Everyone walked out of the emergency room.

Qin Mu took a deep breath, touched Tang Qianyue's white face and observed her current physical condition.

The previous acupuncture and genuine Qi locked the child Gu in her body. Although the Gu poison continued to attack, it only lasted for a period of time. Now Tang Qianyue's Gu poison began to break free from the shackles of genuine Qi, and there were signs of attack.

Now he can only try to trap the poison in Tang Qianyue's body with fire soul needle. Otherwise, the poison will attack from time to time, which will cause great damage to Tang Qianyue's body.

But this is only a delaying measure. It is most important to find a way to expel the blood evil insects as soon as possible.

In fact, Qin Mu himself knew that the doctor said Tang Qianyue had intracerebral hemorrhage. Gu poison attack was very easy to cause intracerebral hemorrhage for Tang Qianyue, an ordinary person, and intracerebral hemorrhage was the most dangerous. Once the central nervous system was damaged, people would fall into a coma and even become vegetative.

"I don't know why, the real Qi in my body will be lost, but now there is no other way, so I can only try to instill the real Qi into her body again." Qin Mu took a deep breath and said to himself dejectedly.

He has lived so many years that there are few times when he feels that he can't do what he wants.

He prepared the silver needle and pushed it gently with his right palm. All the silver needles fell from Tang Qianyue.

Then stretch out the left palm and lead the falling silver needle to the palm.

Then, with a single hand wave, all the silver needles in his hand pierced into each important acupoint of Tang Qianyue's body, and Qin Mu forcibly ran Zhenqi.


Tang Qianyue's head was puffing with white smoke.

Outside the operating room, Tang Ningxi thought more and more that something was wrong, especially when she and Lin Zijun determined the protagonist in the video.

In her impression, Chu siran has always been timid and useless waste, but now it has become so powerful that she has to wonder whether Chu siran is Chu siran.

She was uneasy. She was even more uneasy after seeing Cheng Yichun and Su Lingxue out of the operating room.

She took Su Lingxue's hand, took her aside and looked at her with pleading eyes: "officer Su, can you tell me what happened to my sister before the accident? Is it related to the Zhong family?"

Before that, she only knew that the Zhong family seemed to want to target the Tang family, and her sister was threatened several times by the other party. Otherwise, her grandfather would not let her change the time to go back to school.

"Miss Tang, it might be better for you to ask your sister about it when she wakes up." Su Lingxue replied.

"Then tell me now, what's the difference with my sister?" said Tang Ningxi with a pout.

"You can't think I'm not sensible when I'm young."

Although she is young, it doesn't mean she doesn't know anything.

"Miss Tang, this matter will be handled by adults." Su Lingxue sighed.

She can't tell Tang Ningxi that Qin Mu killed more than 100 people.

This matter, even Tang Qianyue, she felt that she should not be told.

Because the more people know, the harder it is to deal with.

"You..." Tang Ningxi was very helpless, but he had to give up, "even if you don't say it!"

Outside the emergency room, Tang Mingzhong paced back and forth anxiously, looking obviously uneasy.

I don't know why, his heart beat faster, especially after seeing Cheng Yichun and Su Lingxue out of the emergency room.

"Dr. Cheng, you've seen my granddaughter. How is she now?" Tang Mingzhong asked in some confusion.

"Mr. Tang, to tell you the truth, Miss Tang's situation is not very good." Cheng Yichun sighed and said.

"Although Chu Shao's medical skills are excellent, Miss Tang's condition has been repeated. She was out of danger, but it just happened again. Fortunately, Chu Shao came back in time, otherwise I'm afraid Miss Tang will have more problems because of the attack."

In particular, Tang Qianyue has been pricked with a lot of silver needles. In this case, he doesn't know what he should do after his condition breaks out again.

"It's all my fault. When I knew that Xiaoqian and Zhong Baihai had an intersection, I should beat Zhong Baihai and don't get close to Xiaoqian." Tang Mingzhong blamed himself very much.

He also has unshirkable responsibility for this matter from the source.

When Zhong Baihai approached his granddaughter, he should have thought of the impure purpose of the Zhong family.

"Grandpa, how can I blame you for this?" when Tang Ningxi approached, he just heard Tang Mingzhong say such words, and his heart was sad.

It's already this time. In fact, it's meaningless to blame anyone.

Now she just hopes that her sister can wake up as soon as possible.

As for Chu siran's affairs, it's no use for her to investigate and care. If he can really cure his sister, shouldn't she be happy?

The man his sister married was not a worthless waste, but a miracle doctor.

Isn't this a better result?

She just didn't know why, but she felt a sense of loss in her heart.

"Grandpa, my sister will be fine." Tang Ningxi comforted.

"Well, I'm sure Xiao Chu won't let anything happen to your sister." Tang Mingzhong stared at the emergency room with expectation in his eyes.

Just thinking that Chu Si ran killed someone, he began to worry again.

Emergency room.

Qin Mu took back his palm and then ordered several acupoints on Tang Qianyue to seal his Qi.

The continuous output of Qi made him feel dizzy. His throat was sweet and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

After the outbreak of Gu poison, his body was at the end of a powerful crossbow. Forced cultivation and continuous output of Qi made his body overwhelmed again.

He can't even bring up a trace of true Qi now, and his whole body is almost falling apart.

He weakly pushed open the door of the emergency room. Tang Mingzhong and Su Lingxue hurried forward when they saw him.

"How's it going?" Su Lingxue asked.

Qin Mu didn't return. His eyes turned to Cheng Yichun, "bring me paper and pen."

Cheng Yichun took out his pen and paper without any hesitation.

Qin Mu wrote something on it and then handed it to him: "prepare the medicine according to the prescription written above, and feed it twice in the morning and evening until she recovers. Except for the skin injury on her body, she needs to be bandaged and changed, and there is no need for any infusion."

"By the way, transfer her to the top ward."

"Yes." Cheng Yichun quickly replied.

Just looked down at the prescription, he suddenly felt a little confused.

Although he doesn't study traditional Chinese medicine, he also knows that some traditional Chinese medicine can't be mixed, otherwise he can't have the effect of treating diseases, and even lead to poisoning.

Among the prescriptions he saw now, there were several medicines that were mutually exclusive and used a great amount. Such a combination was unheard of.

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