Because it matters, the armed police search for the whole building is almost detailed to the cracks in the wall. However, there are still no clues.

First floor, no sign.

On the second floor, I didn't find

I didn't find it until the top floor.

The first armed police team originally planned to search according to Qin Mu's footprints on the first floor. However, it was strangely found that the footprints on the first floor only lasted more than ten steps, and then disappeared.

Seeing this phenomenon, the armed police who searched took a breath.

"Did this man have wings? How could he disappear out of thin air?" one of the armed police said in horror.

They have also heard many strange stories. However, this matter really makes them feel very strange.

Yan Cheng went downstairs and waited for his report. However, every time he heard a report, his face was more ugly.

It has been searched for more than half an hour, but no hair has been found.

"Captain, we have found some clues from the nearby surveillance." a voice came from Yan Cheng's pager.

Yan Cheng's eyes brightened and immediately said, "bring it right away."

After watching the surveillance video, Yan Cheng frowned.

He looked back and forth several times and said solemnly, "go and find out who the man who was racing."

In the monitoring, it was the picture of Qin Mu turning into the factory path with his motorcycle. Just because the speed was too fast, Yan Cheng could only see the shadow passing by, and could not see each other's face at all.

But as long as he has this clue, it's enough for him to find someone.

However, he did not intend to let the search inside the building go, and still continued to let people search for other clues.

"Captain, in this case, maybe we can only wait for the autopsy results. Do you think the gangsters drugged these people in advance, so they didn't have the ability to resist, so they were easily killed." another armed police officer said next to Yan city.

Yan Cheng didn't think about it, so he shook his head and denied it.

"No way. There are very obvious signs of fighting at the scene, so it can't be drugged in advance."

If the drug is administered in advance, there can be no obvious signs of fighting at the scene.

The armed police officer took a breath, with incredible words in his eyes. He was so surprised that he couldn't speak.

"Surround here and send someone to guard here. Let's stop the team first." Yan Cheng took a deep breath and said.

The matter was so big that he guessed that the superior would certainly intervene in it.

Just now, he had received the news that Zhong Youzheng had come to Haicheng.

It's no wonder that Zhong Baihai couldn't sit idly by when such a big thing happened.

In the hospital, Su Lingxue frowned after receiving the phone call and said to Tang Ningxi that if there were any special circumstances, she would contact her immediately and leave in a hurry.

She didn't know what her grandfather was in such a hurry to find her. This situation made her feel a little uneasy.

When Su Lingxue came downstairs, Sheng Changhong was already waiting for her downstairs.

The black red flag car is not high-profile, but the license plate with red 8886 is not easy to ignore.

Su Lingxue looked deeply at the sight of the car.

His grandfather has always kept a low profile. He rarely drives out of the country's car.

Except for what happened!

"Grandpa." when she opened the door, Su Lingxue's heart jumped again when she saw Sheng Changhong's clothes.

He wore a military uniform and a military cap, which his grandfather only wore in the army.

"Get in the car." Sheng Changhong nodded, and his face returned to its usual depth and seriousness.

When she got on the bus, Su Lingxue didn't even breathe smoothly. Such a tense atmosphere made her feel like she was back when she was a child.

When he was a child, once he met state affairs, his grandfather's face would show the present look.

"Grandpa, what happened?" Su Lingxue asked tentatively.

"Zhong Youzheng has come to Haicheng." Sheng Changhong's tone is indifferent. However, a trace of dignity can still be seen on his face.

Hearing the words of Zhong Youzheng, Su Ling's heart sank.

No one knows what happened better than her.

Zhong Youzheng must have come for the sake of Zhong Baihai.

If Zhong Youzheng comes forward in this matter, Qin Mu will definitely accept legal sanctions in this matter unless his status is higher than Zhong Youzheng.

"Zhong Baihai has an accident. You know what's going on." Sheng Changhong didn't look at Su Lingxue, but said firmly.

"Grandpa," said Su Lingxue, with a trace of pleading in her eyes.

"Do you know the real identity of the other party?" Sheng Changhong asked.

Su Lingxue was stunned, "I don't know."

She also just knew that Chu siran was not Chu siran, but Qin Mu.

She was even more confused about Qin Mu's identity.

"His identity is not simple, otherwise the people above would not directly come to me and let me see Zhong Youzheng." Sheng Changhong sighed and said.

"Grandpa, who asked you to see Zhong Youzheng?" Su Lingxue was even more confused at this time.

It made her feel more and more complicated.

"Today, little God," Sheng Changhong said slowly.

Su Lingxue suddenly widened her eyes and took a deep breath.

Today's little god is not the eldest son of God?


"Chu siran, a son-in-law who comes to the door, has a friendship with today's little God. It's really hard to understand." Sheng Changhong shook his head and lost his smile.

He only learned the name of Chu siran today. The result of investigation is that Chu siran is a door-to-door son-in-law who broke down his family and died and finally joined the Tang family. And before the wind rating was very poor, it was almost a useless waste.

However, who knows, this worthless man is a friend of today's little God.

Moreover, it is not a waste at all, but an expert who can cut more than 100 people with one person's strength

"So, Grandpa, did God let you protect Chu siran this time?" Su Lingxue asked.

Now she doesn't know whether her grandfather knows Chu siran's true identity.

The little God, who really wants to save, is Chu siran or Qin Mu.

Su Lingxue only feels that her brain is a little inadequate.

No wonder Qin Mu killed so many people, but he didn't worry about whether he would be punished by the law.

"Yes." Sheng Changhong sighed helplessly.

Along the way, Su Lingxue and Sheng Changhong didn't talk anymore, but they thought about each other.

Su Lingxue thought about the various manifestations of Qin Mu during this period of time.

Sheng Changhong is thinking about how to solve this matter in the end.

General Hospital of Haicheng military region.

Zhong Qingmu knelt in the corridor of the hospital, gritting his teeth, his face gray and ugly.

In front of him stood an old man who was nearly seventy years old, wearing a military uniform and still tall and straight.

The old man's eyes were sharp and powerful.

He just stood, giving people a sense of oppression from the superior.

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