In the private room, in addition to the blonde man, there are more than a dozen auditors, all of whom are the auditors of the harbor city project plan.

After hearing what the foreign man said, a dozen people raised their heads and looked at him.

"Owen, the plan you have in hand is the design of your company." at this time, a young girl standing next to the foreign man covered her mouth and smiled.

The girl's name is Ye Ling. She is the project Secretary of the harbor city project, and she has been following up the harbor city project.

The foreign man, Owen Charles, was specially invited by Dong Daoping to review the project plan.

They have read the plan of the harbor city project for a day, and they have read dozens of project plans. Unfortunately, they still haven't seen a satisfactory plan, and Owen Charles complained several times.

"Our company's design?" Owen quickly opened the front page of the scheme as soon as he heard the girl's words. After seeing the information above, he couldn't help shaking his head.

"I really don't want to admit that such a rubbish scheme was made by my company. However, Aya, I promise I didn't know about the design of this scheme. You know my strength. How can I make such a rubbish scheme?" Owen quickly explained to the girl.

Ye Ling smiled and didn't speak. She continued to look at the plan in her hand.

If she calculates the time correctly, the bosses outside who participate in the bidding of the harbor city project should have been unable to press it.

Seeing that Ye Ling didn't pay attention to himself, Owen looked lonely and picked up a plan again.

"This plan..." Owen repeatedly looked through the plan in his hand. When he saw that the enterprise signed the plan was Tang Group, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Which company is this down group from?" he suddenly stood up excitedly.

"Mr. Owen, what's the matter with you?" Ye Ling asked curiously.

Owen looked excited. "Come on, take me to old Dong."

At this time, the appreciation meeting.

Zhong Baihai was on the phone in the corner, but he called several times and was directly hung up by the other party.

"Hai, how's it going? Hasn't Mr. Owen answered the phone yet?"

Feng Jiaqi looked at Zhong Baihai's face and asked with some worry.

Owen was recommended by Zhong Baihai to Dong Daoping for the purpose of reviewing the harbor city project scheme. If there is no accident, Owen will directly recommend the scheme designed by his company, that is, the final harbor city scheme will be the Zhong family.

But now, it seems that the situation is not as smooth as expected.

"The situation has changed. It seems that we can't place our hope on the matter of Haigang city." Zhong Baihai put away his mobile phone and said with a strange smile on his face.

"Go and do something for me," he said, looking at Feng Jiaqi.

Qin Mu was standing with Tang Qianyue at this time and was pulled by Rong han to help her explain the identification method of purple clay pots in the Qing Dynasty.

Because Qin Mu just helped Dong Daoping identify the painting of rivers and mountains, many people wanted to deal with Qin Mu. When he was identifying the purple clay pot, many people surrounded him all at once.


Suddenly, a woman with a glass of red wine in her hand accidentally stepped on the skirt of her long skirt and spilled all the red wine in her hand at once.

Unbiased, all the red wine in the cup was sprinkled on Qin Mu.

Qin Mu could have avoided it, but if he avoided it, the red wine would fall directly on Tang Qianyue.

"I'm really sorry, sir. I didn't mean it." the woman saw this and apologized again and again.

Qin Mu raised his head and wanted to say it didn't matter. However, he found that the woman had no apology in her eyes, even with a trace of pride, which immediately made him frown.

"It doesn't matter, miss. Didn't you fall?" Tang Qianyue took the initiative to come forward and said when he saw Qin Mu's face on the woman.

Most of the people who come to such a party are dignitaries. It's not good to offend anyone.

"It's all right. It's just that your husband's clothes have been dirty." the woman said with guilt. "My assistant's figure is similar to that of this gentleman. His clothes should be suitable. Why don't you let your husband condescend to change into my assistant's clothes?"

Although the woman's tone was apologetic, she obviously had a successful smile in her eyes.

Tang Qianyue wanted to say it didn't matter, but Qin Mu said, "OK, let me change it."

"Sir, why don't you come with me? They can't get in the meeting. Now they are waiting downstairs." the woman said with a smile.

"OK." Qin Mu agreed with a sneer.

On the other side, Dong Daoping was talking to the assistant who had just come.

"Sir, would you like Mr. Owen to come over? He just kept saying that he wanted to see the Tang family, and he didn't know what happened?" an assistant in a black suit came to explain the situation, because Owen insisted on coming over. After all, he was a distinguished guest, and he couldn't stop him.

"No, just tell Mr. Owen that I'll arrange for him to meet Miss Tang. You let Ye Ling out and inform the evaluation results." Dong Daoping said.

His subordinates have just said the review results. To his surprise, the harbor city project scheme of Down's group has been unanimously agreed, and Owen also asked to see the person in charge of Down's group, which immediately made him a little surprised about Down's scheme.

Qin Mu followed the woman downstairs, and her assistant was already waiting there.

"Take off your clothes and put them on for this gentleman." the woman said that without even looking at Qin Mu, she turned her head and left proudly, which was very different from the attitude just now.

"It's just a door-to-door waste. I really take myself seriously." although the woman's voice is small, she can't escape Qin Mu's ears.

Qin Mu slightly hooked his mouth, and then followed the assistant to the bathroom to change his clothes.

He had a hunch that Zhong Baihai would let someone deal with him tonight.

Upstairs, when Zhong Baihai saw the woman returning from the first floor, he went to the corner and dialed out.

"Ninth master, everything is ready. Can we take action now?" Zhong Baihai said with a trace of respect, which was enough to show that the identity of the people on the phone was unusual.

"All right."

Hearing the cold answer on the phone, Zhong Baihai was relieved.

"Then it's hard for the ninth master. What the ninth master wants to do with the boy tonight is OK. Don't worry, I'll arrange everything and be sure."

"I see." the other party replied indifferently.

"The nightclub has just got a batch of foreign girls from abroad, which is quite punctual. After it is completed, all these foreign girls will be given to the ninth master for you to enjoy. I don't know what the ninth master thinks?" Zhong Baihai said with a smile.

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