"Stop it, it's bad to be seen." Tang Qianyue said with red cheeks.

A woman's shy appearance has a suffocating charm.

Qin Mu held out his hand and grabbed Tang Qianyue's waist.

"Chu siran, what are you doing..." Tang Qianyue was startled, and his body was a little uncontrollable and soft.

From small to large, she has never had such close contact with a man.

Her pretty face flushed and her hands pressed Qin Mu's chest to push him away.

"Let go, this is in the company, you, you don't..." Tang Qianyue panicked and said with a rapid heartbeat.

Based on her usual understanding of Qin Mu, she thought she would let Qin Mu go as soon as she said.

However, this time she was wrong. Qin Mu not only didn't let go, but felt the big hands around his waist more restless and directly pulled her into his arms.

Finished... Tang Qianyue thought nervously.

This man must be a beast

The two bodies were just hugged together, and Qin Mu could even clearly hear Tang Qianyue's heartbeat.

"Not in the company, but at home?"

Tang Qianyue's heart was like a deer bumping. He put his hands on Qin Mu's chest and looked at him nervously.

Seeing the hot eyes in the man's eyes, Tang Qianyue's eyes filled with panic, grievance, shyness and so on.

However, these emotions made her feel a pleasure of being conquered, which made her addicted to it.


Before Tang Qianyue finished his words, he felt that he was held horizontally. Then, there was a crack on the floor glass of the office.


An untimely heavy gunshot rang out, and the bullet penetrated a few centimeters thick glass wall and shot into the wall of the office.

A bullet passed Tang Qianyue. If Qin Mu didn't react quickly and picked up Tang Qianyue, I'm afraid that bullet would directly hit Tang Qianyue in the heart.

Tang Qianyue turned his head to the pierced glass wall and asked in horror, "what's going on?"

Qin Mu's eyes coagulated and pulled Tang Qianyue behind the wall. His face coagulated and said, "don't move, there's a sniper."

It seems that the Zhong family is finally going to take action.

He is not afraid of the action of the Zhong family. What he is afraid of is that the Zhong family has not acted.

Tang Qianyue's pretty face changed as soon as he heard of a sniper. She knows what that means.

Qin Mu opened the window and looked out. His eyes swept around. He saw a flash of silver on the roof of an office building opposite him.

It's Yinlin.

Qin Mu calmly closed the window and Yinlin appeared, so the other party could not survive.

"Who are you..." on the rooftop of the building opposite Qin Mu, a man dressed as a cleaner had his hands and tendons cut off by a sharp weapon. He knelt powerlessly on the ground and looked in horror at the woman standing in front of him in a silver robe.

He was a famous sniper in the state of Xia. Originally, he thought he had just received an ordinary assassination. However, he just fired a shot and was found.

"I'm Bai impermanent, and I'm here to ask for my life," said Yin Lin with a joking smile.

"Come on, what did the man who hired you ask you to do?"

Yinlin played with each other's mobile phone, found each other's employer and sent a message.

"Kill if you want. Why so much nonsense." he has never seen such a powerful man before. He already knows that he can't escape death today.

"Tut Tut, in that case, I'll help you." a silver thread suddenly flew out of the wrist.


The silver thread directly cuts each other's neck and returns to Yinlin's wrist without blood.

"People like you still want to deal with my boss?"

With that, her robe moved, and the whole person disappeared in place.

The body on the roof turned into a pool of blood with her departure.

After Qin Mu closed the window, his mobile phone received a message. Qin Mu looked at it and replied two words.

"Chu siran, how's it going?" Tang Qianyue stood behind the wall and asked in horror.

"It's all right." Qin Mu walked over and patted her on the shoulder.

"What to do now?" Tang Qianyue was a little flustered. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

"It's all right, but for the sake of safety, don't come to work these two days and have a good rest at home." Qin Mu said.

At home, Yinlin can better protect Tang Qianyue.

"OK." Tang Qianyue's face was pale. If Chu siran hadn't been there just now, I'm afraid she would have died.

"The Zhong family sent someone to do it." Tang Qianyue asked.

Unexpectedly, the scene in the film actually happened in reality, and it still happened to me.

"Yes." Qin Mu nodded definitely.

He just received a message from Yinlin, which said that this person was the sniper found by the Zhong family, and the Zhong family also sent others, some of whom were still killers on the killer list.

He underestimated the clock family.

"Shall we call the police?" Tang Qianyue asked in panic.

"We can't call the police now. If the police participate, it will only make things more complicated." Qin Mu shook his head.

Once the police are involved in this matter, it will make their situation worse.

"Don't worry, there's me," Qin Mu said.

If he wasn't worried about whether there were other forces behind the Zhong family, he might directly let Lu Fei do it.

However, if we act rashly now, it is likely to threaten the Tang family and others.

"Yes, the Zhong family has a profound background. The Zhong family in Haicheng has only one vein of Zhong Qingmu, while in other cities, the Zhong family has other forces. Moreover, I vaguely remember that Zhong Baihai said that someone from the military is also supporting the Zhong family." Tang Qianyue said gritting his teeth.

Qin Mu looked at the glass wall pierced by bullets and said, "don't worry, let me deal with this matter."

The shot just aimed at Tang Qianyue, that is to say, the people of the Zhong family planned to kill Tang Qianyue.

Now that you have made such a plan, don't blame him for being rude.

"Chu Si ran."

Tang Qianyue looked at Qin Mu and his eyes were like a shining sea of stars, which made Qin Mu stunned for a moment.

"Thank you."

Qin Mu returned to his senses and couldn't help laughing. "Fool, you're my wife. What can I thank you for?"

Tang Qianyue just smiled and immediately rejoiced that he had always been not too bad for Chu siran.

At this time, a rapid knock on the door broke the ambiguous atmosphere flowing between them.

Outside the door, it was one of the bodyguards invited by Tang Qianyue.

As soon as the bodyguard saw the bullet hole in the glass wall, he immediately said, "Miss Tang, I'm sorry, this time it's our fault. Xiao a has gone to the opposite rooftop to check the situation. If you're all right."

With that, he looked at Qin Mu meaningfully.

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