The man in front of him suddenly brought a huge sense of threat to the red ghost, a strong breath he had never felt, which made him unable to move in an instant.

However, it is only an instant.

Immediately, he drank fiercely, "boy, you still want to play Yin for me. Die."

With that, he shook his hands quickly and sent out countless palms from his hands to attack Qin Mu.

The scene was like a picture of a fantasy novel. If someone was present, he would be shocked by the imagination in front of him.

The palms from the red ghost's hands are extremely dense, like the momentum of thousands of troops and horses, covering Qin Mu everywhere.

At this time, Qin Mu frowned slightly and was also shocked by the martial arts skills used by the red ghost.

It's not difficult for him to break this palm. The difficulty is that he obviously feels that the poison in his body is ready to move. Once he moves his Qi, the poison is bound to attack.

Surrounded by the shadow of the palm, Qin Mu is like a boat in the rough waves. He can't escape the devouring of the shadow of the palm.

At this time, Qin Mu suddenly moved.

Instead of retreating, he walked forward facing the palm shadow all over the sky, allowing the palm shadow to hit him hard.

Pa. Pa. PA!

For a moment, Qin Mu was hit with more than a dozen palms, his skin was torn open, and blood flowed out of his mouth.

The red ghost thought he had seriously injured Qin Mu, and Zhang began to laugh.

"Boy, today I'll show you the strength of martial arts master level."

The red ghost said, his palm turned quickly again, and more palms came out of his hands.

"Bang bang!"

This time, countless palms fell into the lake behind Qin Mu, shaking countless water sprays.

However, such a serious injury didn't stop Qin Mu. Instead, he showed a smile of being ready to help.

At the same time, a silver needle suddenly flew out of Qin Mu's hand. The silver needle disappeared after a touch of forest cold in the night.

The red ghost's palm kept turning. When he realized that the silver needle was about to stab him on the door, it was too late to avoid.


The action in the red ghost's hand suddenly stopped, and his eyes stared at Qin Mu with horror and disbelief.

Anyway, he couldn't believe that he would be slandered by the other party, and he still used an insignificant silver needle.


Then he fell back and fell into the lake behind him.

Until the last moment, he didn't understand how he was killed.

Qin Mu saw the red ghost fall down, and he was powerless to kneel down. The whole person had collapsed and exhausted.

He closed his eyes and exhausted his Qi to suppress the poisonous insects in his body.

This battle made him more determined to find a way to solve the blood evil Gu. Otherwise, even the martial arts cultivator at the master level felt hard, not to mention his sworn enemy.

The battle between Qin Mu and the red ghost lasted less than five minutes, so they didn't attract the attention of others in the park. However, within these five minutes, they destroyed the Huxin Pavilion and the small bridge beyond recognition.

After Qin Mu adjusted his breath, he was ready to go out of the park.

However, as soon as his eyes turned, he quickly locked in a small forest on the right side of the small lake.


In the grove, the young man was shocked to death when he saw the red ghost being killed.

He is the apprentice of the red ghost. He came to Haicheng this time to serve the red ghost.

This time he came to Xianghai Park and begged the red ghost to let him watch the war.

Originally, when the red ghost showed his palm, he was sure that Qin Mu would die.

But he never dreamed that in the end, Qin Mu only used a silver needle to kill his master.

He thought his master's strength was invincible in the world, and the strength of the young man in front of him could only be described as terror.

He was terrified and wanted to escape, but he found that his legs had no strength.

Qin Mu came to her in an instant, covered with blood, and appeared in front of him like a fierce ghost.

"Ah..." the young man was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground and shivered all over.

"Spare... Spare my life..." he was so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to lie, and begged for mercy with a sad face.

Qin Mu's face was expressionless. His five fingers in his right hand became claws and grabbed at his neck like a strong wind.

"Don't kill me..." the young man closed his eyes in horror.

Qin Mu's hand held the young man's neck. He wanted to kill the man directly, but on second thought, he changed his mind.

"Who are you?" Qin Mu asked.

"Apprentice, apprentice..." the young man trembled and said.

"No wonder."

No wonder they just saw the battle between them, but they didn't make any frightened sound.

He wanted to kill this man directly, but he had killed the red ghost and simply left this man alive. After all, he is now an enemy of the seven pavilions. Anyway, someone has to send a message.

Qin Mu grinned coldly, "go back and tell your boss that if you still want to take my life, you can do it anytime! As long as you can afford..."

The young man was frightened by Qin Mu's strong anger, and he said incoherently, "yes... I, I will tell you!"

Qin Mu snorted coldly, and the five fingers of his right hand became claws and grabbed at the young man's arm like a strong wind.


There was a brittle sound of broken bones, and the young man's arm was directly unloaded.


The shrill scream was loud all over the grove at night.

The young man's arm bones were directly crushed, and the great pain almost made him faint.

After finishing these, Qin Mu was above his body and disappeared into the night.

In the Audi at the gate of the park, Tang Qianyue's whole heart mentioned her voice, especially when she heard the scream from the park, she began to tremble all over.

The Zhong family's affair started because of her, but now she has implicated Chu siran.

For Chu siran, she has only slowly felt guilty and owed.

If anything happens to chusran, she really can't forgive herself.

She wanted to get out of the car to check, but as soon as she put her hand on the doorknob, she retracted.

She can't do anything by herself. If she really goes to him, I'm afraid it will only drag people back.

She closed her eyes and prayed piously that Qin Mu was all right.

At this time, not only was she worried about Qin Mu, but also Yinlin standing in a tree not far away.

She knew Qin Mu's physical condition, and just now she could feel that the strength of the people fighting with Qin Mu was also very strong.

She wanted to go into the park to check the situation, but she held back when she thought of Qin Mu's explanation.

"What's so good about this woman? She deserves the boss's love." Yin Lin frowned and looked at Tang Qianyue in the Audi with some dissatisfaction.

In less than a minute, a dark shadow suddenly flashed outside the Audi, which startled Tang Qianyue who had just opened his eyes.

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