"Hum." Tang Chongchuan snorted bitterly, stared at George and asked, "Mr. George, please repeat what you know and let us know what the president Tang of our company has done for the harbor city project."

Tang Chongchuan said, and everyone looked at George.

Owen also looked at George curiously. "George, what do you know? Say it."

George stammered and trembled, blushing and speechless.

When the other directors in the meeting room saw George, they basically guessed what was going on.

Tang Jin and Tang Chongchuan looked a little ugly and threatened George with their eyes.

George looked at Owen and took a deep breath. "What do you say? I don't know what you mean. What do you need me to say?"

Tang Qianyue's mouth was wearing an indifferent smile, which set off her national beauty and outstanding temperament. Qin Mu was shocked for a moment.

Tang Qianyue's divine appearance, he seems to have seen it somewhere

As soon as George's words were spoken, the directors present basically understood them.

"So, what director Tang just said is groundless?" one of the directors said in a good temper although he knew he had been fooled.

"What is groundless? It's just bullshit!" another director didn't have such a good temper. With a white look at Tang Jin, he pushed aside his chair, stood up and went out.

Before going out, he said angrily, "don't ask me for anything in the future. I'm not so free!"

After the director left, the whole meeting room fell into a strange silence.

After a while, Owen burst into laughter.

"Do you people in Xia like to talk like that? I speak Xia language level 12, but I can't understand a word since I entered the door."

Qin Mu didn't speak. He just looked at Tang Chongchuan with a smile and wanted to see what he would do in the end.

Tang Jin's face turned red and stared angrily at George. He couldn't speak.

"Mr. Owen is really amused." Tang Qianyue said with a smile.

She stood up and respectfully introduced to the directors in the conference room: "this is Mr. Owen, the famous designer of Frans, and now the director of Owen's design. Mr. Owen was the auditor at the old director's appreciation meeting last night."

After Tang Qianyue's introduction, the faces of Tang Jin and Tang Chongchuan suddenly changed from red to white and then to green, staring at George with resentment in their eyes.

The other directors in the meeting room who were not welcome to Owen suddenly came to spirit.

"It's Mr. Owen. I've heard a lot about him."

"It's a great honor for Mr. Owen to come to our company."


Owen smiled and said, "it's very kind of you. It's my honor to come to your company. There are good tea, very good partners and even people I admire very much. Therefore, I should be the honored person."

Looking at the attitude of several directors towards Owen, Tang Jin and Tang Chongchuan's faces sank completely.

Originally, they wanted to take the opportunity to frame Tang Qianyue. Unexpectedly, they not only failed to frame, but also pulled themselves into the pit.

"Dear directors, there is another very good news to tell you. In terms of construction engineering of the harbor city project won by our company this time, we will cooperate with Mr. Owen's engineer team, which will solve the weak links of our engineering team in this regard." Tang Qianyue smiled.

Although Tang's is a construction company and has undertaken many projects, it is the first time for them to take over major projects such as the harbor city.

According to the ability of their engineering team, it is far from enough, but now Owen has spoken, she is finally completely relieved.

As soon as Tang Qianyue's words came out, the other directors immediately smiled and appreciated Tang Qianyue.

"Hahaha... Who says women are not as good as men? I think our shallow Yue is much better than ordinary men in both courage and ability."

"Tang Shi has shallow Yue. We can rest assured of your leadership."

"Mr. Tang still has vision and has been recommending you as president with us."

Hearing these directors' words, Tang Chongchuan's face was as gloomy as ink, and a touch of hatred appeared in his eyes.

He couldn't help being angry and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute." at this time, Qin Mu finally spoke.

Tang Chongchuan's stay in the Tang family has always been a disaster. Now that Tang Qianyue's poison has awakened, he has to consider for Tang Qianyue and help her remove some dangerous existence around her.

Tang Chongchuan is one of them.

If he guessed right, Tang Chongchuan planned to borrow the project of Haigang city to force Tang Qianyue to step down.

"Chu siran, what else do you want to do?" Tang Chongchuan glared at Qin Mu.

"I just heard outside that someone is spreading that Tang's ability to win the harbor city project is because someone bribed the auditor behind his back."

"Mr. Owen happened to be present, so it's better to make it clear, otherwise if all the colleagues outside misunderstood, wouldn't our efforts to the harbor city project be in vain?"

"Of course, it's best to find out the person who bribed."

Qin Mu said with a smile.

Tang Jin's face was very ugly. If it weren't for the presence of too many directors, she would have started to scold in order to maintain dignity.

Just a door-to-door dog, even planned to bully them.

"I don't know who is spreading it. I didn't say it anyway." Tang Chongchuan denied with a grim face.

"Chu Shao, this matter is already clear to everyone anyway. Let's just forget it," said one of the older directors.

People with a clear eye basically know what's going on, but they are all senior executives of the company. It's not good to tear their faces.

"That's not good." Qin Mu glanced.

"This director, if things are done like this, then in the future, other people in the company will spread rumors as soon as they catch something. As directors of the company, why don't you think more about the company?"

Qin Mu said very persistently.

Tang Qianyue didn't want to pursue this matter, but when Qin Mu said so, she suddenly felt that there was no need to be so kind.

She regarded Tang Jin and Tang Chongchuan as relatives, but they never regarded her as relatives.

"In that case, director Tang, let's talk about the matter you came to us to talk about." the director said again just now.

"There's nothing to say." Tang Jin shouted and stared at everyone angrily.

"What are you talking about? With Tang Qianyue's ability, do you really think she can win the harbor city project by herself?"

"What if you win it? Don't forget, just now you heard that Tang Qianyue offended the Zhong family. Now even if you win ten harbor city projects, you can't resist the Zhong family's revenge."

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