Tang Qianyue was in a panic. Indeed, she always felt that she was hot all over. She seemed to have a fire burning on her body, and her cheeks were abnormally hot.

And the fire is getting stronger and stronger. The smile between your legs, rubbing and rubbing, will bring you an indescribable sense of trembling.

This feeling is absolutely abnormal.

"You... What did you do to me?" Tang Qianyue suddenly thought of the glass of red wine Zhong Baihai handed her at the party.

"Did you add something to the wine?"

She felt as if her strength was slowly disappearing, and her body was becoming weak.

"Shallow, don't worry too much. I just added something to your glass of wine." Zhong Baihai smiled, no longer hiding his fangs and began to take off his coat.

"You, what are you going to do?" Tang Qianyue said in panic.

"What to do? Shallow, the thing I added to you is a super powerful hallucinogen newly developed abroad. It is also a kind of flattering medicine. Without me, it can't solve the medicine." Zhong Baihai smiled brightly.

"Shameless." Tang Qianyue Jiao. Her body was soft and collapsed on the bed, and her whole head began to be strongly dizzy.

She bit the tip of her tongue, kept herself sane, and roared, "Zhong Baihai, you will only make me hate you! I will never marry you."

At the same time, she felt a very strange thing moving in her body. Even when she closed her eyes, she could feel the expansion of that thing in her body, which made her heart kill.

She's going to kill Zhong Baihai!

Zhong Baihai snorted coldly, "Tang Qianyue, you are the most unscrupulous woman I have ever seen! Where can I compare with that loser? I want money, power and power, and my appearance is no worse than Chu Si ran. Where can I not deserve you?"

"Zhong Baihai, it's not a question of whether I deserve it or not. It's that I don't like you, that's all." Tang Qianyue said angrily.

Zhong Baihai's face became ferocious. He pressed Tang Qianyue's legs and said darkly, "don't like me, do you still like that waste Chu siran? I tell you, whether you like me or not, after today, you are my Zhong Baihai woman."

Tang Qianyue panicked. She wanted to struggle, but she found that her body was soft and didn't even have the strength to lift her hand.

Is she going to be destroyed by Zhong Baihai today?

If so, she might as well give herself to Chu siran. At least the other party is her rightful husband.

No, she can't let Zhong Baihai succeed

"Wake me up..."

At this time, she seemed to hear a voice from a distance. It was as deep as an evening drum and morning bell, but it suddenly hit the depths of her heart and made her whole person stiff.

Zhong Baihai, who pressed Tang Qianyue's legs, felt Tang Qianyue's abnormal body and said ferociously, "why, are you still thinking of Chu siran? I almost forgot to tell you that I just asked someone to give him a big gift."

"What did you do to him?" Tang Qianyue felt that his body became very strange, as if the muscles and bones in his body were twisted together. Although it didn't hurt, she could feel them moving and twisting

And her own consciousness has begun to be a little lax. Even Zhong Baihai's voice, she began to listen not really.

"Don't worry, you'll know when we're done, hahaha... By the way, I installed several cameras in my room. After we're done, you can also enjoy the way you're in love with me." Zhong Baihai said and bullied himself.

"Zhong Baihai, you scum!" Tang Qianyue was so angry that she trembled and roared, and her eyes immediately turned red.

At this time, Qin Mu, who had got the whereabouts of Tang Qianyue from Lu Fei and had got on the bus to the hotel, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood and stained the windshield of the car with blood.

The running car made a sharp brake sound and stopped by the roadside green belt.

"What's going on..."

How can blood evil insects suddenly attack?

Qin Mu covered his chest and forcibly suppressed the surging killing intention in his body. He quickly took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured out a medicine and took it under the real pressure. The blood evil insects in his body.

The attack rule of blood evil insects has exceeded his expectation, and has become more and more unstable. It seems that he must speed up to find a solution to blood evil insects.

Suppressed, Qin Mu drove again towards the hotel.

At this time, Tang Qianyue's suite was quiet.

She lay on the bed silently, and the sheets were red with blood.

On the ground, Zhong Baihai lay motionless on the ground, his whole body curled up strangely, his face was pale, and he seemed to have lost his life.

The whole room was as quiet as if nothing had happened just now.

Qin Mu arrived at the hotel in ten minutes according to the address provided by Lu Fei.

"Bang!" he quickly kicked open the door of the suite. Suddenly, a familiar smell came from the pavement.

Then, he knelt down powerlessly, holding the doorknob with both hands, so that he didn't fall down.

He felt that the poison in his body was completely active, and a strong killing intention filled his mind.



At this time, he has only one idea, that is to kill!

And his eyes became red at this moment, and the whole person exuded a terrible smell of no strangers. This smell filled the corridor of the whole hotel with death for a time. Even the guests in the room suddenly felt a cold attack on their whole body.

It happened that a waiter pushing the dining car passed by and saw Qin Mu kneeling on the ground. He wanted to approach and ask what was going on. As a result, when he saw Qin Mu's red eyes, he screamed and ran away.

"Ah... There are ghosts..."

This scream made Qin Mu regain a trace of consciousness. He forced himself to close his eyes. The remaining reason in his mind made him suppress the blood evil insects in his body again.

"Is it... Zi Gu appeared?" Qin Mu thought.

Did that woman appear five years ago?

The blood evil Gu was more serious than any previous attack. When he was poisoned five years ago, the woman he met sucked the child Gu from him. Without that woman, I'm afraid he couldn't live for so many years.

It's just that the blood evil Gu is not an ordinary Gu poison. What is the other party's constitution to withstand the blood evil Gu poison?

Qin Mu barely suppressed the poisonous insects in his body, and then sat down on the ground. His face was extremely pale, like a war, and his body was extremely weak.

He looked into the room and then frowned.

The room was not as quiet as he had imagined.

Is the information given by Lu Fei wrong?

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