finish the project. If you go all out, I won't blame you even if you don't succeed..."

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